So I was playing skywars 4v4 when I started Sprint bridging toward someone. If you don’t know what that is you walk/sprint and place blocks in front of you. Where I got banned. Yes banned. I don’t know if any reason of how this could’ve happened other than my WiFi. Normally when I play which I rarely get to. I average about 170-210 ping. For me that may not be bad but when I play I constantly get block lag which teleports me back when I bridge or place blocks overall. I don’t know if that is the reason because before I got banned I got teleported back and all of the blocks I placed bridging towards the dude suddenly disappeared. If that is not the reason than I would like to know of one. I thoroughly read through the rules and that kind of bridging isn’t banned. It isn’t scaffolding where it automatically places blocks it is a simple straight bridge which is the best I could do. Please somebody, anybody give an answer because I have skywars rank and I’m trying to top 1000 wins as soon as possible. Please and thank you.
Nick Ramirez
Nick Ramirez