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Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
DISCLAIMER: This ranking is completely based off of my own opinion. There is nothing official about this list, unless you think I am official, which is a much appreciated compliment <3

Pillars of Fortune - Item Rating

Pillars of Fortune is a temporary game where you are handed random items of the game. These items vary from weapons to blocks to totally useless stuff. The list of possible items is really big, so it would be nice if someone could list them all, but instead today I am not only going to list them, but also order them in a way that I personally think is from most useful to most useless. If I forgot any of the items or you have a completely different opinion about the matter, let me know!

I ordered all blocks in four categories. Gear, Blocks, Consumables and miscellaneous. Gear contains all weapons, armour and spawn eggs. Blocks is anything that can be placed and does not fall under miscellaneous in gear. Consumables will contain all food and all items used to craft food (such as a bowl). Miscellaneous will cover all the items not covered in any of the other categories. This way, it is easier for me to compare items, as it is more difficult to compare a diamond sword to a golden apple.

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.
Elytra - Arguably the best item of the game. Being able to just build up, fly by and knock everyone down without risking anything yourself, it is insane.
Totem of Undying - By far the most reliable item to clutch with, also knowing you can put them in your off-hand, meaning you can still clutch on your own pillar.
Pufferfish Spawn Egg - Impossible to hit due to their hitbox and immediately effective. Deals knockback to the player you spawn it on and poisons them at the same time. Greatest mob in the game in my opinion!
Netherite Chestplate/Leggings/Helmet/Boots/Sword/Axe - Too lazy to separate the entire set, but you must feel lucky to get this! Knockback protection makes it way better than Diamond set items!
Netherite Pickaxe/Shovel/Hoe - Still happy for you that you got some netherite stuff, but it is significantly less useful compared to the combat tools mentioned above.
Warden/Ravager/Zoglin/Hoglin Spawn Egg - With the massive amount of health, you can drop it from the top and it still survives. I haven't seen any player beat either, only outrun it. Almost guarantees you a win on a player that dropped down early.
Fishing Rod - Oh oh oh, what a great way to seal the game! This item interferes with the enemies' vision, pulls them to or throws them over the edge or launches them up, giving them a hard time due to gravity.
Trident - Not mentioned enough is how good the trident is. Sure, it is not the strongest weapon, but it still hurts a ton. And even if you receive another sword, you can still use it as a throwable arrow that does a ton of damage.
Shield - Personally, I can't handle a shield at all, but because you don't get knockback while having it up, it is a massive item to get early on.
Diamond Set - My fingers are getting tired already, so its the same order as the Netherite ones above, together with the three tools on the level beneath.
Piglin (Brute)/Vindicator Spawn Egg - These mobs deal a ton of damage quickly, making them the ideal troop to spawn behind someone. Very strong, quick and not too big!
Iron Set - Still good, still an absolute banger of an item to get.
Snow Golem/Iron Golem Spawn Egg - They fight off mobs that might attack you, but even if there are none, you can use them for resources (snowballs/iron). Oh, or let an opponent hit it!
Endermite/Silverfish Spawn Egg - A small hitbox makes it difficult for players to see and dodge or kill them. They give a small knockback, but can be more than enough to knock someone off their pillar.
Turtle Shell - It's as steady as chain, iron and gold, but also gives a water breathing effect. While this will not matter in 99.9% of the cases, you will be happy if you are in a water fight on a pillar and you don't have to go to the side or top for air, where you are much more vulnerable.
Snowball / Egg - Nothing feels better than to get a kill with a snowball, and nothing feels worse than to get killed by an egg. Change my mind.
Creeper Spawn Egg - If you want to win because your opponent got a heart attack, this is the item you need (for legal reasons, this is a joke)
Flint & Steel - Fire is a great way to escape from opponents you are running from, but can also be interesting on the pillars. Scare people away or have them back off, or just throw a TNT on their head!
Slime/Magma Cube Spawn Egg - It really depends on the format of the Cubical mob that spawns, but if it is big, your opponent might be able to scream their last wishes while falling down in the void.
Enderman Spawn Egg - When you are on the bottom platform, you can spawn it to get an ender pearl, and when you are on top, you can hope people look in their eyes and get haunted for the rest of the game. Versatile!
Wolf/Cat Spawn Egg - Potential is huge if tamed, but sadly that is the most difficult part. Wish these were auto-tamed...
Chain Set - It is cool, and you are happy you got this item, but when you look around you, you know you are losing to that guy with the diamond chestplate.
(Elder) Guardian Spawn Egg - They have a good chance of dealing knockback, definitely on 'Slime', where they can hit people while bouncing. Not the most reliable and also can target yourself, but still a valid creature.
Golden Set - Though just a tiny bit worse than Chain, it can still help you a lot when a piglin is spawned on your pillar!
