Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since my last suggestion, but I see so much potential for Bedwars that I just had to make one! This suggestion will include new modes, new team upgrades, and new items!! Hope you like it!

Firstly, before I start the suggestion, I would like to applaud Cubecraft for a job well done with Bedwars. I never thought I’d actually see the day where Bedwars was added to Cubecraft. However, I gotta say, I really LOVE the gamemode. It’s super fun, strategical, and very well made. I also really like the new update that gave special abilities to helmets. Very cool concept.
Now, let’s get into it.

New Modes:
Here are my ideas for 2 unique modes for Bedwars!
  • Ghast: every 2 minutes, a ghast will spawn in middle and will target random players with its fireballs.
  • Wands: 1 random wand from Lucky Islands will be placed in each player’s inventory. The wands will be replaced by another random wand every 2 minutes. If a player dies with a wand, they will not respawn with it and they will only receive a new one when everybody else does. As for the wands. The following are wands that could possibly be included in this mode: tnt wand, lightning wand, regeneration wand, mob wand, shield wand, and slime wand. This last one I’m not certain if it would be a good fit for Bedwars, but the Frozen Path wand may also be a possibility.
New Team Upgrades:
I will now list the ideas I have for potential new Team Upgrades.
  1. Discount: will reduce the cost of everything in the shop by 10%.
  2. Silverfish: every time you take 2 hearts of damage in PvP, a silverfish will spawn to attack your opponent.
  3. Unbreaking Arsenal: will permanently apply unbreaking I to your team’s swords, axes, sheers, and pickaxes.
  4. Power boost: permanently applies Power I to your team’s bows.
  5. Punch boost: permanently applies Punch I to your team’s bows.
  6. Haste: permanently grants Haste I effect for the whole team.
Each of these new Team Upgrades would cost 10 Diamonds.

New Items:
I will now list my ideas for new and returning items that I think would make a good addition to Bedwars.

- Speed Helmet: helmet that, when equipped, grants permanent speed.
Price: 5 diamonds or 15 gold

- Ladder Builders (from Eggwars)
Price: 8-10 gold

- 4 Snowballs
Price: 12 gold or 2 diamonds

- 8 Weakness arrows
Price: 16-32 gold

- Spyglass
Price: 15 gold or 4 diamonds

- Bogged Turret: the “Bogged” is a new-ish Mob coming to Minecraft in the 1.21 update. It is basically a re-designed skeleton that shoots poison arrows.
Price: 10 diamonds


- Wolf spawn egg: spawns a tamed wolf that will attack your opponents. Max 2 wolves at a time per player.
Price: 64 iron or 20 gold

- Shield Wand (from Lucky Islands): with a 20-30 second cooldown between uses.
Price: 5-10 diamonds

I’ve never played Java, so I don’t know how Cubecraft’s Bedwars is on there. So, to the Java players, do you think these suggestions would work well on Java as well? Let me know in the comments. If so, I will edit this post to “All Networks” instead of just for Bedrock.

Thank you so much for reading this suggestion! Comment and let me know which ideas you think are good and which you think are bad. What do you think about the pricing ideas? I’m open to criticisms! Finally, make sure to react with :disagree:, :unsure:, or :agree:!

- Reesle :)


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
I want to start by appreciating the effort put into this thread! You have some awesome ideas!

I voted unsure because I partially agree with some proposals and disagree with others.
Ghast: every 2 minutes, a ghast will spawn in middle and will target random players with its fireballs.​
I personally don’t think that this would be a good fit for Bedwars for a variety of reasons:​
  • The Chaos of a Ghast invasion doesn’t seem appealing to the type of player who likes EggWars, who would rather have all factors be more skill based than anything else.​
  • Minecraft’s hostile mob behavior is really strange and unpredictable at times, I foresee a lot of challenges with Ghasts just flying away, or targeting a specific player for the entirety of its lifespan.​
Wands: 1 random wand from Lucky Islands will be placed in each player’s inventory. The wands will be replaced by another random wand every 2 minutes. If a player dies with a wand, they will not respawn with it and they will only receive a new one when everybody else does. As for the wands. The following are wands that could possibly be included in this mode: tnt wand, lightning wand, regeneration wand, mob wand, shield wand, and slime wand. This last one I’m not certain if it would be a good fit for Bedwars, but the Frozen Path wand may also be a possibility.​
This idea sounds very fun but I would NOT make it luck based, I would instead include the wands in the Miscellaneous area of the shop. Mainly because some of the wands you listed are fairly more advantageous than others, ESPECIALLY in the context of Bedwars. Like the TNT wand for example, which would be pretty strong for offense.

