Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020

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????????????????????????????????????????????????? :faceplant:

The last update made by the real cubecraft team was a pretty cool one. But me and a friend have come up with idea's which we have made into a carcrash of a thing.

New wand: Arcane wand

This wand shoots a fireball that hits you like a truck barreling towards you from the wrong side of the road. It's a pretty straight forward wand. Although it has a secondary use being the fact that you can cosplay as Soldier from the hat trading simulator and shooter Team Forteress 2, since you can shoot the fireball at your feet and propel yourself upwards. "Ignore that you can already do this with explosive bow, we don't talk about explosive bow around these parts".
This sweet deal has a 30 second cooldown.


Stuffed turkey half priced

A food comparable with a golden apple. After you eat the fancy cooked chicken deluxe. You instantly regenerate 4 hearts and a dumpster full of saturation. But because you gulped down a full stuffed turkey in a matter of seconds, you walk slower for a bit.

Super bouncy Slime boots

Fall damage????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bounce, bounce, BOUNCE!


Straight from the grim reaper's garage: Scythes!​

Introducing a never heard of weapon. The scythe! The scythe is what you get when you put a sword and an axe in a blender, and CRANK it to max! (Don't do this at home kids).
The default scythe has the following stats:
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
7.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)


Poison scythe​

Poison scythe gives your enemies a bad trip with slight poison and nausea just because I find it funni when my screen goes hOOOooooohhhhhhHOOOOOOOooooohhhHHHOOOOO.
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
5.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)



Lifesteal sword at mcdonalds:
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
5.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)
Healing scythe has a cooldown so it can't be spammed (You know who you are)


Yoink rod but worse but better but worse (greeds edge)​

This makes your opponents get very clumsy and drop an item out of their inventory right above you. Awh thats so cute :3! A random slot gets selected to drop (armor not included in this dlc). This slot can also be empty, so that it's not an instant win against enemies with very little items. Unlike yoink rod, greeds edge has a cooldown.
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
5.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)



They are called scrolls, and have a variety of effects!

Golden apple but you eat it REALLY quickly.​

Golden scroll is what happens when you eat a golden apple so quickly that chunks fly everywhere and hit your teammates. It gives you and your nearby teammates the effects of a golden apple.

Scroll shaped rock 🗿

It's not a scroll. It's just a rock (it does somehow still have magical effects). Upon usage, it turns your body in an indestructiblerock, which makes you unable to move or get damage. You heal a little bit of health but also can't attack. This is great for messing with opponents, regenerating a little bit of health. Or for being a distraction. These effects last for 5 seconds only.

🏳️‍🌈 The rainbow scroll 🏳️‍🌈

Finally, a scroll that supports lgtbq+! (Like everybody should ). This scroll takes some of your lifes so that you can take somebody else's life. When you use it, around about 50% of your health get' used. The more health get's taken, the longer the effects last.


Watch what happens when I use a scroll I don't know​

Frozen scroll hurls a blizzard (no refference here whatsoever) towards your enemy. It's good at hindering the enemy and blocking most projectiles (since it is a falling block, similair to dragon breath wand). It also can be used to extinguish yourself, make a terrain that only people with leather boots can traverse, or to catch your fall. WELCOME TO THE UNDE


Creates a wall for you to use, can be very helpfull when youre in a tough situation, to block people off. Or to use to gain THE HIGHGROUND?????

Thanks for reading, don't forget to like and s


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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
i really like your ideas! the scythes seem a bit op tho. also did you make these gifs and data packs? because that would be some serious dedication for a suggestion!
Yup, i spend a little too long on this lmao, the scythes look very strong since I hit (with the default at least) three times in a row, it has a slightly lower damage output then the diamond sword

Diamond sword has 11.2
Default scythe has 10.5

It looks pretty strong but that is because you get punished more for missing your hits (just like with an axe but to an lesser extend)

But cubecraft can always tweak these stats (if they wanna add them in the first place) idc lmao
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Howdyho! I love these proposed ideas and I’m so happy to see people put so much effort into suggestions again. I do have some points of criticism but don’t worry too much.

New wand: Arcane wand

This wand shoots a fireball that hits you like a truck barreling towards you from the wrong side of the road. It's a pretty straight forward wand. Although it has a secondary use being the fact that you can cosplay as Soldier from the hat trading simulator and shooter Team Forteress 2, since you can shoot the fireball at your feet and propel yourself upwards. "Ignore that you can already do this with explosive bow, we don't talk about explosive bow around these parts".
This sweet deal has a 30 second cooldown.
Firstly, I want to let you know that I absolutely love the model you made! I would say that the explosion damage should be nerfed if implemented, as fireballs tend to deal quite the damage and I’d love to see it used less in combat and more (uniquely) as a “knock players off bridges” or “propel yourself forward” staff. I think it’d be interesting to see some gameplay using this.