Witch Spawn Egg - One of the strongest troops if you don't expect it to be there. It is hard to place it correctly, but can be a pain in the butt if you don't get rid of it in time. It only needs one poison pot after all...
Polar Bear Spawn Egg - It blocks someone's vision, so they might hit it. However, when hit, this bear can and will kill! If you don't need it, it also drops fish if killed!
Bow / Crossbow - Having an arrow and a bow at the same time is unlikely, but being able to threaten having a bow to other players is still worth something. Players will have to watch out, just in case.
Firework - A weapon that is better on the ground! If someone is going down or going up, you can spawn it under them so they get damage off of the explosion! Also good with elytra and crossbow, but still quite difficult to pull all of that off.
Skeleton/Stray Spawn Egg - This mob normally has aimbot, but seems like it is really bad in this game or this format. When spawned normally, it targets yourself, and any other way to spawn it, it barely does anything. Still has the ability to knock you off though, don't underestimate it.
Pillager/Zombie (Villager)/Drowned/Husk Spawn Egg - Not too fast, not too strong. Can still knock someone off. Overall, nice troop, but not for this game.
Rabbit Spawn Egg - There is a slight chance that your spawned rabbit turns out to be The Killer Bunny, which will attack you violently. Cool Easter Egg (pun intended)!
Horse/Donkey/Llama/Trader Llama Spawn Egg - While sitting on it, you don't take knockback. They can secure you a win in a fight. You can also use it as a lift up onto someone else's pillar. Dismounting them safely is hard though!
Villager/Wandering Trader Spawn Egg - It is unlikely that you are able to trade during the game, but sometimes villagers spawn with good and useful trades. If you also have some emeralds by any chance, you might get something out of this that wins you the game
Shulker Spawn Egg - I find the Shulker difficult to play with. It is unpredictable, but you can use its projectiles to your advantage by flying over. However, these projectiles haunt you, so it might as well kill you while helping...
Wither/Ender Dragon Spawn Egg - Personally, I don't like this item as a whole, because it is so likely to immediately end the game, but as a tool, you are also likely to kill yourself after spawning it. If you know how to avoid that however, you will probably win on demand, which is worth it.
Goat Spawn Egg - The goat just does whatever it feels like. Always watch out when it is near you, it might just YEET! Anyhow, too unpredictable to be actually useful.
Leather Set - Poor soul... It's still better than being naked, right?
Wooden Tools - I felt like this had to be separated from the Leather set, as it is a different material, but it is the same level really.
Cow/Mooshroom/Sheep/Pig/Chicken/Cod/Salmon/Tropical Fish Spawn Egg - The only reason to spawn this mob is to scare your opponents or to get food. Overall not the best to get, but definitely not the worst.
Shears - Spleefing someone with shears while they are on some leaves is probably a clip-worthy kill, but the chance of that happening are too slim of it being useful. Can be used to get blocks of a Sheep though.
Zombified Piglin/Spider/Cave Spider Spawn Egg - You can hope that your enemy hits it, but doesn't hit it off while hitting it. Then and then only this mob is useful in a combat sense, because it is passive overall. I guess you can get string from the spider though.
Sniffer Spawn Egg - It's huge, so it blocks peoples vision temporarily. Might be useful, but haven't seen it being useful myself so far.
Panda/Turtle Spawn Egg - Same category as the Sniffer, just less huge and therefore less useful.
Arrow - As said, it is unlikely you will have both the arrow and a bow in the same game, but if you do it is very epic. Otherwise, in the likely scenario, this item is useless.
Allay/Strider Spawn Egg - I only put these two here and not lower because I hope someone has a clip of that thing being useful. If you have it, let me know!
Ghast/Blaze/Vex Spawn Egg - I have seen almost no one that spawned any of these mobs not die to that mob. You get targeted first almost all of the time because you stand closest to that spot and you have vision on it. There are good uses for sure, but any other mob would do better.
Evoker Spawn Egg - Spawns three vexes almost instantly, so you are dead 3 times as much compared to the vex spawn egg above.
Horse Armour - Even if it is diamond, you will never have the scenario where you have the time to spawn and tame a horse, get a saddle to ride it and have horse armour to protect it, and even if you did it still probably wouldn't matter because of the little space on each map.
Carrot/Warped Fungus on a Stick - Ain't no one gonna ride a pig or strider in the game!
Phantom Spawn Egg - Even though they should attack you, they just hover around while buring to death, because everyone is well slept. Now in real life, go sleep!
Bee/Dolphin Spawn Egg - If you manage to get your enemies to hit this, it might have a tiny bit of effect for you, but it does nothing overall.
Parrot Spawn Egg - Let's say you manage to get this parrot to be your pet with Cacao beans or something, it does nothing. Otherwise it is just as good as a bat, which is down a bit further.
Skeleton Horse/Zombie Horse Spawn Egg - A horse which you can't even sit on. WHATS THE POINT?
Axolotl/Bat/Cat/Frog/Ocelot/Tadpole/Squid/Glow Squid Spawn Egg - Nothing is more useless than these creatures in this gamemode (and sometimes outside. If you voted Glow Squid over any of the other two mobs in that year's mob vote, you deserve to get these spawn eggs to be honest ("bUt thEY lOoK cUtE" I KNOW THEY DO BUT SHHHH)).

