IMO the old Survival Games was bad. Because if there were 3 players left you were teleported to the middle and a wall will build around you. But that was a lot of coding work and it was also very laggy at some points. Now the deathmatch isn't really a deathmatch but just a simple border that is easy to add into Minecraft. The maps are also better [Except for Desert and Candy, these were bae maps]. Also the kits were way too overpowered. With the vampire kit you only need to make a kill and you were full health and that was pretty neat against cleaners. But they needed to make each kit balanced. If you are going to compare the Vampire kit and the Scout kit:
- Vampire kit before: Each kill you made you get full health
- Vampire kit now: Regeneration effect on every kill + Reducing day-time damage
- Scout kit before: 1 potion of Speed II [Correct me if I'm wrong]
- Scout kit now: 2:00 of Speed II
You also need to understand they need to update every game minimal once a year to refresh the game to get more players on the server. If they didn't update Survival Games, there wouldn't be many lobbies for Survival Games.