Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 592623

Hey Everyone!

I am here to discuss some tips and tricks to maximize time, productivity and chance of winning when playing capture the flag, to ensure victory! Let's begin: (A TL;DR is at the bottom :D)

Tip 1: It is entirely possible to acquire both an iron sword and an iron chestplate (11 iron) before the borders open. In order to do this you want to make planks and 4 sticks the second you start falling onto the ground, making sure you make both before you hit the ground. This is quite difficult to get good at first but the more you try the better. The second you land immediately head to a group of iron generators and start mining them. You want to be as fast as possible to mine an iron generator after another so you do not have to wait for them to regenerate.

Tip 2: Don't bother rearranging your inventory. Unless your inventory is exactly as the game sets it to be, don't bother rearranging your items, it can take quite some time depending on each person and it is better to use the inventory layout of the blocks and tools the game has provided.

Tip 3: If you need to build a defense, switch between layers of wood and concrete, that way any playing attempting to mine in has to switch to each tool to break in as possible.

Tip 4: As the game suggests, each map has it's own strategy, for example the castle map works really good with the sky bridging method (bridging above all the way to the enemy base to avoid conflict), while the Hive map the best strategy would be to travel on the edges (utilizing the small islands allows for you to hit players off with ease, please note these strategies are my own opinion and may vary for each player). It is best to develop a basic strategy for each map that maximize your chance of winning with players.

Tip 5: Work with your teammates, this doesn't have to be via direct communication. Simply attacking or defending in groups always provides an advantage over the enemy, while attacking alone poses as a threat. You want to think and play smart, ask yourself "Where are my teammates, and what are they doing?". Knowing the properties of your teammates is crucial as it can help you when you make tough decisions. For example, if your teammate is capturing the flag, the best course of action is to assist your teammate, rather then do your own thing. Remembering, working together is nearly always more effective than working alone!

Tip 6: Don't bother spending time mining. It's tempting to get iron/diamond gear despite their being oodles of generators, but due to sheer time it takes and how fast the game is, it isn't recommended. Not to mention, (unless your a PVP GOD) the chances of you getting knocked off is quite high (you're playing on islands, remember?), which makes all your progress to get that iron or diamond gear, wasted. Acquiring a diamond/iron sword or a piece of armor is worth it though, as it doesn't take much time and due to how weak everyone's gear is will provide a greater advantage.

Tip 7: You can make planks before you respawn (fall onto the ground) on most maps, pretty self-explanatory, you can turn your 8 logs into 36 planks before you fall to the ground after you respawn instead of making them after falling down, saves a bit of time especially in situations where you can't waste time.

Tip 8: A really simple yet effective capturing strategy (ONLY IF THERE IS A DEFENSE) is what I like to call In and Out Strategy. The premise of this strategy is simple: you break into a flag defense and block the entrance you made to get inside, but instead of going through the entrance you made, you break out on the opposite side of the entrance. You want to make sure your shifting the entire time, that way enemies can't tell where you are inside the defense unless they break in too. This strategy works wonders because most players tend to break in via the entrance you blocked off, which causes them to waste time, and by the time they get inside to kill you, your already out and gone, remember most of the players will try to break in via the direction you entered, so there will likely be ZERO players on the side you escape from, which is why this strategy works so well.

Tip 9: Try to minimize conflict when attempting to capture a flag by getting to base to base, this is because when a player engages with conflict, the players on the enemy team will often come to assist the person your fighting, by minimizing conflict your reducing the amount of players coming to fight you, thus increase the probability of you capturing the flag.

Tip 10: Did you know you can still capture the flag despite having it taken? Most people don't know that despite having your flag taken, you can still capture the enemy flag, getting a point, so if you've captured the flag and noticed someone on the enemy team also has the flag, don't fight them, you want to capture the flag as fast as possible and hope your teammates deal with the enemy player with the flag.

Tip 11: Placing defense outside of the flag zone, there is still defense you can make outside of the flag zone! For example, on some maps with slabs you can place blocks, which block players from crossing that area, but what makes that defense effective is the fact that slabs have been used, players can't place blocks to build over the defense either, this type of block placement can severely stall players and can prevent them from escaping so easily. Some maps with gaps between areas, placing a simple 2-block high wall can prevent most players from making the jump, this is usually because once players have captured the flag, they tend to quickly place blocks bellow them to make players chasing them get stuck, while this is effective it can be detrimental to players who don't pay attention to their surroundings. Just remember not to fall victim to your own defenses!

Tip 12: This tip is for sweaty CTF games (CTF games with pro players), if you've scored at least once (and the enemy team has scored 0 times), when the timer runs out you will automatically win. There is no need to capture any more flags if you have one more point than the enemy team, and it's rather more safe to play defense for the rest of the game to ensure your victory. However if the enemy team has more points than you than you definitely want to score, having a higher score than the enemy team will result in an automatic victory once the timer runs out (which doesn't last very long).


Tip 1: With practice and speed, it is possible to get both an iron sword and chestplate before the borders open.

Tip 2: Don't bother rearranging your inventory, use the layout you've been provided.

Tip 3: When building a defense switch between wood and concrete.

Tip 4: Each map has it's own strategy, develop your own for each one.

Tip 5: Work with teammates, learn indirect communication and think and play smart. (aka don't rush in blindly)

Tip 6: Don't spend half of the game mining, get a iron/diamond sword and a piece of armor and your good.

Tip 7: You can make planks before you respawn if your fast enough.

Tip 8: In and out strategy, scroll up for more information.

Tip 9: Minimize conflict when to reduce the attention your getting when capturing flags.

Tip 10: You can still capture the enemy flag if yours is taken.

Tip 11: Strategically make defense outside of the flag zone, it can help.

Tip 12: If your team has more points than the enemy team, you will win regardless once the timer runs out.


Jul 1, 2021
Basement of your house
I would not suggest building a defense at all (unless you are playing java ctf), it doesnt save any time, it saves your blocks which you can use to bridge/get away from enemy/trap them/clutch . Building a defence out of blocks benefits the enemy than your team, as if someone is in your base, the blocks help them to not get knockout out of the flag while taking it. In Sweaty games its better to make a defence out of buttons(used in every scrim and by most leaderboard players) as they cant easily place blocks on top of buttons(they need to sneak and aim on top on button to place it) which slows them and you can knock them out of flag.
The rest of the stuff seems common sense
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