A few quick notes: A lot of gear has the same protection but different durability. I just marked everything under set, but detailed you much rather have an iron chestplate than diamond boots of course. The ranking is compared with the other types much more than the protection of each individual item because I was too lazy to compare each individual item. Durability will probably not matter in any game.

Besides that, each tool can be very valuable in different situations. If you play 'Vines' for example, that platform consists for 50% of moss, which can be mined easily with a hoe. Overall, I rated those tools lower because of the amount of situations where they come in handy is slimmer compared to an axe or a sword, which is always good for PvP.

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.​

Hyphae (Normal or Stripped) - Warped and Crimson have to outclass the other wood because of their fire resistance. They are the most versatile blocks in the entire game AND you can craft them into 4 planks, meaning you instantly get a headstart on the other players when you tower up.
Wood (Normal or Stripped) - Obviously, besides fire resistance exactly the same as the one above. Very good stuff.
Crafting Table - This one might be controversial
Diamond Block - There are so many blocks, so to be on top must be controversial no matter what I would've put here. Being able to craft any gear you need feels like on of the best opportunity in any and every situation.
Iron Block - Similar to the Diamond Block, you can craft a lot with this.
Gold Block - I couldn't leave out Gold Block, even though it is worse than the two above, but it is good in combination with the foods!
Hay Bale - Feels good to clutch with a hay bale. Not only a good building block, as it breaks quite easily, but can also be used to negate fall damage and make food! You can't get it more diverse!
Infested Blocks - Breaking them into a silverfish is a funny way to get someone, definitely when you are mining them with your hand. Surprise!
TNT - Not only does it break instantly while mining, making it easy to pick up, but can also be used as a weapon with Fire Charge or Flint & Steel!
(Chipped/Damaged) Anvil - I can only hear *squash* in my head thinking about dropping it on someone's head. Otherwise a great way to go up on your pillar (similar to the Sniffer Egg).
Dried Kelp Block - Similar to Hay Bale, you can build or make food out of this. Upside: you don't need a crafting table for the food. Downside: the food sucks. Otherwise, furnace fuel it!
(Blast) Furnace / Smoker - Significantly less useful compared to a crafting table, but might still help you in a random situation where you get a Block of Raw Iron or something
Block of Raw Iron/Gold / Block of Lapis Lazuli / Block of Netherite - I put all of these blocks in the same category, as it is equally difficult to make use of the blocks, while being almost as rewarding. better than normal blocks though.
Twisted Vine - Good way to break your fall. Together with a lot of bonemeal, you can also make it grow so you can get back onto your pillar!
Bone Block - Can be crafted into bones which can be crafted into bone meal. Good if you need wood to make a sapling grow, to make a vine grow or to spleef someone with grown moss while having a hoe!
Sniffer Egg - It has the exact same height as a normal block, but because the hitbox is a little smaller, you can crouch on the side, making it some sort of crazy stair. A bit above the other blocks due to this functionality!
(Sticky) Piston - Yet another normal block with a small upside. With a lever, button or pressure plate you have two blocks for the price of one!
Wooden Planks - It's the most craftable block in Minecraft, so mentioning it apart from the rest feels in place.
All solid blocks with no special effect* - Everyone just stacks them or builds with them, whether it is glass, leaves, dripstone or concrete.
(Ender/Trapped) Chest - Good building block, just like Sniffer Egg has a tiny space left to stand on the block beneath it, but you have to watch your steps when building a block next to it.
Stairs - As good as normal blocks, with the restriction of not being able to place doors, hanging signs or candles on it. Upside is that you can straight stack onto this from a slab by crouching to the edge.
Iron/Wooden Door - Easy and quick way to go up fast. Big downside is that you can only go up, so it is worthless when you are at building limit.
Bed - Easy way to go forward fast. If you want to make a sideways staircase efficiently, you can put a block on the side of the bed and then break the bed to re-use!
Ladder / Vines - It deserves a clip if you manage to save yourself from falling to death this way, but the convenient use is to go up an already stacked tower.
Enchantment Table - A slab with a possibility on Sharpness on your weapon or Protection on your armour. Unlikely for that to happen, but potential! You can't use it as a top half slab though.
Slabs - Horrible way to stacking up, but great way going forward. No one can jump on you with water, as it goes on the bottom. Extra protection!
Stonecutter / End Table / Daylight Detectors - A slab with barely any use, but also you can't choose to put it on the top or bottom half.
End Rod / Lightning Rod / Chains - Good but unstable way to build in each direction. The ledge is too small to do anything with it, but a block forward is a block forward.
Hanging Signs - Similar use to the three above. Upside: you don't have to go down a bit to stand on it. Downside: They can only go to the sides and you unshift while placing them.
Lectern / Brewing Stand - If these are used in a game, something goes completely wrong. It is just a couple of misshaped blocks that are a danger on the work floor.
Candles - Though small, you can place a block next to you one level higher without jumping by placing it on the side of the candle. Most of the time it is just an annoying block.
Amethyst Bud - You can stand on the side of something with these, but the hitbox is too small to be of any use really. It is possible to build a block on top of the bud so your bridge continues, but that's an inefficient way of bridging.
Button / Tripwire Hook / Lever - Either to activate a TNT, piston or to build a block on it. Inefficient, but has a possibility to save the day.
Signs / Banners / Torches / Sculk Vein / Glow Lichen - All decent blocks, with as only use to build something next or on top of it, just like the button. These however have no extra use.
Flowers - Similar to the three above, you can only us them to build on it. However, you can't place a flower on every block, making it even worse.
(Moss) Carpet - When you made the mistake to use the candle to stack up, Carpet is the only way to help you a tiny bit. However, building on the side of a carpet takes ages, and building on top isn't worth it. Eventually you just end up breaking it again and regretting giving it a shot.
Weeping Vines - Let's say you'd have 10 of them, then you would have a case of this one being useful, but right now it just straight up sucks.
Pressure Plate - If you use this any other way than to activate TNT with, you are insane. This is a bad block with no good use at all.
Turtle Egg - Nothing is as bad as these things. You cannot even jump, as it literally breaks... terrible!

*I undoubtedly missed a couple of blocks that do more than just being a block. Let me know about it!