Stuffed turkey half priced

A food comparable with a golden apple. After you eat the fancy cooked chicken deluxe. You instantly regenerate 4 hearts and a dumpster full of saturation. But because you gulped down a full stuffed turkey in a matter of seconds, you walk slower for a bit.
Love this idea. It should be possible to get this drop from regular/diamond/food lucky blocks. You’ve really outdone your creativity with all these suggestions. Mad respect.

Straight from the grim reaper's garage: Scythes!​

Introducing a never heard of weapon. The scythe! The scythe is what you get when you put a sword and an axe in a blender, and CRANK it to max! (Don't do this at home kids).
The default scythe has the following stats:
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
7.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)
Considering it is possible to change the different attributes of items and tools in the game, I think the perfect item candidate for this one would be a hoe. This way, the Scythe can be used as per its original use (farming tool) and as a weapon. My reason for suggesting this is partly because it has to do with the fact that currently there are no hoe drops apart from the wooden hoe obtainable through breaking the glitched lucky block.

I’d say kick down the attack speed to 1.3 and it’s good to go.

Poison scythe​

Poison scythe gives your enemies a bad trip with slight poison and nausea just because I find it funni when my screen goes hOOOooooohhhhhhHOOOOOOOooooohhhHHHOOOOO.
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
5.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)
I’m personally not a fan of this one. Poison is a terrible potion effect to be affected with in a battle, especially when against such a powerful weapon. The user wouldn’t need to switch weapons or anything which causes one side to fight with ease and the opposing party not being able to get away nor protect themselves because poison, as we know, goes through armour.

I’d rather see an item like a “Poison Dagger”: it would be way more balanced, but still prove to be useful and would require more thought-through tactics.


Lifesteal sword at mcdonalds:
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
5.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)
Healing scythe has a cooldown so it can't be spammed (You know who you are)
Hmm… We already have the Lifesteal Sword in overpowered mode. I personally think that this would completely cancel out the fact that this functionality is only available in OP mode. In addition, as I mentioned above - about the Poison Scythe - the weapon would prove to be way too effective and there’s no way to get around it. I personally think this one isn’t that good of an idea.

Yoink rod but worse but better but worse (greeds edge)​

This makes your opponents get very clumsy and drop an item out of their inventory right above you. Awh thats so cute :3! A random slot gets selected to drop (armor not included in this dlc). This slot can also be empty, so that it's not an instant win against enemies with very little items. Unlike yoink rod, greeds edge has a cooldown.
1.4 attack speed (1.6 on swords for scale)
5.5 attack damage (7 on diamond sword for scale)
I love the idea for this item, but wouldn’t it be way cooler as a custom enchantment? The name already sounds more like it’s meant as an enchantment name rather than a weapon. Besides, this way, you’re able to apply the enchantment to any weapon of your choosing.

Also, a proposal of mine: (Especially,) if it were implemented as an enchantment, I think it’d be better to nerf it to a certain % chance to take a random item out of their inventory, since if the weapon or the enchantment has a chance to take out an item every single hit, it’d be way too overpowered.

So my idea would be to either make it an enchantment and nerf it to a certain % chance, or make it a weapon with very low durability (like 10-15) and make it drop as a rainbow lucky block drop.

Here, I’ll very quickly go over the scrolls etc and what I think of each.

Also, a short question: Are the scrolls a one use thing or can they be used more than once? I assume they’re a one time use, but I could very well be mistaken.

Golden Scroll
I love the Golden Scroll idea. My suggestion would be to rename it to “Scroll of the Golden Appetizer“ though, sounds way cooler and more accurate to its effects!

Scroll-shaped Rock
I think it’d be better to keep all of the scroll-ish ideas in the same theme to make it easier to understand for players, in the same way wands will always have ‘X Wand’ in the name. A name proposal would be “Scroll of the Rock” and allow it to actually decrease knockback resistance significantly as well, just like netherite armour does, though, of course, only whilst the effect lasts.

Rainbow Scroll
It’s very thoughtful of you to include your description and I respect it a lot, but I don’t really understand where exactly the name comes from when I place the name and its functionality next to each other. Perhaps “Scroll of the Double-Edged” works better, or something alike? I love its functionality though, but perhaps strength should be removed entirely from it. Seems a little… overpowered. :P

Frozen Scroll
“Scroll of the Frostbitten”? I hate to constantly want to change up your suggestion, as it’s genuinely great and really appreciated, so I hope you don’t mind! I love this one though, so I’ve got nothing else to say about it.

