Hey everyone! This thread will be a compilation of all the suggestions l've made throughout 2024, but it will also feature a poll! For the poll, I'm curious to learn which suggestions of mine from this year were your favourite(s). Go vote above (max 15 votes)! Also, feel free to react to my suggestions you have not yet viewed with
! But, be careful not to necropost ;)
Honourable Mentions:
Conclusion & Future Plans:
I would like to start by saying a big thank you to everyone who viewed & reacted/replied to my suggestions in 2024. It is very appreciated. Also thank you to those who will vote on the poll above! Throughout 2024, I succeeded in making 30 suggestions, which I’m very pleased with! That’s 3 more than 2023’s total of 27! Although, unfortunately, I did not succeed in posting all of the suggestions that I had planned to post this year. But, that just means more for 2025! As of right now, I have the following suggestions that I plan to post in 2025:
- Reesle
P.S. I will be commencing my first giveaway of the year sometime in the next week, so keep an eye out!
Hey everyone! This thread will be a compilation of all the suggestions l've made throughout 2024, but it will also feature a poll! For the poll, I'm curious to learn which suggestions of mine from this year were your favourite(s). Go vote above (max 15 votes)! Also, feel free to react to my suggestions you have not yet viewed with


- January 21st: Neon Flag Skins Suggestion
In this small suggestion, I put forth the idea of players obtaining a “Neon” Prefix alongside the purchase of the Neon Flag Skins.

For this Bedwars suggestion, I gave ideas for lots of potential new content, such as for 2 new modes: Ghast & Wands. I also provided ideas for 6 new team upgrades and 8 new shop items, some of which would include a “Bogged Turret” which would fire poison arrows (incorporating a new 1.21 feature), a new speed helmet, importing ladder builders from Eggwars, etc.

- May 5th: World Landmarks Gravestone Pack
[Cam Reply]
In this cosmetic suggestion, I made the proposition to add a new Gravestone pack to Bedrock. This Gravestone pack would include 6 world landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, a Sphinx, Big Ben, the CN Tower, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Unfortunately, Cam explained that they most likely wouldn’t be adding this, as some players may feel left out as the team would not be able to incorporate every world landmark into this pack, which is understandable.
In this Skyblock suggestion, I proposed Cubecraft add a Warm Ocean island. This island would include sus sand generators! It would be possible to get Sniffer eggs, 9 pottery sherds, 4 armour trims, and much more from these generators! I also suggested the addition of Drowned, which would include nautilus shells, tridents and trident enchants! Additionally, I suggested Turtles be implemented with this island. They would come with sea grass, turtle eggs, scute, turtle helmets, and turtle master potions! Plus, I thought Cubecraft should add coral blocks and sea pickles to this island. Upon unlocking this island, they would also be purchasable in the shop! Lastly, I put forward 8 different ideas I had for potential quests for this island.
- May 19th: Weather Bundle
In this cosmetic suggestion, I suggested that a new Bedrock Bundle see the light of day: the Weather Bundle. This Bundle would be packed with 17 unique cosmetics and 5 new Prefixes! As for the pricing, I proposed the Bundle cost 1340 Minecoins (or 9.99$ CAD), as it would contain more cosmetics than the average Cubecraft Bundle.
In this suggestion, I proposed Cubecraft add a new Crimson Forest island to Skyblock. This island would include Crimson Fungus trees, which would give access to Crimson wood. Using this new wood type, it would be possible to craft 15 new blocks! 5 other decorative blocks would also be obtainable. I also thought that Cubecraft should include a gold nugget ore generator that would give lots of XP! Plus, this island would come with Hoglins. Lastly, all of these new additions would bring many possibilities for new quests!

- June 16th: Walk-in Wardrobe Cage Suggestion
In this cosmetic suggestion, I put forward the idea that a Prefix should be obtained with the purchase of the Walk-in Wardrobe Cage. I had 3 ideas for this Prefix: “Stylish”, “Organizer”, and “Fashion Monarch.” I held a poll in this thread to see which Prefix was the community’s favourite, and it was “Stylish.”
- June 17th: Music Bundle
In this suggestion, I had the idea for a new Music Bundle that Cubecraft could add to their ever-growing selection of Bundles. This Bundle would contain 10 music-themed cosmetics and 4 new Prefixes! The pricing would not differ from Cubecraft’s other Bundles, and would stay at 990 Minecoins (or 7.99$ CAD).
In today’s “New Skyblock Island” suggestion, I discuss implementing a 2nd Desert island. This island would contain a desert well which would contain more sus sand generators (which I initially suggested here). It would also contain 3 mobs : camels (which would be good for 2-player PvE), rabbits (which would be useful for leaping potions), and Husks. All three of these new mobs would come with multiple new quests regarding breeding, killing, cooking, etc.
In this small Skyblock suggestion, I suggested Snow Foxes and Sweet Berry plants be incorporated onto the Snowy Taiga (3rd) Overworld island. Their implementation would also come with 2 side quests: “Fox Fanatic” & “Berry Good.”
- June 24th: Minor QoL: Remove Gamemode Voting Cooldown
In this QoL suggestion, I simply suggest the gamemode voting cooldown be removed.
- June 25th: Pilot’s Pack
In this cosmetics suggestion, I presented the idea that a new flight-themed “Pilot’s Pack” be added to the Cubecraft Bedrock shop. This Pack would contain 6 new cosmetics and 3 new Prefixes. For the price, I suggested it cost around 660 Minecoins (or 4.99$ CAD).