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.​

Enchanted Golden Apple - Useful in every situation: gives fire resistance for lava, 8 hearts to break your fall and good regen!
Chorus Fruit - The only reliable way to get down safely. Useless in 'Void', but good in every other map.
Golden Apple - Good regen, two extra hearts, but doesn't do as much as the Enchanted version. Great for fights on the platform down though.
Rabbit Stew - One that's easily forgotten: this bowl is one of the most powerful dishes in the game on all areas. Crafting: no-no, but getting it random, heck-yea!
Golden Carrot - Best way to restore your saturation! This is the food you want on the long term
Steak / Cooked Porkchop - Gives a ton of hunger back with a lot of saturation. I value saturation over hunger in a game where you lose so little, hence under the carrot.
Cooked Mutton / Cooked Salmon - Gives a lot of hunger back, but not not as much as Steak or Pork. Would still recommend for dinner.
Cooked Chicken - We gotta be real here, it does the same as the two above, but gives less saturation. Strictly worse but still good!
Mushroom Stew / Beetroot Soup / Suspicious Stew - Even though it gives the same as a Cooked Chicken, I think the bowl taking up a spot after you had it values it less. Note that Suspicious stew does not give effects, therefore is the same as the other stews
Pumpkin Pie - Gives a lot of hunger back but the saturation is really trash. Great alternative if you ran all the way for a ravager or something.
Cooked Rabbit / Cooked Cod / Cooked Potato / Bread - Gives a lot but even littler foor back as well as less saturation than all the cooked options above. Cooked is cooked I guess.
Bucket of Milk - Foodwise, it is bad, but the ability to steal someone elses water, lava or even a pufferfish by obtaining a bucket is worth putting it this high on the list, with the upside of removing a possible poison effect you obtained by fighting that witch.
Honey Bottle - Extremely underrated. Though it gives no saturation, it still gives a lot of hunger back! The bottle that leaves is not that great though
Apple - Good food for quick consumption, but overall just not very great. It is very good in 'Nether' though, with gold blocks in the bottom middle!
Carrot - Not a great option. Does very little, but with only 1 gold you can make a golden carrot, so great potential!
Cake - Even though it can store your full hunger bar instantly, it lasts only seconds. I guess the upside is that you can use it as building block.
Raw Beef / Raw Porkchop / Raw Rabbit - If you are able to cook these, you should, but they still aren't that bad.
Raw Mutton / Melon Slice - These are just bad as food in general, but if you really HAVE to eat something, they are edible. Anything else really is better.
Beetroot - It barely does anything when eaten, but for that little hunger restoration it actually has a pretty decent saturation stat.
Dried Kelp - Even thought the food is bad, it has the massive upside that it is eaten at like 3 times the speed. In a rush? This might do!
Potato - It is only above the bottom category because of the potential to cook it into something that's alright, but for dinner, I'd pass.
Tropical Fish - Unlike the looks, it is safe to eat this fish. It gives a stable hunger back, but the saturation is close to 0.
Warped Fungus - It isn't really food, but still can be massively useful in the specific situation where you are running from a Hoglin. Place it and you should be safe!
Bowl - Just a filler as an item, but if you manage to get two mushrooms (or you pick them up from the ground because someone else didn't have the patience to spare mushrooms), you have really good food
(Brown) Mushroom - I don't have to explain much more than said above.
Raw Cod / Raw Salmon / Sweet/Glow Berries / Cookie - This is a bit of an in-betweener: the food is bad but not as bad as the ones mentioned below. Eat only in emergencies!
Raw Chicken - 30% chance on hunger: Don't gamble your life if it is not needed I guess...
Poisonous Potato - 60% chance on poison: Why would you??
Rotten Flesh - 80% chance on hunger: you're here to embrace the chaos!
Cacao Beans / (Beetroot/Pumpkin/Melon) Seeds / Wheat / Crimson Fungus - Not edible, no one is going to start a farm in the middle of the chaos.
Spider Eye - This just gives you poison. You're not even fast enough if you would have milk, which you probably don't.
Pufferfish - You can't give me ONE good reason to eat this thing, unless you want to return to the lobby. Just type '/hub' mate... Also, you have no time to brew in the game, so don't even dare use that as an argument.

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.​

Bucket of Pufferfish - Best mob in my opinion, as already mentioned, but now with the ability to make it stay alive or to deliver it in water to the people down below.
Bucket of Salmon/Cod/Tropical Fish - Above the Water Bucket class for the sole reason that it also drops food.
Water Bucket / Bucket of Tadpole/Axolotl - A water bucket is amazing in the game. You can clutch yourself while going down, but you can also use it to go up! Game changer.
Enderpearl - One of the best items to support dropping down, going up, running away or a surprise attack!
Lava Bucket - Comes in clutch when you have to burn a pig alive. I'll leave it up to you whether you want to call your opponents a bunch of pigs.
Diamond - Not the best item to get, but if you find two, you're set! Also, a shovel does surprisingly much damage!
Iron Ingot - Similar to the diamond, but it is just worse in general.
Gold Ingot - I wanted to put this lower, but the ability to trade with a piglin that spawned in (I don't know if this is possible. Fact checkers??) or make a golden carrot convinced me to keep it up here.
Milk Bucket - When fighting a witch, you'd be happy to have this item, but otherwise it is similar to the empty bucket down below.
Empty Bucket - Though it isn't great, it is still good to maybe steal someone's water, or at least being able to threaten with it. In 'Nether' you can also turn it into a Lava Bucket pretty easily!
String - Getting a second one through a spider, strider or just by luck from RNG, you can make a fishing rod. One of the better weapons as already described!
(Char)coal - Sure, using a furnace might happen! Most epic use goes with a block of raw iron, but food works too
Experience Bottle - It is unlikely anyone will enchant or repair in the game, but for either you will need XP. It can be obtained in multiple ways, but no way is easier than this!
Raw Iron/Gold - Not a total waste of inventory space, but also not the item you want to see at the start. Smelts into victory.
Lapis Lazuli - It is unlikely that enchanting will ever happen, but wouldn't it be a flex to have a shiny item in your inventory?
Upgrade Template / Netherite Ingot - As you need both, they are the same tier: unlikely to have upgrading an item ever happen in the game, but still worth keeping just in case.
Iron/Golden Nugget - If you have no way of getting more or no motivation to get more, consider dropping it.
Redstone - Please, pretty please, someone, make a cool redstone contraption, clip it and send it to me!
Music Discs - The only useless item I would keep, just in case anyone that wants to keep the piece puts down a jukebox.
Bottle of Glass / ((Lingering) Splash) Potion / Blaze Rod / Blaze Powder - We are never going to brew potions in this game, and the filled potions have no effect anyways.
Dripleaf - Sue me for putting it here instead of in Blocks. Conclusion: never used, never will be used. Trash item.
Dragon's Breath / Ghast Tear / Phantom Membrane / Nether Star - I don't play casual survival with friends, so I wouldn't even know how to use these items IF I were to have all time of the world.
Trim Templates - If you keep these in your inventory, you should disconnect from CubeCraft and start a creative world...

I gotta say, in the end I got lazy, so I didn't list all of the blocks, but I grouped some of them. It might be the case that I will elaborate the categories later on, but for now things like 'seeds' or 'blocks with no special effect' will stay. I will not separate the too similar things or things I rate the same, which are currently split by a slash.

