Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 601525

Today not another post criticising any specific gamemode or anything like that (though I might use it as support to do that in the future).

Instead I'd like to tell you a little story of a person who keeps repeatedly trolling people in giga blockwars games for almost a year by now, and of how cubecraft seems "unable" (???) to stop him.

Note that I wasn't sure if this should be in feedback or game discussion, I think this suits feedback better as it describes a thing or two that I think is worth criticising and might need improvements in the future. However in it and by itself is barely a constructive critique of any of them, but more a story that can serve to back potential future critique up. In the "worst case": consider it as preparation or "evidence" for anything I might say in any future post, about giga blockwars or anything else

Lets begin.

So, on 31.07.2023, or 07.31.2023 for the americans*, I encountered a troll on giga blockwars.
*I will stick with the european date system from now on for simplicities sake

Nothing out of the ordinary at that time, just a guy spamming blocks to lock teammates in, team killing, breaking crafting tables, just your average troll, the only (minor, at the time) difference compared to a normal troll was his sheer dedication to his craft. He truly had no other purpose in that one game on that one day other than pissing people off.

Naturally, I take a recording of him, report him, the report gets accepted, and because trolling is not punishable with a ban on first offence, I actually saw him in another game a few days later, this time he was not doing anything against the rules though, and then I didn't see him again for a while.

Well, on 01.06.2024 I go into a giga blockwars game, and I see someone running around spamming blocks, trying to lock people inside his spawn, again average troll.

Then I see the trolls name, its the same guy, but on a different account.
The only difference in the name of the two accounts? The numbers at the end of it.

So, this time a bit pissed off that after a year he is back, I report him again, and the report gets accepted again.

Out of curiosity I type the name of his first account on the cubecraft appeals website.

This time I do something I don't normally do, you see: if you type in a player name on the appeals website, you can see his punishments. Now before anyone goes after me for this:
1. I only did it this one time
2. Its technically not illegal, not by cubecraft rules, and there are no laws against that type of thing. If anyone commited a crime here its cubecraft by allowing such easy access to information that may be considered private, and even that's just a maybe, because as long as they don't leak his actual personal information they're probably not doing anything wrong.

Well, through that I find out that his account was banned, NOT for trolling though, but for moderator witnessed use of cheats. With this new account now banned, also not for trolling, but ban evasion.

Thinking its over, I just keep going back on cubecraft to play giga blockwars, as usual.

Then, on 28.06.2024 I see this absolute joke** of a person and player DOING THE SAME THING AGAIN

**I had much worse insults in mind, but I prefer not to swear to avoid getting banned on the forums

At this point, I am intensely angered, not at the player specifically, its probably some 8 year old with an autoclicker*** with a lot of free time. Tbf, its the summer, so it makes sense.

***I REALLY wish I could insert some more severe insults here

So, I report him. This time, the report got rejected. :(

Now technically it was for a valid reason, and one I perfectly understand, and it was for the fact the player name was not visible in the clip.

The player still should have gotten punished in my opinion.

You see: at the time of the report rejection, his other 2 accounts were (SADLY "WERE", I WILL COME BACK TO THAT IN A BIT) banned. And while the players name was not visible in the game itself, it was in the ingame chat as I was able to @ him using the @ symbol in the ingame chat, which means he was in the lobby at that time.

Which, while for a trolling case means nothing, it should have meant something for potential ban evasion as just the existence of that name on the network while there were 2 other banned accounts with an identical name should have been reason enough to ban this account for ban evasion.

But here I have to actually point out a flaw in my own reasoning, which is the fact that if his name was not visible over the player doing the trolling again, then there was no reason to assume it was him again.

Basically: I think he should have gotten banned, BUT I 100% understand why he was not, and not going to try and dispute or question that decision.

Lets skip forward to 02.07.2024

I encounter this person AGAIN. This time I was able to catch his name (yippee), so this time the report was accepted.

This time I thought it would be for good. You see: Cubecrafts anticheat has a system to prevent ban evasions, which basically just bans your IP (I think) if there are too many banned accounts coming from it.

Just to admire the results of my and the mods work, I go on the appeals site, type in the third accounts name and FIND HE WAS NOT BANNED.