In this Skyblock suggestion, I made the case for why a new “Lush” island should be added. The top of this island would contain azalea trees, which can only be grown using bonemeal. When grown, azalea trees sprout rooted dirt, which would then be purchasable from the Skyblock shop! Horses would also be added, providing a rapid and useful new mode of transportation for players. Plus, gold, iron and diamond horse armour would be purchasable via the shop. Leather horse armour would not be purchasable as it is possible to craft it. The inside of the island would contain a lush caves system which would come with many new useful and decorative blocks, including dripstone, moss blocks, dripleaf, clay, etc. most of which would be purchasable from the shop afterwards. Glow berries would also be included, a new source of food! Plus two new mob spawners would be incorporated: axolotls and bats. Both of these new mobs will bring a much-needed ambiance update to Skyblock. Additionally, axolotls are helpful when in combat. Lastly, a second amethyst geode would also be found in the cave system. All of these new features would come with many possibilities for new quests! If you’re interested in hearing what they are, make sure the check out the “Quests” section of this suggestion.
- July 4th: Gifting Incentives
In this suggestion, I made the recommendation of adding a new rewards system for giving gifts to other Bedrock players. The rewards would obviously include cosmetics, but could also include small amounts of VXP (like 50-150 VXP). This would not only incentivize players into spending more money but would also boost the amount of unofficial giveaways that are held, which may help in attracting outsiders to Cubecraft. This suggestion is one of my personal favourites of the year.
Here, I suggested that first-time players obtain a new Prefix upon jointing the server. So, if they joined this month, they would obtain the “January 2025” Prefix. Or, for those who already joined like me, they would obtain a similar Prefix. For example, I joined sometime in March 2021, so I would get the free Prefix “March 2021.” Unfortunately, I was later informed by @blazingwind47 that due to international laws it would not be possible to implement this suggestion.
- July 9th: Rearrange Prefixes Alphabetically
As for this suggestion, the title is pretty self-explanatory. I thought that the Prefixes menu on Bedrock Edition should be rearranged so that the Prefixes are in alphabetical order, otherwise the menu would just be a random mess like it currently is.
In this simple Skyblock suggestion, I lobbied to make it so that it would be possible to see the amount of Skyblock Coins that fellow co-op members possess. This new information would be accessed below the “Play time” statistic in the Skyblock profile.
- July 13th: Underwater Bundle
In this cosmetic suggestion, I presented the idea of adding a new seasonal Bundle for summer: the Underwater Bundle. This new Bundle would be filled with 17 water/ocean-themed cosmetics as well as 5 new Prefixes! For the price, I thought it should cost 1340 Minecoins (or 9.99$ CAD), as it would contain many more cosmetics than the average Cubecraft Bundle.
- July 24th (1): New Skyblock Island 11th Edition - Overworld: Lukewarm Ocean
This Skyblock suggestion is about a new “Lukewarm Ocean” island. First, I put forward the idea of a shipwreck structure containing loot and a new armour trim: Coast. Next, I suggest dolphins are added. When swimming with them, they would grant the player dolphin’s grace, which is essentially a swimming speed boost. They would additionally drop raw cod if killed. Third, I suggested squid be implemented. Upon being killed, squid would drop ink sacs, which would be used to craft the book & quill item. Plus, I also presented the idea of kelp being incorporated into this island, which the players would be able to farm and smelt into dried kelp, a new food source! Dried kelp can also be crafted into dried kelp blocks, a very efficient fuel source and cool decorational block. Lastly, Heart of the Sea would be available in the Skyblock shop upon first travelling to this island. If added, all of these new features would bring the potential for a multitude of new quests.
- July 24th (2): NEW Blockwars Power-Ups
In this suggestion, I put forth 7 ideas for unique new Blockwars power-ups. These potential new power-ups include:
- Arrow Forcefield
- Invincibility
- Nuker
- Mining Fatigue
- Invisibility
- Swapper
- Wind Charge
- July 27th: Boat Pack
In this cosmetic suggestion, I suggest a new boat-themed Pack be added to Cubecraft’s ever-expanding Bedrock store. It would have new 7 cosmetics and 3 new Prefixes. For pricing, I suggest it cost 660 Minecoins (or 4.99$ CAD).

- August 4th: (Repost) Add Player Trails To Skyblock
In this repost of a suggestion that I made here in 2022, I made a short rant about adding the ability to equip and use player Trails within Skyblock.
- August 11th: Skyblock: Bells + New Quest
In this small Skyblock suggestion, I suggested that bells be purchasable via the Skyblock shop. They would be very useful for decorating within Skyblock and their addition would come with a new quest: “Tintinnabulation.”
- August 12th: Small Skyblock Quest Reward Suggestion: “Stonework”
In this suggestion, I made the case why I believe the “Stonework” side quest from the oak (1st) island should have 3-5 cobblestone generators included in its reward.