I spend a ton of time on this thing, probably in vein, but I had fun while doing it, that's what matters. Excited to hear your thoughts on any of these takes!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
Great job with the list! My ratings for these items would been around the same if I ever made one.
  • Love
Reactions: Blom


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
Amazing thread, I can see you put a lot of time into it!
Panda/Turtle Spawn Egg - Same category as the Sniffer, just less huge and therefore less useful.
The panda can be aggressive sometimes, as I found out the hard way. I just wanted a friend D:
  • Haha
Reactions: Casualpoalrbear

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
DISCLAIMER: This ranking is completely based off of my own opinion. There is nothing official about this list, unless you think I am official, which is a much appreciated compliment <3

Pillars of Fortune - Item Rating

Pillars of Fortune is a temporary game where you are handed random items of the game. These items vary from weapons to blocks to totally useless stuff. The list of possible items is really big, so it would be nice if someone could list them all, but instead today I am not only going to list them, but also order them in a way that I personally think is from most useful to most useless. If I forgot any of the items or you have a completely different opinion about the matter, let me know!

I ordered all blocks in four categories. Gear, Blocks, Consumables and miscellaneous. Gear contains all weapons, armour and spawn eggs. Blocks is anything that can be placed and does not fall under miscellaneous in gear. Consumables will contain all food and all items used to craft food (such as a bowl). Miscellaneous will cover all the items not covered in any of the other categories. This way, it is easier for me to compare items, as it is more difficult to compare a diamond sword to a golden apple.

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.
Elytra - Arguably the best item of the game. Being able to just build up, fly by and knock everyone down without risking anything yourself, it is insane.
Totem of Undying - By far the most reliable item to clutch with, also knowing you can put them in your off-hand, meaning you can still clutch on your own pillar.
Pufferfish Spawn Egg - Impossible to hit due to their hitbox and immediately effective. Deals knockback to the player you spawn it on and poisons them at the same time. Greatest mob in the game in my opinion!
Netherite Chestplate/Leggings/Helmet/Boots/Sword/Axe - Too lazy to separate the entire set, but you must feel lucky to get this! Knockback protection makes it way better than Diamond set items!
Netherite Pickaxe/Shovel/Hoe - Still happy for you that you got some netherite stuff, but it is significantly less useful compared to the combat tools mentioned above.
Warden/Ravager/Zoglin/Hoglin Spawn Egg - With the massive amount of health, you can drop it from the top and it still survives. I haven't seen any player beat either, only outrun it. Almost guarantees you a win on a player that dropped down early.
Fishing Rod - Oh oh oh, what a great way to seal the game! This item interferes with the enemies' vision, pulls them to or throws them over the edge or launches them up, giving them a hard time due to gravity.
Trident - Not mentioned enough is how good the trident is. Sure, it is not the strongest weapon, but it still hurts a ton. And even if you receive another sword, you can still use it as a throwable arrow that does a ton of damage.
Shield - Personally, I can't handle a shield at all, but because you don't get knockback while having it up, it is a massive item to get early on.
Diamond Set - My fingers are getting tired already, so its the same order as the Netherite ones above, together with the three tools on the level beneath.
Piglin (Brute)/Vindicator Spawn Egg - These mobs deal a ton of damage quickly, making them the ideal troop to spawn behind someone. Very strong, quick and not too big!
Iron Set - Still good, still an absolute banger of an item to get.
Snow Golem/Iron Golem Spawn Egg - They fight off mobs that might attack you, but even if there are none, you can use them for resources (snowballs/iron). Oh, or let an opponent hit it!
Endermite/Silverfish Spawn Egg - A small hitbox makes it difficult for players to see and dodge or kill them. They give a small knockback, but can be more than enough to knock someone off their pillar.
Turtle Shell - It's as steady as chain, iron and gold, but also gives a water breathing effect. While this will not matter in 99.9% of the cases, you will be happy if you are in a water fight on a pillar and you don't have to go to the side or top for air, where you are much more vulnerable.
Snowball / Egg - Nothing feels better than to get a kill with a snowball, and nothing feels worse than to get killed by an egg. Change my mind.
Creeper Spawn Egg - If you want to win because your opponent got a heart attack, this is the item you need (for legal reasons, this is a joke)
Flint & Steel - Fire is a great way to escape from opponents you are running from, but can also be interesting on the pillars. Scare people away or have them back off, or just throw a TNT on their head!
Slime/Magma Cube Spawn Egg - It really depends on the format of the Cubical mob that spawns, but if it is big, your opponent might be able to scream their last wishes while falling down in the void.
Enderman Spawn Egg - When you are on the bottom platform, you can spawn it to get an ender pearl, and when you are on top, you can hope people look in their eyes and get haunted for the rest of the game. Versatile!
Wolf/Cat Spawn Egg - Potential is huge if tamed, but sadly that is the most difficult part. Wish these were auto-tamed...
Chain Set - It is cool, and you are happy you got this item, but when you look around you, you know you are losing to that guy with the diamond chestplate.
