Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 28, 2017
Right, I've been playing SkyWars for the past couple of days, and let me just say that I'm disappointed in how it turned out.
Let me get straight into this...

1. Cheaters & Teamers
No joke, every other game must have either a blatant bhopper or a few players that team. It has gone so bad that now donators with emerald and obsidian ranks are teaming. It's becoming such a casual thing to team and cheat and not get banned. The anti cheat isn't really doing it's job correctly with such amount of blatant cheaters, not even closet cheaters.
"Just record your games and report the players!!!!!!!!" Ahhh.. Number one, I'm not just gonna sit on my computer editing videos and uploading like 20-30 players everyday, I have a life you know. Number two, I would have gladly done that if SkyWars didn't have this many rule breakers. Like if it was 1 or 2 every 10-20 games then yeah it's no problem, but, when it comes to about every game, no thanks.

2. Chest loot
What is this? I could potentially have 3/4 chain with a stone sharp 1 and find someone who has 3/4 diamond with a sharp 2 iron. "But it's supposed to be random and skill based!!!!!!!!!!!" Random, sure. But unbalanced, no. Giving players sharp 2 iron meanwhile some players get sharp 1 stone is seriously unbalanced. Like, if you had bad armor as well there's no chance of survival, you're just dead. I understand that the weaker the sword the better the armor, but it still needs more tweaking.

3. Choosing kits & customizer
This has happened so many times to me. I join on the last second of the count down and I don't even get a chance to choose a kit. The gamemode should have a feature to save and load the last kit that was used instead of having to choose it every single game because I sometimes forget to choose one in the first place. Now, kit customizer. May I also ask why isn't this a thing? Do I really have to switch items in my hotbar every time I join a new game? I understand it's just a few clicks but game after game after game it gets annoying to do.

4. Add anti-cleaning abilities
The current abilities are fine, they work good and they're unique. But I want to suggest adding abilities that will help players who get cleaned. I know there's the aggressive mode and quick heal abilities, but that's not enough. I'm not talking about things like overpowered strength or whatnot, but abilities like regeneration, absorption and resistance after getting kills. These should make players have a chance to stand against cleaning, and should make you think twice before rushing in for the clean.

That's all I have. I hope someone actually finds this right or else I'll just leave and probably never come back.
Let me know what you think ;P


Forum Expert
Jun 30, 2016
About the cheaters and teamers. Cubecraft can not do anything about this, they could get a better anticheat, but most players that cheat in the morning are defintily banned afternoon, if you want to get them banned faster you need to report them. About the teamers. Yes maybe there should be more moderators that play skywars, to see if there are teamers. If you report them once, they will probably not team the next day.


Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
1) You’re just unlucky mate. I haven’t seen a single cheater on my own (meaning besides a report or being asked to check a cheater) in definitely a month. No joke. Teamers the same, maybe found 3-5 teamers this month, nothing more. From my experience, the amount of teamers are definitely decreasing and although it sometimes doesn’t happen straight away, Sentinel is doing a great job.

2) There’s no way to maybe a 0.1% chance of getting that as starter loot. Most of the times it’s bad armour (chain, no chestplate) but a good sword. Or you have a poor sword but pretty decent armor. If you see someone walking like you mentioned it, that means they just opened more chests than you and got luckier with their loot.

3) Fair point. A lot of people have been asking for this and this is for sure a point to pay attention no. Nothing else to say about that, other than it needs to get added. About the kit customizer kit. Don’t really understand what you mean there. You mean if you choose a kit. Every item will be placed from your number one slot to where it needs to be filled? If so, I still think it doesn’t really matter. I’ve barely seen anyone asking for this here on the forums, and you always have to arrange your inventory, so why would it be a problem to arrange that. If not, please explain further.

4) Ah, another complaint about cleaning. Nice to see you actually adress a solution, and not just straight up complain about it, maybe regeneration or absorbtion would be too easy, since you don’t have to do anything about it at all. I don’t like adding something to prevent cleaners at all, I feel like it’s part of the game, like everything. But if you really want something added, maybe a 5 second invincibility to change armour, eat and grab better gear would do fine.


Forum Expert
Jun 30, 2016
1) You’re just unlucky mate. I haven’t seen a single cheater on my own (meaning besides a report or being asked to check a cheater) in definitely a month. No joke. Teamers the same, maybe found 3-5 teamers this month, nothing more. From my experience, the amount of teamers are definitely decreasing and although it sometimes doesn’t happen straight away, Sentinel is doing a great job.

2) There’s no way to maybe a 0.1% chance of getting that as starter loot. Most of the times it’s bad armour (chain, no chestplate) but a good sword. Or you have a poor sword but pretty decent armor. If you see someone walking like you mentioned it, that means they just opened more chests than you and got luckier with their loot.

3) Fair point. A lot of people have been asking for this and this is for sure a point to pay attention no. Nothing else to say about that, other than it needs to get added. About the kit customizer kit. Don’t really understand what you mean there. You mean if you choose a kit. Every item will be placed from your number one slot to where it needs to be filled? If so, I still think it doesn’t really matter. I’ve barely seen anyone asking for this here on the forums, and you always have to arrange your inventory, so why would it be a problem to arrange that. If not, please explain further.

4) Ah, another complaint about cleaning. Nice to see you actually adress a solution, and not just straight up complain about it, maybe regeneration or absorbtion would be too easy, since you don’t have to do anything about it at all. I don’t like adding something to prevent cleaners at all, I feel like it’s part of the game, like everything. But if you really want something added, maybe a 5 second invincibility to change armour, eat and grab better gear would do fine.
Exactly :cool:
May 16, 2018
1. Cheaters & Teamers.
I agree with you but there are not that much rule breakers.
Devs are working hard to get Sentinel work properly, but you know... nothing is perfect. We know it doesn't work really well. but even Mojang's dozens of developers can't get rid of every single bug. I'm sorry it's not that easy.

2. Chest loot
Now I have to disagree. You know... the point of Skywars is to fight with what you have. Loot is random and unbalanced, but you are free to run and try to do something else if you don't get good gear. Like throwing others to the void, for instance.
Also bro... you're not supposed to win every game you join.

3. Choosing kits & customizer
It is true that we sometimes forget or just don't have time to choose a kit. What I suggest is not only an "Auto choose kit" feature, but an option to set a "Favorite kit" for each map since I don't always use the same.

4. Add anti-cleaning abilities
Just... No. As Cynamooo said, that's part of the game.
What I do when I notice someone who wants to clean me is run away or hide in blocks. If you don't have enough time to do that... Again I'm sorry, we just can't win every game.
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