Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Dedicated Member
Nov 4, 2019
over there
Starting a new thread about ranks and staff cause all the other ones are outdated.


Member Ranks :

Stone rank is the lowest out of all ranks, being the first rank that you get when first joining the server. This rank is completely free. Stone rank has no access to permissions, voting, name color change, or weekly bonuses, and have a friend slot limit of 10 friends.
Price: Free


Iron Rank
Iron rank is the first upgrade from Stone rank and has access too
-Map Selection
-One Weekly Cubelet
-Name Color Change
15 Exclusive Vanity Items
-Limit of 20 Friend Slots
-Access to the /report command 3 times a day.

-Price at time of post: 5.59 GBP (7.35 USD)

Eggwars Voting Permissions
Item Type:
Health Change: No
Skywars Voting Permissions:
Item Type: No
Throwables: No
Time: No
Kit Selection:


Lapiz Rank

The next upgrade after Iron rank is Lapiz and it has access too
-Map Selection
-Two Weekly Cubelets
-Name Color Change
-22 Exclusive Vanity Items
-Limit of 30 Friend Slots
-Access to the /report command 3 times a day
-Price at time of post: 12.59 GBP (16.56 USD)

Eggwars Voting Permissions:
Item Type: No
Health Change: Yes
Skywars Voting Permissions:
Item Type: No

Throwables: No
Time: Yes
Kit Selection: Yes
Tower Defence Voting Permissions:
Armageddon: Yes
Pricing: No
Gamemode: No


Gold Rank
The third rank after stone and has access too
-Map Selection
-Two Weekly Cubelets and One Bi-Weekly Super Cubelet
-Name Color Change
-30 Exclusive Vanity Items
-Limit of 40 Friend Slots
-Access to the /report command 3 times a day
-Price at time of post: 20.99 GBP (27.62 USD)

Eggwars Voting Permissions:
Item Type:
Health Change: Yes
Skywars Voting Permissions:
Item Type: No
Throwables: Yes
Time: Yes
Kit Selection:
Tower Defence Voting Permissions:
Armageddon: Yes
Pricing: Yes
Gamemode: No
Lucky Islands Voting Permissions:
Time: Yes
Game Option: No


Diamond Rank
Diamond rank, the fourth rank upgrade after stone has access to
-Map Selection

-2 Weekly Cubelets and 2 Bi-Weekly Super Cubelets
-Name Color Change
-40 Exclusive Vanity Items
-Limit of 50 Friend Slots
-Access to the /report command 3 times a day
-Price at time of post: 34.99 GBP (46.04 USD)

Eggwars Voting Permissions:
Item Type:
Health Change: Yes
Skywars Voting Permissions:
Chest Type: Yes
Throwables: Yes
Time: Yes
Kit Selection:
Tower Defence Voting Permissions:
Armageddon: Yes
Pricing: Yes
Gamemode: No
Lucky Islands Voting Permissions:
Time: Yes
Game Option: Yes


Emerald Rank
Emerald rank which is the 5th rank from Stone rank and has access too
-Map Selection
-2 Weekly Cubelets and 3 Bi-Weekly Super Cubelets
-Name Color Change
-46 Exclusive Vanity Items
-Limit of 75 Friend Slots
-Access to the /report command 3 times a day
-Access to flight in lobbies
-Price at time of post: 62.99 GBP (82.89 USD)

Eggwars Voting Permissions:
Item Type:

Health Change: Yes
Skywars Voting Permissions:
Chest Type: Yes

Throwables: Yes
Time: Yes
Kit Selection:

Tower Defence Voting Permissions:
Armageddon: Yes
Pricing: Yes
Gamemode: No
Lucky Islands Voting Permissions:
Time: Yes
Game Option: Yes
Game Difficulty: Yes


Obsidian Rank
The last and final rank that you can purchase with money, has access too
-Map Selection
-2 Weekly Cubelets, 3 Bi-Weekly Super Cubelets, and one Monthly Uber Cubelet
-Name Color Change
-52 Exclusive Vanity Items
-Limit of 125 Friend Slots
-Access to the /report command 6 times a day
-Access to flight in lobbies
-One time global multiplier
-Price at time of post: 97.99 GBP (128.95 USD)

Eggwars Voting Permissions:[
Item Type: Yes
Health Change: Yes
Skywars Voting Permissions:
Chest Type: Yes

Throwables: Yes
Time: Yes
Kit Selection:

Tower Defence Voting Permissions:
Armageddon: Yes
Pricing: Yes
Gamemode: No
Lucky Islands Voting Permissions:
Time: Yes
Game Option: Yes
Game Difficulty: Yes



Plus rank is a monthly paid subscription-based rank, that adds on to your current rank and can only be bought by iron rank or above. Plus grants you access too
-Unlimited Reports
-Exclusive Loot
Exclusive Kill Messages
-Forum Backgrounds on your Forums Profile
-Chat Emotes
-4 Super Cubelets and 1 Uber Cubelet for each month of being subscribed
-Add 30 friend slots to your current friend slots
-For each vote that you vote, it will receive two votes from you
-Price at time of post: 7 GBP Monthly (9.21 USD)