(Elder) Guardian Spawn Egg - They have a good chance of dealing knockback, definitely on 'Slime', where they can hit people while bouncing. Not the most reliable and also can target yourself, but still a valid creature.
Golden Set - Though just a tiny bit worse than Chain, it can still help you a lot when a piglin is spawned on your pillar!
Witch Spawn Egg - One of the strongest troops if you don't expect it to be there. It is hard to place it correctly, but can be a pain in the butt if you don't get rid of it in time. It only needs one poison pot after all...
Polar Bear Spawn Egg - It blocks someone's vision, so they might hit it. However, when hit, this bear can and will kill! If you don't need it, it also drops fish if killed!
Bow / Crossbow - Having an arrow and a bow at the same time is unlikely, but being able to threaten having a bow to other players is still worth something. Players will have to watch out, just in case.
Firework - A weapon that is better on the ground! If someone is going down or going up, you can spawn it under them so they get damage off of the explosion! Also good with elytra and crossbow, but still quite difficult to pull all of that off.
Skeleton/Stray Spawn Egg - This mob normally has aimbot, but seems like it is really bad in this game or this format. When spawned normally, it targets yourself, and any other way to spawn it, it barely does anything. Still has the ability to knock you off though, don't underestimate it.
Pillager/Zombie (Villager)/Drowned/Husk Spawn Egg - Not too fast, not too strong. Can still knock someone off. Overall, nice troop, but not for this game.
Rabbit Spawn Egg - There is a slight chance that your spawned rabbit turns out to be The Killer Bunny, which will attack you violently. Cool Easter Egg (pun intended)!
Horse/Donkey/Llama/Trader Llama Spawn Egg - While sitting on it, you don't take knockback. They can secure you a win in a fight. You can also use it as a lift up onto someone else's pillar. Dismounting them safely is hard though!
Villager/Wandering Trader Spawn Egg - It is unlikely that you are able to trade during the game, but sometimes villagers spawn with good and useful trades. If you also have some emeralds by any chance, you might get something out of this that wins you the game
Shulker Spawn Egg - I find the Shulker difficult to play with. It is unpredictable, but you can use its projectiles to your advantage by flying over. However, these projectiles haunt you, so it might as well kill you while helping...
Wither/Ender Dragon Spawn Egg - Personally, I don't like this item as a whole, because it is so likely to immediately end the game, but as a tool, you are also likely to kill yourself after spawning it. If you know how to avoid that however, you will probably win on demand, which is worth it.
Goat Spawn Egg - The goat just does whatever it feels like. Always watch out when it is near you, it might just YEET! Anyhow, too unpredictable to be actually useful.
Leather Set - Poor soul... It's still better than being naked, right?
Wooden Tools - I felt like this had to be separated from the Leather set, as it is a different material, but it is the same level really.
Cow/Mooshroom/Sheep/Pig/Chicken/Cod/Salmon/Tropical Fish Spawn Egg - The only reason to spawn this mob is to scare your opponents or to get food. Overall not the best to get, but definitely not the worst.
Shears - Spleefing someone with shears while they are on some leaves is probably a clip-worthy kill, but the chance of that happening are too slim of it being useful. Can be used to get blocks of a Sheep though.
Zombified Piglin/Spider/Cave Spider Spawn Egg - You can hope that your enemy hits it, but doesn't hit it off while hitting it. Then and then only this mob is useful in a combat sense, because it is passive overall. I guess you can get string from the spider though.
Sniffer Spawn Egg - It's huge, so it blocks peoples vision temporarily. Might be useful, but haven't seen it being useful myself so far.
Panda/Turtle Spawn Egg - Same category as the Sniffer, just less huge and therefore less useful.
Arrow - As said, it is unlikely you will have both the arrow and a bow in the same game, but if you do it is very epic. Otherwise, in the likely scenario, this item is useless.
Allay/Strider Spawn Egg - I only put these two here and not lower because I hope someone has a clip of that thing being useful. If you have it, let me know!
Ghast/Blaze/Vex Spawn Egg - I have seen almost no one that spawned any of these mobs not die to that mob. You get targeted first almost all of the time because you stand closest to that spot and you have vision on it. There are good uses for sure, but any other mob would do better.
Evoker Spawn Egg - Spawns three vexes almost instantly, so you are dead 3 times as much compared to the vex spawn egg above.
Horse Armour - Even if it is diamond, you will never have the scenario where you have the time to spawn and tame a horse, get a saddle to ride it and have horse armour to protect it, and even if you did it still probably wouldn't matter because of the little space on each map.
Carrot/Warped Fungus on a Stick - Ain't no one gonna ride a pig or strider in the game!
Phantom Spawn Egg - Even though they should attack you, they just hover around while buring to death, because everyone is well slept. Now in real life, go sleep!
Bee/Dolphin Spawn Egg - If you manage to get your enemies to hit this, it might have a tiny bit of effect for you, but it does nothing overall.
Parrot Spawn Egg - Let's say you manage to get this parrot to be your pet with Cacao beans or something, it does nothing. Otherwise it is just as good as a bat, which is down a bit further.
Skeleton Horse/Zombie Horse Spawn Egg - A horse which you can't even sit on. WHATS THE POINT?
Axolotl/Bat/Cat/Frog/Ocelot/Tadpole/Squid/Glow Squid Spawn Egg - Nothing is more useless than these creatures in this gamemode (and sometimes outside. If you voted Glow Squid over any of the other two mobs in that year's mob vote, you deserve to get these spawn eggs to be honest ("bUt thEY lOoK cUtE" I KNOW THEY DO BUT SHHHH)).