I do love that you’re just reincorporating mechanics that already exist within cubecraft, sounds like a very fun and resource efficient twist!
- Bogged Turret: the “Bogged” is a new-ish Mob coming to Minecraft in the 1.21 update. It is basically a re-designed skeleton that shoots poison arrows.
Price: 10 diamonds

- Wolf spawn egg: spawns a tamed wolf that will attack your opponents. Max 2 wolves at a time per player.
Price: 64 iron or 20 gold​

I like both of these ideas a lot, I do think the Bogged turret sounds like it would be very powerful so perhaps increasing the price wouldn’t be too bad.

I think all your proposals do have something in common that I think is very important and it’s the fact that they try to be unique, the same way CubeCraft tried to be unique with the inclusion of things like helmets with properties and defensive turrets. I strongly feel that cubecraft should capitalize on those creative differences to make their version of BedWars stand out, and continue to make changes that favor rushing and intense 1 to 1 combat less and less to further differentiate it from EggWars, and so that in the Java release, it’s noticeably distinct from Hypixel’s BedWars.​

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
I agree with all your suggestion except this:
  • Ghast: every 2 minutes, a ghast will spawn in middle and will target random players with its fireballs.
  • Wands: 1 random wand from Lucky Islands will be placed in each player’s inventory. The wands will be replaced by another random wand every 2 minutes. If a player dies with a wand, they will not respawn with it and they will only receive a new one when everybody else does. As for the wands. The following are wands that could possibly be included in this mode: tnt wand, lightning wand, regeneration wand, mob wand, shield wand, and slime wand. This last one I’m not certain if it would be a good fit for Bedwars, but the Frozen Path wand may also be a possibility.
- Wolf spawn egg: spawns a tamed wolf that will attack your opponents. Max 2 wolves at a time per player.
Price: 64 iron or 20 gold

