Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
Playing CubeCraft Skywars
Hai! This seems like the best place to send this. I have reached over 100 accepted Bedrock reports! I am very happy to be ridding the server of rule breakers and enjoy doing so.

Yes, yes, I’m that person that’s never hacked on a server. However, to be honest, there was a time a few years back on Minecraft servers when seeing those hackers didn’t make me want to report them, but made me want to hack myself. I tried everywhere to find hack clients (everywhere on the App Store I mean) and didn’t find anything for me that i could use. I continued to play normally and saw how much more fun it would be without hacks. I never wanted to see another hacker again after that! I started playing on CubeCraft a few years back and had it as the best quality of the featured Bedrock severs! I carried on playing for two years and eventually joined the forums, as well as the Discord about a a Month and a bit now. I think it was on the 27th of March. The reason I joined, to be honest, was to report a bug that was so annoying to be a part of! Then I saw how nice the community was on here and on Discord and inspired me to stay active! Not only did I play on the server more often, I basically spent all my time on the forums and Discord! After seeing the friendly staff team, I decided to apply for helper myself! I didn’t actually start recording and reporting rule breakers until rather recently. I saw two fly hackers fighting In the air once and took screenshots and reported on the forums. I never realised that I needed video evidence however and @Capitan, the admin, pointed me in the right direction. I then realised how many hackers there actually are. I pulled my phone out and started recording one by one teamers, sky basers, hackers and other things. From the 15th April till now, I have had 107 accepted player reports!

Yes, there was one thing that made me want to stop reports all together at some points. Hate on the videos. No, I don’t mean a thumbs down or an angry face, I mean three crossteamers going on to my videos one by one and saying the most hurtful things. I ignored them and made my videos unlisted. The only videos they can reply to are the ones with their evidence. At least it means views?? Lol

May I say a huge thank you to all the Bedrock moderators for replying to all my player reports so quickly. (Also a thanks for coping with the terrible quality of my ‘iPad - phone recording team’ haha!

@Kloska - Thank you so much for replying to so many of my reports so quickly and getting back to me.

@XiiKa - 70? 75? 80? Certainly, the amount of reports you have accepted from me isn’t small. How do you put up with that bad quality is the real question! Thank you so much for replying to my reports. That message of:
‘Your report has been accepted!
We appreciate you taking the time to report players. The reported rule breaker will be punished accordingly.’ Is stuck in my head until this day lol!

@Soeshi - Thanks for replying to my reports one by one. You’re always the unlucky one because you always seem to reply when like 10 have piled up lol!

Also thanks to @Dutudy and @Spuuuni for replying to many of my reports. Dutudy, why do you always reply to my reports when they’re the worst quality lol.

@Duduu/ @Eli @Fisktratt thanks for helping me tell if someone is actually hacking or not. Sometimes, my quality is so bad that I have to ask for assistance to tell if the evidence is enough/sufficient aha.

Also, thanks for people that dm me in regards to reports. It’s greatly appreciated!

Roadto200? :D

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tysm for the follow!! ❤️
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happy birthday!
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