Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this so feel free to move this.
I have been trying to appeal my ban for a while now and there seems to be a bug were the appeal sections does not recognize my minecraft name. My namemc profile: https://namemc.com/search?q=fragfag Trying to appeal with my current ign results in the appeal page saying: "Beasted" has never joined the server, please make sure you are entering your username and not your appeal code. This is despite me changing my ign from Beasted a long time ago. I would be pleased if someone could help me. Thanks.
Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this so feel free to move this.
I have been trying to appeal my ban for a while now and there seems to be a bug were the appeal sections does not recognize my minecraft name. My namemc profile: https://namemc.com/search?q=fragfag Trying to appeal with my current ign results in the appeal page saying: "Beasted" has never joined the server, please make sure you are entering your username and not your appeal code. This is despite me changing my ign from Beasted a long time ago. I would be pleased if someone could help me. Thanks.