Put simply, the ability to buy specific things, such as more points and the like, for if you A) Don't want to pay for an entire new rank just to get points or B) Want points NOW and are already emerald or something.
omg I thought you were talking about Bob_The_Giraffe xD And the ranks are in GBP, not USD.Bob walks into room: BAH I dont want ranks HOW ABOUT POINTS. =he buys 25,000 points for $10.00 USD sorry idk GBP not from england or whatever
It's changed along the way. GBP is worth more, and 10 pounds, you would think it'd be $10 but it's worth $16. And you might have to pay a few dollars for it to be converted into pounds, Not entirely sure.ik and wtf bob_the_giraffe How do you buy something with USD when the donator ranks are only bought in GBP
it isn't just paypal. If you went to a bank or something they'd charge you to change it.meh the ways of paypal.
LoL rubix_cube_manExcellent idea. Like 1 GBP for 50 points or something like that? @halothe23 @rubix_cube_man