I think to myself

"okay, maybe the mod accepting this report forgot about the part where he might be evading a ban, maybe he didn't read the part of my report where I mention the three previous reports, the banned account, etc."

So just in case, I type in the name of his first account on the appeals site, AND FIND OUT IT HAS BEEN UNBANNED along with his second account.

Just as a reminder of who this person' is:
'I might have used the term "man" mistakenly a few times, I did not intend to assume gender, in my "defense": his username contains a typically male name

-This person has MANY trolling reports on him
-This person has previously used alt accounts to evade punishment
-This person is known among the giga blockwars community for having done this for a long time by now, one player even confessed to me this guy caused him to quit the game for several months.

And for some reason he was able to appeal his bans on his several accounts without issue.

For some reason, which ever moderator or machine that is responsible for appeals has decided this man is worthy of letting him back onto the network as if nothing happened or was happening at the moment.

Again, even ignoring the repeated trolling for almost a year by now, this person was literally spotted by a moderator while using cheats.

I am not gonna say his name for
1. privacy reasons and
2. because anyone more active within the giga blockwars community, especially in the last month, knows exactly who I am talking about. So should the couple mods who have investigated reports about this person.

I normally would add some comments or opinions on this'', but I think me posting this story says enough, and I'd actually like to see what anyone else thinks about this, or if anyone perhaps has had similar experiences. I also think I might be a little too angry and stressed for logical thought at the moment this is being written, partially for reasons unrelated to this.
''and I probably will if asked for any, I just choose not to have them in this post directly, and not to do it too shortly after this is posted


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
If you think this user is evading bans by using several accounts then you can report them in the player reports subforum under the category bypassing/ban evasion.

Note that when doing this, the player will only be banned if they actually have another account linked to their account that has an active punishment. If the original punishment has expired or they were pardoned, the player will not be banned for bypassing and the report will be denied.

Additionally, if staff cannot find concrete evidence of the reported account having any links to another account with an active punishment, the report will also be denied.

If this person really is causing you and many others to feel as uncomfortable as you say, you are always free to create a player safety report on the user here.
Jan 21, 2024
Samoyed Land
Today not another post criticising any specific gamemode or anything like that (though I might use it as support to do that in the future).

Instead I'd like to tell you a little story of a person who keeps repeatedly trolling people in giga blockwars games for almost a year by now, and of how cubecraft seems "unable" (???) to stop him.

Note that I wasn't sure if this should be in feedback or game discussion, I think this suits feedback better as it describes a thing or two that I think is worth criticising and might need improvements in the future. However in it and by itself is barely a constructive critique of any of them, but more a story that can serve to back potential future critique up. In the "worst case": consider it as preparation or "evidence" for anything I might say in any future post, about giga blockwars or anything else

Lets begin.

So, on 31.07.2023, or 07.31.2023 for the americans*, I encountered a troll on giga blockwars.
*I will stick with the european date system from now on for simplicities sake

Nothing out of the ordinary at that time, just a guy spamming blocks to lock teammates in, team killing, breaking crafting tables, just your average troll, the only (minor, at the time) difference compared to a normal troll was his sheer dedication to his craft. He truly had no other purpose in that one game on that one day other than pissing people off.

Naturally, I take a recording of him, report him, the report gets accepted, and because trolling is not punishable with a ban on first offence, I actually saw him in another game a few days later, this time he was not doing anything against the rules though, and then I didn't see him again for a while.

Well, on 01.06.2024 I go into a giga blockwars game, and I see someone running around spamming blocks, trying to lock people inside his spawn, again average troll.

Then I see the trolls name, its the same guy, but on a different account.
The only difference in the name of the two accounts? The numbers at the end of it.

So, this time a bit pissed off that after a year he is back, I report him again, and the report gets accepted again.

Out of curiosity I type the name of his first account on the cubecraft appeals website.

This time I do something I don't normally do, you see: if you type in a player name on the appeals website, you can see his punishments. Now before anyone goes after me for this:
1. I only did it this one time
2. Its technically not illegal, not by cubecraft rules, and there are no laws against that type of thing. If anyone commited a crime here its cubecraft by allowing such easy access to information that may be considered private, and even that's just a maybe, because as long as they don't leak his actual personal information they're probably not doing anything wrong.

