I disagree on this. I was a dirty hacker back then and have been punished. Now I have changed my ways. I've become better at pvp and have gotten false banned twice. Each false ban has been a perm and it would be horrible if I had to wait in order to appeal. Remember appeals are made in case the punishment is false. Appeals aren't a pass to the punishments. Heck! most of them get denied anyway.
Perhaps you misunderstood? I'm not saying you should wait to appeal, but wait a certain amount of time after an appeal is submitted.
Joe blow got banned on June 2 2015 and submitted his appeal the same day. Now Joe Blow has to wait until July 2 2015 till he can submit another appeal, unless his previous appeal was dealt with and the appeal is in regards to another issue. That way Joe Blow doesn't make the staff team read 10 appeals that are the same, wasting their time.