An improvement to Ender
As you all know, Ender has returned to the network after being gone for two years! This has gotten me very excited, but there is something that should be said. This has been said before in the discord and even on these forums, but I feel like this should get a bit more attention. Ender is hard, very hard....
This year, a new feature has been added, that allows players to be Ender and to chase the humans. This by itself is a great improvement to the game in my opinion. Previously, whenever humans were to meet Ender, a simple look in another direction would suffice to live. This perhaps, made the game a bit too easy... Players who often played Ender, got to know the page locations and some games were won in only a few minutes. This alone, is a great example of why it is great to have a player portrait Ender this time around.
However, it appears that Ender may have a task that is a bit too easy. Tracking players down with speed, then simply stalking them untill they die. Looking downwards is simply not enough as a human. By standing inside a human, Ender can kill within a few seconds. Several players of the server have mentioned that this makes Ender too OP. I would like to say that, Yes, this is true to some extend, but perhaps this should be viewed from a different standpoint. What if we looked at the human abilities instead of Ender. I don't think Ender is too OP, but rather the humans are too weak!
In the games that I have played, I could simply not find any way to defend against Ender. Once he had found you, it was game over....
Adding abilities to the torch
After thinking about a solution to this issue, I found that it is best to simply use something that is already in the game. My suggestion, is to use the Torch to improve the gameplay. Whenever Ender appears visible in front of you, the Torch could serve as a method of defense. What if, the torch could act as if Ender is interacting with water. An enderman that touches water, instantly teleports away to a random location. The light of the Torch could "Blind" Ender and lead to them, teleporting away to a random location in the map. This will allow the humans to survive during a critical encounter.
In my opinion, implementing this into the game, will lead to an overall better balanced game. If the humans don't complete their tasks of finding pages, their Torch will run out and they shall be a target for Ender. If the humans are succesfully looking for pages, their chance of surviving can increase significantly. For Ender, this does not mean that it makes the task too hard. "Jump scaring" humans can still be very succesful.

Please vote for what you think about this suggestion, and may we all enjoy Ender while it is back!!