- November 8th: Minor QoL: Remove Rank Shortcut from Hotbar for Rank Owners
In this tiny QoL suggestion, I recommended that the rank shortcuts in the hotbar on Bedrock are removed for those that already own said rank. Instead of doing this, Cubecraft fixed the issue in a different way. They repurposed it so that the shortcut will bring up the gift version of the said rank that is already owned. I’m happy with this change.
- November 11th: Sports Bundle
In this cosmetic suggestion, I came up with an idea for a new Bundle to include into Cubecraft’s ever-increasing list of Bundles: the Sports Bundle. This Bundle is filled with 22 new sports-themed cosmetics as well as 6 new Prefixes! As for pricing, I suggested it be 1340 Minecoins (or 9.99$ CAD).
- November 15th: Favourite Mode for FFA Spawn-Point Selection
In this suggestion, I put forth the idea of Battle Arena Rank owners being able to sort their FFA spawn-point selection, just as one would do with songs in a playlist. This would not only make the purchase of the Battle Arena Rank more worth it, but would also satisfy a multitude of players that I’ve heard wish this was a thing.

In this suggestion, I laid out an idea for a new “Deep Cold Ocean” island in Skyblock. I first put forth the idea of adding an Ocean Monument structure to this island that would contains Guardian and Elder Guardian spawners. Using the prismarine shards and prismarine crystals drops from these hostile mobs, it would be possible to craft new blocks that are very useful for building, such as prismarine, dark prismarine, prismarine bricks, and sea lanterns. Plus, Elder guardians also have a 20% chance of dropping a new armour trim: Tide. Next, I suggested that Sus Gravel generators also be implemented onto this island, giving the opportunity to obtain players 11 new pottery sherds, a new music disc, and other unique loot. Finally, there would be many quests included with the addition of this island.
- December 7th: NEW Epic Loot: Water Geyser Win Effect
In this cosmetic suggestion, I present the idea for Cubecraft to add a new Epic Loot: the Water Geyser Win Effect. When the player in question would win a game, water geysers would start surrounding the player and would erupt at random, leaving the player surrounded in shimmering fountain-like ejections of water. As for pricing, I propose it be 660 Minecoins (or 4.99$ CAD), which is much less expensive than the current Epic Loot cosmetics.
- December 9th: Fun N’ Games Bundle
In this cosmetic suggestion, I came up with a new “Fun N’ Games” Bundle. It contains 14 new and unique cosmetics as well as 5 new Prefixes! As for the price, I recommend it cost some around 1170-1340 Minecoins (or 9.99$ CAD).
Honourable Mentions:
In this section, I will showcase my favourite suggestions that were made by others throughout 2024. If you haven’t viewed them yet, make sure to do so and to react using
, or
! Here they are:

- March 23rd: Beta Games Subscription Command by @cryptofrogz
- March 31st: Add winstreak command to check your winstreak (/ws) by @illbarbecue9062
- April 17th: Add /stats including kdr (kill to death ratio) by @O1OO
- May 10th: The Way to Bring Back all Old Gamemodes by @Eli
- May 12th: Change party specifications by @kabi
- June 2nd: BedWars bed break sound by @iTz1Hamood
- June 19th: New Bundle: Primordial Bundle by @Hoshi
- June 21st: Introducing the Cat Bundle
by @BurgerCat13
- July 2nd: Make Prefixes show in party/team chats by @Lord of Ducks
- July 13th: Rework tank in bridges 5v5 by @WorriedSkate940
- July 26th: Skyblock Solo Profile Reset. by @luminance69
- August 4th: Server Emojis by @HoppyFrog
- August 6th: Add the missing username colors by @minecraft0392
- August 8th: Wumpus Buddy by @HoppyFrog
- August 15th:
Forum Trophy Rework! by @Hoshi
- September 16th: Add a way to see when was the last time your friends logged in by @dream81501
- November 9th: Bedwars sword suggestion! by @llvqs
- November 21st: More colored kill messages by @SlinkyGnu05604
- December 27th: 15 Ideas & Changes for Lucky Islands
! by @Velocidad

Conclusion & Future Plans:
I would like to start by saying a big thank you to everyone who viewed & reacted/replied to my suggestions in 2024. It is very appreciated. Also thank you to those who will vote on the poll above! Throughout 2024, I succeeded in making 30 suggestions, which I’m very pleased with! That’s 3 more than 2023’s total of 27! Although, unfortunately, I did not succeed in posting all of the suggestions that I had planned to post this year. But, that just means more for 2025! As of right now, I have the following suggestions that I plan to post in 2025:
- 4+ “New Skyblock Island” suggestions
- 6+ general Skyblock suggestions
- 10+ Cosmetic-related suggestions
- 3+ Web (Forums) suggestions
- 1 big [CLASSIFIED] suggestion
- 1+ minor QoL suggestion(s)
- 1-2 reposts of suggestions I made 1-2 years ago
- And a few other unique suggestions!
- Reesle

P.S. I will be commencing my first giveaway of the year sometime in the next week, so keep an eye out!

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