A few quick notes: A lot of gear has the same protection but different durability. I just marked everything under set, but detailed you much rather have an iron chestplate than diamond boots of course. The ranking is compared with the other types much more than the protection of each individual item because I was too lazy to compare each individual item. Durability will probably not matter in any game.

Besides that, each tool can be very valuable in different situations. If you play 'Vines' for example, that platform consists for 50% of moss, which can be mined easily with a hoe. Overall, I rated those tools lower because of the amount of situations where they come in handy is slimmer compared to an axe or a sword, which is always good for PvP.

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.​

Hyphae (Normal or Stripped) - Warped and Crimson have to outclass the other wood because of their fire resistance. They are the most versatile blocks in the entire game AND you can craft them into 4 planks, meaning you instantly get a headstart on the other players when you tower up.
Wood (Normal or Stripped) - Obviously, besides fire resistance exactly the same as the one above. Very good stuff.
Crafting Table - This one might be controversial
Diamond Block - There are so many blocks, so to be on top must be controversial no matter what I would've put here. Being able to craft any gear you need feels like on of the best opportunity in any and every situation.
Iron Block - Similar to the Diamond Block, you can craft a lot with this.
Gold Block - I couldn't leave out Gold Block, even though it is worse than the two above, but it is good in combination with the foods!
Hay Bale - Feels good to clutch with a hay bale. Not only a good building block, as it breaks quite easily, but can also be used to negate fall damage and make food! You can't get it more diverse!
Infested Blocks - Breaking them into a silverfish is a funny way to get someone, definitely when you are mining them with your hand. Surprise!
TNT - Not only does it break instantly while mining, making it easy to pick up, but can also be used as a weapon with Fire Charge or Flint & Steel!
(Chipped/Damaged) Anvil - I can only hear *squash* in my head thinking about dropping it on someone's head. Otherwise a great way to go up on your pillar (similar to the Sniffer Egg).
Dried Kelp Block - Similar to Hay Bale, you can build or make food out of this. Upside: you don't need a crafting table for the food. Downside: the food sucks. Otherwise, furnace fuel it!
(Blast) Furnace / Smoker - Significantly less useful compared to a crafting table, but might still help you in a random situation where you get a Block of Raw Iron or something
Block of Raw Iron/Gold / Block of Lapis Lazuli / Block of Netherite - I put all of these blocks in the same category, as it is equally difficult to make use of the blocks, while being almost as rewarding. better than normal blocks though.
Twisted Vine - Good way to break your fall. Together with a lot of bonemeal, you can also make it grow so you can get back onto your pillar!
Bone Block - Can be crafted into bones which can be crafted into bone meal. Good if you need wood to make a sapling grow, to make a vine grow or to spleef someone with grown moss while having a hoe!
Sniffer Egg - It has the exact same height as a normal block, but because the hitbox is a little smaller, you can crouch on the side, making it some sort of crazy stair. A bit above the other blocks due to this functionality!
(Sticky) Piston - Yet another normal block with a small upside. With a lever, button or pressure plate you have two blocks for the price of one!
Wooden Planks - It's the most craftable block in Minecraft, so mentioning it apart from the rest feels in place.
All solid blocks with no special effect* - Everyone just stacks them or builds with them, whether it is glass, leaves, dripstone or concrete.
(Ender/Trapped) Chest - Good building block, just like Sniffer Egg has a tiny space left to stand on the block beneath it, but you have to watch your steps when building a block next to it.
Stairs - As good as normal blocks, with the restriction of not being able to place doors, hanging signs or candles on it. Upside is that you can straight stack onto this from a slab by crouching to the edge.
Iron/Wooden Door - Easy and quick way to go up fast. Big downside is that you can only go up, so it is worthless when you are at building limit.
Bed - Easy way to go forward fast. If you want to make a sideways staircase efficiently, you can put a block on the side of the bed and then break the bed to re-use!
Ladder / Vines - It deserves a clip if you manage to save yourself from falling to death this way, but the convenient use is to go up an already stacked tower.
Enchantment Table - A slab with a possibility on Sharpness on your weapon or Protection on your armour. Unlikely for that to happen, but potential! You can't use it as a top half slab though.
Slabs - Horrible way to stacking up, but great way going forward. No one can jump on you with water, as it goes on the bottom. Extra protection!
Stonecutter / End Table / Daylight Detectors - A slab with barely any use, but also you can't choose to put it on the top or bottom half.
End Rod / Lightning Rod / Chains - Good but unstable way to build in each direction. The ledge is too small to do anything with it, but a block forward is a block forward.
Hanging Signs - Similar use to the three above. Upside: you don't have to go down a bit to stand on it. Downside: They can only go to the sides and you unshift while placing them.
Lectern / Brewing Stand - If these are used in a game, something goes completely wrong. It is just a couple of misshaped blocks that are a danger on the work floor.
Candles - Though small, you can place a block next to you one level higher without jumping by placing it on the side of the candle. Most of the time it is just an annoying block.
Amethyst Bud - You can stand on the side of something with these, but the hitbox is too small to be of any use really. It is possible to build a block on top of the bud so your bridge continues, but that's an inefficient way of bridging.
Button / Tripwire Hook / Lever - Either to activate a TNT, piston or to build a block on it. Inefficient, but has a possibility to save the day.
Signs / Banners / Torches / Sculk Vein / Glow Lichen - All decent blocks, with as only use to build something next or on top of it, just like the button. These however have no extra use.
Flowers - Similar to the three above, you can only us them to build on it. However, you can't place a flower on every block, making it even worse.
(Moss) Carpet - When you made the mistake to use the candle to stack up, Carpet is the only way to help you a tiny bit. However, building on the side of a carpet takes ages, and building on top isn't worth it. Eventually you just end up breaking it again and regretting giving it a shot.
Weeping Vines - Let's say you'd have 10 of them, then you would have a case of this one being useful, but right now it just straight up sucks.
Pressure Plate - If you use this any other way than to activate TNT with, you are insane. This is a bad block with no good use at all.
Turtle Egg - Nothing is as bad as these things. You cannot even jump, as it literally breaks... terrible!

*I undoubtedly missed a couple of blocks that do more than just being a block. Let me know about it!