Well, through that I find out that his account was banned, NOT for trolling though, but for moderator witnessed use of cheats. With this new account now banned, also not for trolling, but ban evasion.

Thinking its over, I just keep going back on cubecraft to play giga blockwars, as usual.

Then, on 28.06.2024 I see this absolute joke** of a person and player DOING THE SAME THING AGAIN

**I had much worse insults in mind, but I prefer not to swear to avoid getting banned on the forums

At this point, I am intensely angered, not at the player specifically, its probably some 8 year old with an autoclicker*** with a lot of free time. Tbf, its the summer, so it makes sense.

***I REALLY wish I could insert some more severe insults here

So, I report him. This time, the report got rejected. :(

Now technically it was for a valid reason, and one I perfectly understand, and it was for the fact the player name was not visible in the clip.

The player still should have gotten punished in my opinion.

You see: at the time of the report rejection, his other 2 accounts were (SADLY "WERE", I WILL COME BACK TO THAT IN A BIT) banned. And while the players name was not visible in the game itself, it was in the ingame chat as I was able to @ him using the @ symbol in the ingame chat, which means he was in the lobby at that time.

Which, while for a trolling case means nothing, it should have meant something for potential ban evasion as just the existence of that name on the network while there were 2 other banned accounts with an identical name should have been reason enough to ban this account for ban evasion.

But here I have to actually point out a flaw in my own reasoning, which is the fact that if his name was not visible over the player doing the trolling again, then there was no reason to assume it was him again.

Basically: I think he should have gotten banned, BUT I 100% understand why he was not, and not going to try and dispute or question that decision.

Lets skip forward to 02.07.2024

I encounter this person AGAIN. This time I was able to catch his name (yippee), so this time the report was accepted.

This time I thought it would be for good. You see: Cubecrafts anticheat has a system to prevent ban evasions, which basically just bans your IP (I think) if there are too many banned accounts coming from it.

Just to admire the results of my and the mods work, I go on the appeals site, type in the third accounts name and FIND HE WAS NOT BANNED.

I think to myself

"okay, maybe the mod accepting this report forgot about the part where he might be evading a ban, maybe he didn't read the part of my report where I mention the three previous reports, the banned account, etc."

So just in case, I type in the name of his first account on the appeals site, AND FIND OUT IT HAS BEEN UNBANNED along with his second account.

Just as a reminder of who this person' is:
'I might have used the term "man" mistakenly a few times, I did not intend to assume gender, in my "defense": his username contains a typically male name

-This person has MANY trolling reports on him
-This person has previously used alt accounts to evade punishment
-This person is known among the giga blockwars community for having done this for a long time by now, one player even confessed to me this guy caused him to quit the game for several months.

And for some reason he was able to appeal his bans on his several accounts without issue.

For some reason, which ever moderator or machine that is responsible for appeals has decided this man is worthy of letting him back onto the network as if nothing happened or was happening at the moment.

Again, even ignoring the repeated trolling for almost a year by now, this person was literally spotted by a moderator while using cheats.

I am not gonna say his name for
1. privacy reasons and
2. because anyone more active within the giga blockwars community, especially in the last month, knows exactly who I am talking about. So should the couple mods who have investigated reports about this person.

I normally would add some comments or opinions on this'', but I think me posting this story says enough, and I'd actually like to see what anyone else thinks about this, or if anyone perhaps has had similar experiences. I also think I might be a little too angry and stressed for logical thought at the moment this is being written, partially for reasons unrelated to this.
''and I probably will if asked for any, I just choose not to have them in this post directly, and not to do it too shortly after this is posted
I'd like to tell u if you still did not noticed that multi accounting to evade a ban is banable too.

Deleted member 601525

I'd like to tell u if you still did not noticed that multi accounting to evade a ban is banable too.
I am fully aware of it. I even mentioned it in one part, in the one where I talk about how the mod didn't ban his third account and I thought to myself that maybe he missed the fact that this is most likely a case of ban evasion via multi accounting.

Sadly it does not matter because recently the 3 accounts that this has (the ones that I know of) have been unbanned.
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