- Shield Wand (from Lucky Islands): with a 20-30 second cooldown between uses.
Price: 5-10 diamonds
Bc with this in my opinion the game will be soo defecult to win it
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Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
Ghast: every 2 minutes, a ghast will spawn in middle and will target random players with its fireballs.
Disagree - Honestly, I can see this just being annoying and not a mode that people would want to choose. It could potentially work as a game event such as the TNT rain, but then again I think the TNT rain is effective and an alternative isn’t really needed. Furthermore, I agree with Eli - the ghasts probably wouldn't do what we expect them to xD
Wands: 1 random wand from Lucky Islands will be placed in each player’s inventory. The wands will be replaced by another random wand every 2 minutes. If a player dies with a wand, they will not respawn with it and they will only receive a new one when everybody else does. As for the wands. The following are wands that could possibly be included in this mode: tnt wand, lightning wand, regeneration wand, mob wand, shield wand, and slime wand. This last one I’m not certain if it would be a good fit for Bedwars, but the Frozen Path wand may also be a possibility.
Unsure - Unfortunately, I just can’t see this fitting into BedWars well at all. However, as Eli said above, some of these wands could potentially be included in the shop and work well. It will take some time for me to think about how each of the wands’ abilities would impact the game, however, one wand I would be strongly against would be the regen wand. Let’s be honest, there’s already so many ways to get the regen effect in this game xD
Discount: will reduce the cost of everything in the shop by 10%.
Agree/Unsure - This sounds like a good idea, but 10% isn’t much. Items that usually cost 10 would cost 9, and items that usually cost 20 would cost 18. This low of a discount would probably only be useful when buying items in bulk, and in my experience most BedWars games don’t last long enough for that to be necessary. That being said, if the discount is too large that would obviously be a problem as well, which I assume was your thought when suggesting 10%. Overall I would say it could make a good potential team upgrade, but only if the discount was a little bit larger.
Silverfish: every time you take 2 hearts of damage in PvP, a silverfish will spawn to attack your opponent.
Disagree - I think this would be more annoying than helpful. I think it would be annoying to fight someone who has this ability, and I highly doubt the silverfish would be able to stop me from killing them, especially when using the anti-KB helmet, so I think this might not be worth it for them as well. The wolves you suggested later on would probably be better at defending us!
Unbreaking Arsenal: will permanently apply unbreaking I to your team’s swords, axes, sheers, and pickaxes.
Disagree - I don’t think BedWars games/fights can last long enough to worry about items breaking, so I don’t think this is necessary.
Power boost: permanently applies Power I to your team’s bows.
Unsure - In my own experience, not many people use bows. I have not yet seen a bow fight that is long enough for a power upgrade to be useful. However it wouldn't hurt for it to just be an option anyway.
Punch boost: permanently applies Punch I to your team’s bows.
Disagree - Same as above with the bows issue, also, I think this upgrade may be unbalanced and easy to counter due to the anti-KB helmet. The upgrade would cost 10 diamonds whereas the anti-KB helmet only costs 10 gold to equip. Though obviously I would consider changing the price of the helmet in that case rather than the upgrade.
Haste: permanently grants Haste I effect for the whole team.
Unsure - I think the point of the iron tools upgrade is to upgrade tools and increase mining/breaking speed. On one hand, it can’t hurt to have it be even faster, but on the other hand I don’t see this as necessary.
Speed Helmet: helmet that, when equipped, grants permanent speed.
Price: 5 diamonds or 15 gold
Agree - I like this idea, I always find speed very helpful in both PvP and when running for my life. Especially having it as a helmet as it would mean choosing between Anti-KB, extra regen and speed which are all valid choices.
Ladder Builders (from Eggwars)
Price: 8-10 gold
Unsure - I’m not sure how helpful this would be, simply because I’ve not yet come across a situation where having ladders in the game would have been helpful. However, I have never used these in EggWars either, so I could just be a noob!
- 4 Snowballs
Price: 12 gold or 2 diamonds
Unsure - Same as some of my points above, I’m not really sure what snowballs would be useful for in BedWars, unless I’m missing something. They don’t do damage and the knockback they give can be easily countered. Bows are of course better for more accurate, damaging, ranged attacks.
8 Weakness arrows
Price: 16-32 gold
Unsure - Seems like a decent idea, but I’m unsure simply because I would not personally use them. When I use a bow I usually target turrets rather than players. So I can’t really have an opinion for this one xD
Price: 15 gold or 4 diamonds
Unsure - Again, I would not personally see myself using it, but it could still be a good idea.
Bogged Turret: the “Bogged” is a new-ish Mob coming to Minecraft in the 1.21 update. It is basically a re-designed skeleton that shoots poison arrows.
Price: 10 diamonds
Agree - Definitely seems like a fun addition come 1.21! Though I haven’t seen the Bogged yet so I’m not sure how effective the poisoned arrows are. There’s also the Stray which shoots slowness arrows, which are probably less helpful but could also be included as a turret.
Wolf spawn egg: spawns a tamed wolf that will attack your opponents. Max 2 wolves at a time per player.
Price: 64 iron or 20 gold
Agree - Wolves are helpful (and cute). Enough said! Perhaps with wolf armour upgrade?
Shield Wand (from Lucky Islands): with a 20-30 second cooldown between uses.
Price: 5-10 diamonds
Disagree - No particular reason, I just don’t think this would fit well in BedWars.
I’ve never played Java, so I don’t know how Cubecraft’s Bedwars is on there. So, to the Java players, do you think these suggestions would work well on Java as well? Let me know in the comments. If so, I will edit this post to “All Networks” instead of just for Bedrock.
I expect the main difference would just be the PvP style, unless the team has any gameplay changes they want to make to the Java version and haven’t revealed it yet. That being said, I don’t think these ideas would have significant changes on Java so this suggestion would probably work for both.

Note - I hope I’m not being overly negative or harsh, I appreciate you making such a high-quality suggestion and it is very well presented! When it comes to BedWars suggestions I’m slightly worried about overcomplicating the game, as its simplicity is the main thing I love about it. I think some of these ideas keep that simplicity and others do not. This doesn’t mean that I dislike every BedWars suggestion, but overall I do quite like the state the game is in right now.


