Gonna go ahead and lock this thread as we will never be doing a ban reset. Yes, if you are one of those people who have been falsely perm-banned and not gonna get given another chance to be unbanned, it may seen unfair. But keep in mind that most of those "false banned players" are infact cheaters just using an excuse and attempt to lie about their ban. Though what you can do is, simply contact the staff member like a few weeks-months afterwards for an unban after your appeal has been denied to get an extra chance of getting unbanned. Though if you were indeed perm-banned for teaming, cheating, trolling etc. and you were indeed doing it, then it is entirely your own fault for getting perm-banned in the first place.
Though as said multiple times in this thread, there will a lot more cheaters (Plus extra alts for them to cheat on with) and other possible rule-breakers that us staff which spent weeks or more dealing with to then have to do it again basically, as well as there will be a lot more people complaining about the entire cheater situation.
Yes, there will be more players playing on the server, but that then collides with the point i posted above about the whole cheater situation, as well as other rule-breaking situations.
Got any questions about this thread, feel free to start a conversation with me
- Locked.