Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
If your teammates are actually trolling this would be report able under rule 1.5. I don't really understand your suggestion. Teams would always be filled up with randoms if the team isn't full otherwise teams would be unbalanced or some players wouldn't get to play. So next time this happens I suggest recording it and reporting the player under trolling!
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Reesle wrote on coolroyboy's profile.
Heyy I didn’t know you were here!
Happy Birthday, Cool person! :D 🎉
Lord of Ducks wrote on Alicia28's profile.
welcome to the Cubecraft forums, hope you enjoy your stay here, if you need help, contact a staff member!
Exterminating cheaters...
Reesle wrote on redj101's profile.
Thank you for the follow! :D
Reesle wrote on UBRE's profile.
Happy Birthday!
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