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
Unsure - I’m not sure how helpful this would be, simply because I’ve not yet come across a situation where having ladders in the game would have been helpful. However, I have never used these in EggWars either, so I could just be a noob!
I think ladder builders would be helpful when combined with an auto bridger when trying to get to a team’s island. This combo could be useful to try to avoid a base that has many turrets and to TnT a bed or to avoid some campers who are bow/fireball spamming.
Unsure - Seems like a decent idea, but I’m unsure simply because I would not personally use them. When I use a bow I usually target turrets rather than players. So I can’t really have an opinion for this one xD
Because there are many ways a player can get regeneration, I think these would be a good counter attack. Yes, sure, a player with lots of regeneration will still last just as long, however, they’ll do less damage, effectively downgrading the regeneration effect.
I expect the main difference would just be the PvP style, unless the team has any gameplay changes they want to make to the Java version and haven’t revealed it yet. That being said, I don’t think these ideas would have significant changes on Java so this suggestion would probably work for both.
Thank you very much for the info!
Note - I hope I’m not being overly negative or harsh, I appreciate you making such a high-quality suggestion and it is very well presented! When it comes to BedWars suggestions I’m slightly worried about overcomplicating the game, as its simplicity is the main thing I love about it. I think some of these ideas keep that simplicity and others do not. This doesn’t mean that I dislike every BedWars suggestion, but overall I do quite like the state the game is in right now.
You’re not being harsh/negative at all. I appreciate any and all opinions/criticisms, whether agreeing or disagreeing with me. I also really appreciate all the time you put into your answers, I enjoy reading others’ thoughts.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
New Modes:
Here are my ideas for 2 unique modes for Bedwars!
  • Ghast: every 2 minutes, a ghast will spawn in middle and will target random players with its fireballs.
  • Wands: 1 random wand from Lucky Islands will be placed in each player’s inventory. The wands will be replaced by another random wand every 2 minutes. If a player dies with a wand, they will not respawn with it and they will only receive a new one when everybody else does. As for the wands. The following are wands that could possibly be included in this mode: tnt wand, lightning wand, regeneration wand, mob wand, shield wand, and slime wand. This last one I’m not certain if it would be a good fit for Bedwars, but the Frozen Path wand may also be a possibility.
Not a fan of this one. I just don't think it fits the game to be honest. Bedwars but with ghasts just doesn't work for me. Lucky Islands is Lucky Islands, I wouldn't like Bedwars to be luck based. If people want a luck element, which is what Bedwars would turn into if wands and ghasts were added, they should just play Lucky Islands.

New Team Upgrades:
I will now list the ideas I have for potential new Team Upgrades.
  1. Discount: will reduce the cost of everything in the shop by 10%.
  2. Silverfish: every time you take 2 hearts of damage in PvP, a silverfish will spawn to attack your opponent.
  3. Unbreaking Arsenal: will permanently apply unbreaking I to your team’s swords, axes, sheers, and pickaxes.
  4. Power boost: permanently applies Power I to your team’s bows.
  5. Punch boost: permanently applies Punch I to your team’s bows.
  6. Haste: permanently grants Haste I effect for the whole team.
Each of these new Team Upgrades would cost 10 Diamonds.
1. Indifferent about this.
2. I'd like to fight players, not silverfish. From my experience, in lucky islands for example, silverfish are better than most players. :angrynoot:
3. Probably not a worthwhile upgrade to be honest
4 & 5. I have played like 150 games and not shot 1 arrow; I'm indifferent about this one too.
6. Agree

New Items:
I will now list my ideas for new and returning items that I think would make a good addition to Bedwars.

- Speed Helmet: helmet that, when equipped, grants permanent speed.
Price: 5 diamonds or 15 gold

- Ladder Builders (from Eggwars)
Price: 8-10 gold

- 4 Snowballs
Price: 12 gold or 2 diamonds

- 8 Weakness arrows
Price: 16-32 gold

- Spyglass
Price: 15 gold or 4 diamonds

- Bogged Turret: the “Bogged” is a new-ish Mob coming to Minecraft in the 1.21 update. It is basically a re-designed skeleton that shoots poison arrows.
Price: 10 diamonds

View attachment 230076

- Wolf spawn egg: spawns a tamed wolf that will attack your opponents. Max 2 wolves at a time per player.
Price: 64 iron or 20 gold

- Shield Wand (from Lucky Islands): with a 20-30 second cooldown between uses.
Price: 5-10 diamonds

I wouldn't like a speed helmet to be honest. I think it would cause fights to last longer and make the game more annoying to play to be honest. I suggested "night vision goggles" in another thread, these could perhaps remove blindness and also remove slowness from any blindness things (forgot the name lol)



Indifferent - haven't used a bow, nor have I seen people using them. Fireballs are just way easier to use



Disagree; again, I'd rather fight players than their pets, which are usually a lot better than them lol.

Disagree; as said before, I think this just doesn't fit this game to be honest.