YouTube Rank
Youtube rank is a specific rank that grants content-creators special perks in return for making videos about Cubecraft.
Requirements to receive Youtube rank:
Minecraft Video Creators(Youtube): 30,000+ Subscribers
Minecraft Streamers(Twitch or Mixer): 10,000+ Followers

Gaming Video Creators(Youtube): 90,000 Subscribers
Gaming Streamers(Twitch or Mixer): 20,000 Followers
(Have to have some Minecraft related content)

Youtube rank has access too
-All Obsidian Perks
-Access to /nick command
-Access to all vanity items


Staff Ranks :


Helper, is essentially the trainee and it is a step behind moderator, designer, 2 steps behind Administrator, and 3 steps behind Management. During the time when a player is a Helper he will be trained and taught on how to properly use his commands and permissions and how to handle difficult people. You must be 15 years or older to apply for Helper.

Helper has access too:
-Obsidian Perks
-Plus Perks
-Lock Threads
-Kick People(Correct me if wrong)
(Need help, what permissions does helper have.)


Moderator and Sr. Moderator
To achieve Moderator, you should have been a Helper before, gone through the proper training, and the admins think you are appropriate for the job, you will be promoted to a Moderator. A Moderator's job is to monitor the Forums and In-Game, they should also have adequate communication skills. If a moderator excels at his job and has been a moderator for a lengthy amount of time, he will be promoted to a Sr. Moderator.

Moderator has access too:
-Obsidian Perks
-Plus Perks
-Lock Threads
-Move Threads
-Delete Threads
-Kick Players
-Ban Players
-Mute Players


A developer's job is to create all the plugins, software for the server to run. You must be 16 or higher to apply for the Developer position.

Developer has access too:
-Obsidian Perks
-Plus Perks
-Lock Threads
-Move Threads
-Delete Threads
-(need help on anything im missing)


A designer's job is to build maps for all gamemodes and the lobby for Cubecraft.

Designer has access too:
-Obsidian Perks
-Plus Perks
-Lock Threads
-(need help on anything im missing)


The Administrator's are the head of all the staff under them, guiding and advising staff members under them to do the right moves. Their job is to make sure everything goes fluid in-game and on the forums.

Admnistrator has access too:
-Obsidian Perks
-Plus Perks
-Lock Threads
-Move Threads
-Delete Threads
-Kick Players
-Ban Players
-Mute Players
-/tp command

The last and highest achievable rank in Cubecraft, people with this rank include Camezonda, Efcluke94, GingerGeek, johncoles, marcoslater, and rubik_cube_man.

Management has access too:
-Obsidian Perks
-Plus Perks
-Lock Threads
-Move Threads
-Delete Threads
-Kick Players
-Ban Players
-Mute Players
-/tp command
-and probably anything they freaking want


Helper: HackersDontWin.

Designer: Alex_de_Grote, Blocky, Bugme, Dronade, Dylaila, Ercraft2, FireExcalibur10, FluffyRoses, MartijnMC, Max111D, Mitgobla, Reindeer // Paige, Robbedz, SanCookie, Soulless_Unity, Story, TheJeroen, Unstrafeless, and Yoya.

Developer: driima, fozZeW, libraryaddict, Minegamesnl, Palombo, Rdev_, and toropov.

Customer Support: lili.

Moderator: Basketman13, Buuudy, Cynamooo, Elenahh, IceScreams, ItsDavey_, Kloska, LanceDaniels, Snodia, and Xiika.

Sr. Moderator: Capitan, Younisco, and zRinne

Administrator: AnimalTamer1

Management: Camenzonda, Efcluke94, GingerGeek, johncoles, marcoslater, and rubik_cube_man.

Last edited:


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Hey, even though it’s great you took the initiative to make such a thread I’m sure most of it is either already out there or will soon be.

1) We already have a well updated staff list made by an official staff member, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/official-staff-history-status.209291/

2) Your thread contains quite a few mistakes. As example, Designers do way more than just building plus don’t lock threads (Except Yamin, who’s one of the Managers of some designer related stuff)

3) I’m currently working on an official list plus how to obtain the roles which will be published on https://help.cubecraft.net and am discussing everything with the lead staff (Animal, Luke, other Luke) etc.
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Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
Hey man!
I'm amazed by how you did this. Although it indeed contains some mistakes here and there, you did a great job doing the layout and such. I feel like locking this thread, not only because of the mistakes it contains, but it's also kind of similar to other threads out there that provide the same content. I can see the links were shared with you by some of our members, which shows they appreciated your work, but, there is correct, up-to-date content out there that provides the same. Make sure to take a look around forums and see what's been posted about the topic you want to research.

Don't feel attacked by the fact that I'm locking this, but like I said, for this content, there's already official stuff out there. I'm sure that if you find a new topic (something maybe not too official, but maybe more personal), and you do enough research on whether this is relevant or not, then you'll make a great quality thread. For now, this is kind of a replica of what we have already. Though from me, you get a like and a compliment for your effort!

If you have questions regarding this thread/lock, don't hesitate to contact me!

- Locked
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