okay this idea does have some problems with it but stop posting things about camping people camp already a lava bucket isn't going to stop make them camp anymore than they already do, besides that is an invalid point because that is an excuse for many cases but it isn't true most of them
and for your point
@xx_360noscope101 it actually doesn't because like in Skywars and Blockwars there is a height limit so they can't plus if it was added [even thought it won't be] it wouldn't be a kit it would be a trade item only, also there is only so much lava on a map to do that also water or pick it up and you can hit thhrough lavaand still break their egg
now i am not saying that this should be added okay i am not hating on either of you i am on the side both of you are on, i am just so bothered by the following 2 excuses to a suggestion
1. "This would create a lot of spam" and 2. "This increases camping" [not necessarily those exact word just the point of each phrase]
because they both bring up things that people want to avoid so people agree with you on your opinion whether or not they actually think the suggestion is good, and it actually makes people agree with you even though it is just psychology [this doesn't happen to everybody but it does happen to quite a few of people]. my opinion on that even when i agree with you 2 on the case that it shouldn't [and wouldn't anyways] be added but i don't feel like it is very nice to change somebody's mind over an opinion [actually one of the biggest causes of cyber-bullying being it is only on the internet] without knowing them [this doesn't count people who choose admire others even though they haven't met because they think that the person is cool, hip, nice, ect.] i am fine with these phases if they actually are a clear reason like the way you put it
@xx_360noscope101 however the way you put it was a mere "what if" statement because there is no way a player will be able to cover their whole island's border or just island with lava
but this in no way increases actual camping [if you argue with me i am just not reading the comment unless i see a sentence with a respectable answer]