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.​

Enchanted Golden Apple - Useful in every situation: gives fire resistance for lava, 8 hearts to break your fall and good regen!
Chorus Fruit - The only reliable way to get down safely. Useless in 'Void', but good in every other map.
Golden Apple - Good regen, two extra hearts, but doesn't do as much as the Enchanted version. Great for fights on the platform down though.
Rabbit Stew - One that's easily forgotten: this bowl is one of the most powerful dishes in the game on all areas. Crafting: no-no, but getting it random, heck-yea!
Golden Carrot - Best way to restore your saturation! This is the food you want on the long term
Steak / Cooked Porkchop - Gives a ton of hunger back with a lot of saturation. I value saturation over hunger in a game where you lose so little, hence under the carrot.
Cooked Mutton / Cooked Salmon - Gives a lot of hunger back, but not not as much as Steak or Pork. Would still recommend for dinner.
Cooked Chicken - We gotta be real here, it does the same as the two above, but gives less saturation. Strictly worse but still good!
Mushroom Stew / Beetroot Soup / Suspicious Stew - Even though it gives the same as a Cooked Chicken, I think the bowl taking up a spot after you had it values it less. Note that Suspicious stew does not give effects, therefore is the same as the other stews
Pumpkin Pie - Gives a lot of hunger back but the saturation is really trash. Great alternative if you ran all the way for a ravager or something.
Cooked Rabbit / Cooked Cod / Cooked Potato / Bread - Gives a lot but even littler foor back as well as less saturation than all the cooked options above. Cooked is cooked I guess.
Bucket of Milk - Foodwise, it is bad, but the ability to steal someone elses water, lava or even a pufferfish by obtaining a bucket is worth putting it this high on the list, with the upside of removing a possible poison effect you obtained by fighting that witch.
Honey Bottle - Extremely underrated. Though it gives no saturation, it still gives a lot of hunger back! The bottle that leaves is not that great though
Apple - Good food for quick consumption, but overall just not very great. It is very good in 'Nether' though, with gold blocks in the bottom middle!
Carrot - Not a great option. Does very little, but with only 1 gold you can make a golden carrot, so great potential!
Cake - Even though it can store your full hunger bar instantly, it lasts only seconds. I guess the upside is that you can use it as building block.
Raw Beef / Raw Porkchop / Raw Rabbit - If you are able to cook these, you should, but they still aren't that bad.
Raw Mutton / Melon Slice - These are just bad as food in general, but if you really HAVE to eat something, they are edible. Anything else really is better.
Beetroot - It barely does anything when eaten, but for that little hunger restoration it actually has a pretty decent saturation stat.
Dried Kelp - Even thought the food is bad, it has the massive upside that it is eaten at like 3 times the speed. In a rush? This might do!
Potato - It is only above the bottom category because of the potential to cook it into something that's alright, but for dinner, I'd pass.
Tropical Fish - Unlike the looks, it is safe to eat this fish. It gives a stable hunger back, but the saturation is close to 0.
Warped Fungus - It isn't really food, but still can be massively useful in the specific situation where you are running from a Hoglin. Place it and you should be safe!
Bowl - Just a filler as an item, but if you manage to get two mushrooms (or you pick them up from the ground because someone else didn't have the patience to spare mushrooms), you have really good food
(Brown) Mushroom - I don't have to explain much more than said above.
Raw Cod / Raw Salmon / Sweet/Glow Berries / Cookie - This is a bit of an in-betweener: the food is bad but not as bad as the ones mentioned below. Eat only in emergencies!
Raw Chicken - 30% chance on hunger: Don't gamble your life if it is not needed I guess...
Poisonous Potato - 60% chance on poison: Why would you??
Rotten Flesh - 80% chance on hunger: you're here to embrace the chaos!
Cacao Beans / (Beetroot/Pumpkin/Melon) Seeds / Wheat / Crimson Fungus - Not edible, no one is going to start a farm in the middle of the chaos.
Spider Eye - This just gives you poison. You're not even fast enough if you would have milk, which you probably don't.
Pufferfish - You can't give me ONE good reason to eat this thing, unless you want to return to the lobby. Just type '/hub' mate... Also, you have no time to brew in the game, so don't even dare use that as an argument.

On top of the list are the most useful items (in my opinion), on the bottom are the items everyone throws out the moment they get them.​

Bucket of Pufferfish - Best mob in my opinion, as already mentioned, but now with the ability to make it stay alive or to deliver it in water to the people down below.
Bucket of Salmon/Cod/Tropical Fish - Above the Water Bucket class for the sole reason that it also drops food.
Water Bucket / Bucket of Tadpole/Axolotl - A water bucket is amazing in the game. You can clutch yourself while going down, but you can also use it to go up! Game changer.
Enderpearl - One of the best items to support dropping down, going up, running away or a surprise attack!
Lava Bucket - Comes in clutch when you have to burn a pig alive. I'll leave it up to you whether you want to call your opponents a bunch of pigs.
Diamond - Not the best item to get, but if you find two, you're set! Also, a shovel does surprisingly much damage!
Iron Ingot - Similar to the diamond, but it is just worse in general.
Gold Ingot - I wanted to put this lower, but the ability to trade with a piglin that spawned in (I don't know if this is possible. Fact checkers??) or make a golden carrot convinced me to keep it up here.
Milk Bucket - When fighting a witch, you'd be happy to have this item, but otherwise it is similar to the empty bucket down below.
Empty Bucket - Though it isn't great, it is still good to maybe steal someone's water, or at least being able to threaten with it. In 'Nether' you can also turn it into a Lava Bucket pretty easily!
String - Getting a second one through a spider, strider or just by luck from RNG, you can make a fishing rod. One of the better weapons as already described!
(Char)coal - Sure, using a furnace might happen! Most epic use goes with a block of raw iron, but food works too
Experience Bottle - It is unlikely anyone will enchant or repair in the game, but for either you will need XP. It can be obtained in multiple ways, but no way is easier than this!
Raw Iron/Gold - Not a total waste of inventory space, but also not the item you want to see at the start. Smelts into victory.
Lapis Lazuli - It is unlikely that enchanting will ever happen, but wouldn't it be a flex to have a shiny item in your inventory?
Upgrade Template / Netherite Ingot - As you need both, they are the same tier: unlikely to have upgrading an item ever happen in the game, but still worth keeping just in case.
Iron/Golden Nugget - If you have no way of getting more or no motivation to get more, consider dropping it.
Redstone - Please, pretty please, someone, make a cool redstone contraption, clip it and send it to me!
Music Discs - The only useless item I would keep, just in case anyone that wants to keep the piece puts down a jukebox.
Bottle of Glass / ((Lingering) Splash) Potion / Blaze Rod / Blaze Powder - We are never going to brew potions in this game, and the filled potions have no effect anyways.
Dripleaf - Sue me for putting it here instead of in Blocks. Conclusion: never used, never will be used. Trash item.
Dragon's Breath / Ghast Tear / Phantom Membrane / Nether Star - I don't play casual survival with friends, so I wouldn't even know how to use these items IF I were to have all time of the world.
Trim Templates - If you keep these in your inventory, you should disconnect from CubeCraft and start a creative world...

I gotta say, in the end I got lazy, so I didn't list all of the blocks, but I grouped some of them. It might be the case that I will elaborate the categories later on, but for now things like 'seeds' or 'blocks with no special effect' will stay. I will not separate the too similar things or things I rate the same, which are currently split by a slash.

I spend a ton of time on this thing, probably in vein, but I had fun while doing it, that's what matters. Excited to hear your thoughts on any of these takes!
Good job
I think this take from you alot of time
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Jul 18, 2023
I believe a plant pot, Decorated pot, Pottery shards & light block are the only ones missing!

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