I think it would be nice to add 1v1's 2v2's 3v3's 4v4's etc. to Tower Defense. I have been playing Tower Defense since it was on "The Chunk" and I've always wished for a way that me and my friends could face each other without having to deal with random people. Because of the way the teams get balanced and the likelihood of a random person joining, it is hard for me and my friends to play against or with each other. I suggest making a tab menu where you can select what kind of match you want to take place in and making private parties. Also, it would be nice if there was a way so if, lets say four people, wanted to be on the same team, they would be able to do so whether it would be a separate mode or not. Hope any staff that are reading this could consider this. Thanks! (PS: Please nerf creepers. Just please.)