Hello CubeCrafters!
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we hosted a community competition. Today, we're here to announce the winners!
Thanks to everyone who entered our anniversary competition, was great seeing all of the different types of content! - If you want to enter another, we're hosting a Backrooms Selfie competition now on our Discord!
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we hosted a community competition. Today, we're here to announce the winners!

Funniest Creation 

Love the way that Cubie is in a mecha suit!
For 5 minutes, you made something pretty fun & cool :)
Most Reacted to Creation 

Cam was very salty about this.
Very cute and colourful, also a really nice build!
Most Unique Creation 

Looks awesome!
Recreating the CubeCraft office 

Most Artistic Creation 

This is an epic pixel art animation!
Best Ingame Creation 

Rubik is in Skyblock!
An awesome build!
Honourable Mention 

The amount of time and effort put into this video and build is insane, you deserve the honour mention!