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
I think ladder builders would be helpful when combined with an auto bridger when trying to get to a team’s island. This combo could be useful to try to avoid a base that has many turrets and to TnT a bed or to avoid some campers who are bow/fireball spamming.
Here’s another instance where ladder builders might be useful: when your final kill is sky-basing with blocks that aren’t affected by fireballs while using turrets and blindness totems.


I wouldn't like a speed helmet to be honest. I think it would cause fights to last longer and make the game more annoying to play to be honest. I suggested "night vision goggles" in another thread, these could perhaps remove blindness and also remove slowness from any blindness things (forgot the name lol)
Night vision goggles as a counter to blindness totems is a very good idea! đź‘Ť
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since my last suggestion, but I see so much potential for Bedwars that I just had to make one! This suggestion will include new modes, new team upgrades, and new items!! Hope you like it!

Firstly, before I start the suggestion, I would like to applaud Cubecraft for a job well done with Bedwars. I never thought I’d actually see the day where Bedwars was added to Cubecraft. However, I gotta say, I really LOVE the gamemode. It’s super fun, strategical, and very well made. I also really like the new update that gave special abilities to helmets. Very cool concept.
Now, let’s get into it.

New Modes:
Here are my ideas for 2 unique modes for Bedwars!
  • Ghast: every 2 minutes, a ghast will spawn in middle and will target random players with its fireballs.
  • Wands: 1 random wand from Lucky Islands will be placed in each player’s inventory. The wands will be replaced by another random wand every 2 minutes. If a player dies with a wand, they will not respawn with it and they will only receive a new one when everybody else does. As for the wands. The following are wands that could possibly be included in this mode: tnt wand, lightning wand, regeneration wand, mob wand, shield wand, and slime wand. This last one I’m not certain if it would be a good fit for Bedwars, but the Frozen Path wand may also be a possibility.
New Team Upgrades:
I will now list the ideas I have for potential new Team Upgrades.
  1. Discount: will reduce the cost of everything in the shop by 10%.
  2. Silverfish: every time you take 2 hearts of damage in PvP, a silverfish will spawn to attack your opponent.
  3. Unbreaking Arsenal: will permanently apply unbreaking I to your team’s swords, axes, sheers, and pickaxes.
  4. Power boost: permanently applies Power I to your team’s bows.
  5. Punch boost: permanently applies Punch I to your team’s bows.
  6. Haste: permanently grants Haste I effect for the whole team.
Each of these new Team Upgrades would cost 10 Diamonds.

New Items:
I will now list my ideas for new and returning items that I think would make a good addition to Bedwars.

- Speed Helmet: helmet that, when equipped, grants permanent speed.
Price: 5 diamonds or 15 gold

- Ladder Builders (from Eggwars)
Price: 8-10 gold

- 4 Snowballs
Price: 12 gold or 2 diamonds

- 8 Weakness arrows
Price: 16-32 gold

- Spyglass
Price: 15 gold or 4 diamonds

- Bogged Turret: the “Bogged” is a new-ish Mob coming to Minecraft in the 1.21 update. It is basically a re-designed skeleton that shoots poison arrows.
Price: 10 diamonds

View attachment 230076

- Wolf spawn egg: spawns a tamed wolf that will attack your opponents. Max 2 wolves at a time per player.
Price: 64 iron or 20 gold

- Shield Wand (from Lucky Islands): with a 20-30 second cooldown between uses.
Price: 5-10 diamonds

I’ve never played Java, so I don’t know how Cubecraft’s Bedwars is on there. So, to the Java players, do you think these suggestions would work well on Java as well? Let me know in the comments. If so, I will edit this post to “All Networks” instead of just for Bedrock.

Thank you so much for reading this suggestion! Comment and let me know which ideas you think are good and which you think are bad. What do you think about the pricing ideas? I’m open to criticisms! Finally, make sure to react with :disagree:, :unsure:, or :agree:!

- Reesle :)
BUMP! Which new modes, items, or upgrades from my suggestion would you like to see implemented? Please share all thoughts, opinions, and criticisms in the replies!

Also, thank you to those who have already replied and shared their opinion :)


Novice Member
May 12, 2024
Illinois, USA
all of the suggestions are really good!!! i especially really like the wands and speed helmets and i disagree with the silverfish, unbreaking arsenal, and ghast as they might overcomplicate things or get in the way. really cool ideas and i really hope that some of these get implemented into the game!!!
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