The Replay Mod is a mod that basically records the state of the map in your game as you play. From that recording, you can review exactly everything that happened in-game.
You will notice there is a problem, which is the fact that the replay mod actually doesn't allow uploading the entire map state as a video, and you have to render a specific camera path into a video. The rendered video does not contain any name tags, which makes it difficult to confirm the identity of any player who may have been hacking.
Therefore, I am proposing that the report would not be of a rendered video from replay mod, but a screen recording of the replay mod interface, in which the player reporting will be able to go back and re-spectate the game, both in 3rd person and from the perspective of all the players, in order to identify hacks. You can even slow down the game to spectate more closely.
At the moment, I do not believe replay mod replays are allowed to be used for reporting. It would be great, however, if they were allowed.
This does not necessarily simplify reporting, it actually makes reporting players a bit more difficult. However, I would take the time to use this mod to report, just because it would actually be easier to confirm if a person is hacking due to the replay mod's features.
You will notice there is a problem, which is the fact that the replay mod actually doesn't allow uploading the entire map state as a video, and you have to render a specific camera path into a video. The rendered video does not contain any name tags, which makes it difficult to confirm the identity of any player who may have been hacking.
Therefore, I am proposing that the report would not be of a rendered video from replay mod, but a screen recording of the replay mod interface, in which the player reporting will be able to go back and re-spectate the game, both in 3rd person and from the perspective of all the players, in order to identify hacks. You can even slow down the game to spectate more closely.
At the moment, I do not believe replay mod replays are allowed to be used for reporting. It would be great, however, if they were allowed.
This does not necessarily simplify reporting, it actually makes reporting players a bit more difficult. However, I would take the time to use this mod to report, just because it would actually be easier to confirm if a person is hacking due to the replay mod's features.