I believe he means the voting in-game :3You can bookmark the vote page on your web browser and open the bookmark in your web browser every time you log into Minecraft. When your Minecraft is loading, you can fill in the vote details already. Don’t confirm the vote until you’re logged into the server, otherwise you won’t get a reward. Hopefully this helps instead of a command!
Oh whoops, thanks a lot for pointing that out!I believe he means the voting in-game :3
Voted no, it's a simple action and doesn't take any time to do. /playagain exists to allow the 'Play Again' button to work, as clicking it runs a command. Just don't be lazy xP
that video is not ony for eggwars it is also for skywars and other games i think 100% skywars alsoOh whoops, thanks a lot for pointing that out!
Well that's possible too but much harder without the command, and quite unnecessary.
Here's a video on auto voting for Eggwars: