Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jul 24, 2021
Okay so in assassinations its really hard to get people banned for bounty farming. When you try to bann them staff wil most of the time close the report because you dont have enough evidence.

It is really hard to get evidence for someone bfarming the staff said to me: that i need to actually have them on recording bfarming what I did was clip them delivering the bounty heads to the bounty Hunter and have their streak on a clip. It didn't help for my report that there were multiple people in the map 5 people.

Staff said that its not enough evidence so basicly you can bfarm have some alts in the map so your with 5 ppl in the map 3 alts and your friend you give them dia or some other loot and they wont be your bounty. Then you kill your tm8 have some heads then a person joins you will deliver your bounty heads have a streak in chat for example 20 and 25. Then you will leave so the person who joins can never get evidence of me actually killing him for bfarming isn't that stupid that you neec to have them killing him for multiple times on recording.

I think if you see a 5 and a 10 streak after each other in chat be enough to get someone banned but only the person who delivered the heads not the person who got killed if its only 1 kill in the chat. Because if there is only 1 kill someone might get banned while he wasn't bounty farming but just got killed by the person bfarming. If the person gets multiple times killed in the clip he should het banned to. But if you see 2 streaks after each other in 10 seconds it should be enough to bann them.


Jul 24, 2021
here is a link of someone bfarming but its not enough evidence. I think justcritspam should be banned bc he has the streak in chat but imezzzzZ not bc you cant see him get killed multiple times. So if staff members would say that to all the bfarm reports when there is only 1 kill in chat you could just bfarm with 3 alts in the map. You kill your tm8 multiple times you have 20 heads someone joins you deliver the heads and leave the person who joined cant get your banned on recording bc he cant see you kill someone multiple times he does see a 5 a 10 a 15 and a 20 streak tho but thats not enough evidence. Thats stupid in my opinion but yeah sure if thats the rules for bfarming banns then its impossible or a staff member needs to spectate.
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