Instant Wall
Perhaps it should be simplified to a flat 3(h)x5(w) wall and have a very short build-up animation, but I love the idea!

I hope you don’t mind the skeptical criticism. I promise I mean well! Again want to mention that I love the overall suggestion thread and the effort put into it!
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Howdyho! I love these proposed ideas and I’m so happy to see people put so much effort into suggestions again. I do have some points of criticism but don’t worry too much.

Firstly, I want to let you know that I absolutely love the model you made! I would say that the explosion damage should be nerfed if implemented, as fireballs tend to deal quite the damage and I’d love to see it used less in combat and more (uniquely) as a “knock players off bridges” or “propel yourself forward” staff. I think it’d be interesting to see some gameplay using this.

Love this idea. It should be possible to get this drop from regular/diamond/food lucky blocks. You’ve really outdone your creativity with all these suggestions. Mad respect.

Considering it is possible to change the different attributes of items and tools in the game, I think the perfect item candidate for this one would be a hoe. This way, the Scythe can be used as per its original use (farming tool) and as a weapon. My reason for suggesting this is partly because it has to do with the fact that currently there are no hoe drops apart from the wooden hoe obtainable through breaking the glitched lucky block.

I’d say kick down the attack speed to 1.3 and it’s good to go.

I’m personally not a fan of this one. Poison is a terrible potion effect to be affected with in a battle, especially when against such a powerful weapon. The user wouldn’t need to switch weapons or anything which causes one side to fight with ease and the opposing party not being able to get away nor protect themselves because poison, as we know, goes through armour.

I’d rather see an item like a “Poison Dagger”: it would be way more balanced, but still prove to be useful and would require more thought-through tactics.

Hmm… We already have the Lifesteal Sword in overpowered mode. I personally think that this would completely cancel out the fact that this functionality is only available in OP mode. In addition, as I mentioned above - about the Poison Scythe - the weapon would prove to be way too effective and there’s no way to get around it. I personally think this one isn’t that good of an idea.

I love the idea for this item, but wouldn’t it be way cooler as a custom enchantment? The name already sounds more like it’s meant as an enchantment name rather than a weapon. Besides, this way, you’re able to apply the enchantment to any weapon of your choosing.

Also, a proposal of mine: (Especially,) if it were implemented as an enchantment, I think it’d be better to nerf it to a certain % chance to take a random item out of their inventory, since if the weapon or the enchantment has a chance to take out an item every single hit, it’d be way too overpowered.

So my idea would be to either make it an enchantment and nerf it to a certain % chance, or make it a weapon with very low durability (like 10-15) and make it drop as a rainbow lucky block drop.

Here, I’ll very quickly go over the scrolls etc and what I think of each.

Also, a short question: Are the scrolls a one use thing or can they be used more than once? I assume they’re a one time use, but I could very well be mistaken.

Golden Scroll
I love the Golden Scroll idea. My suggestion would be to rename it to “Scroll of the Golden Appetizer“ though, sounds way cooler and more accurate to its effects!

Scroll-shaped Rock
I think it’d be better to keep all of the scroll-ish ideas in the same theme to make it easier to understand for players, in the same way wands will always have ‘X Wand’ in the name. A name proposal would be “Scroll of the Rock” and allow it to actually decrease knockback resistance significantly as well, just like netherite armour does, though, of course, only whilst the effect lasts.

Rainbow Scroll
It’s very thoughtful of you to include your description and I respect it a lot, but I don’t really understand where exactly the name comes from when I place the name and its functionality next to each other. Perhaps “Scroll of the Double-Edged” works better, or something alike? I love its functionality though, but perhaps strength should be removed entirely from it. Seems a little… overpowered. :P

Frozen Scroll
“Scroll of the Frostbitten”? I hate to constantly want to change up your suggestion, as it’s genuinely great and really appreciated, so I hope you don’t mind! I love this one though, so I’ve got nothing else to say about it.

Instant Wall
Perhaps it should be simplified to a flat 3(h)x5(w) wall and have a very short build-up animation, but I love the idea!

I hope you don’t mind the skeptical criticism. I promise I mean well! Again want to mention that I love the overall suggestion thread and the effort put into it!
Thanks for your reply :D
i agree with you on the arcane wand, the fireball is a little bit too powerfull. I tried experimenting with the fireball having a power of 1 instead of 2 but that felt very underwhelming. I also get the other points you made, I'm probably gonna change them in the build i have for them right now (apart from removing the scrolls cus I spend alot of time on them lmaooooo).

IF the cubecraft team is gonna add any scrolls or scythes or something they probably would make some adjustments (like the ones you sugested) to make them fit in more with the other stuff in there :D
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