In my years of playing eggwars I've developed skills and mastered (yes very modest i know) nearly every aspect of the game. From dealing with rushers who try to kill you at the start of the game, to killing overpowered campers at the end of the game. I've seen it all and have a strategy for nearly every player type, but there's one player that i haven't figured out how to kill easily, you see them in nearly every game, everyone in my party always complains about them whenever they die to them. Yes you guessed it (from reading the title) its lagger's. I've trained months to master my combos and yet it doesn't work against them as their knockback is so delayed that my senses of where players usually get knocked back to direct my next hit, is messed up. Bridge fights are near impossible with them as half of the time their hits take a few seconds to register and it seems like they have reach. I picked eggwars to discuss this as they seem to be in eggwars the most, but are also in other gamemodes. Does anyone have any Tips or Tricks that works against someone that's lagging? If so I would greatly appreciate it (and I'm sure others would too)