I still don't agree with adding /votekick back because it'll be heavily abused again. See, it's kinda not fair to kick someone from a game they enjoy just because they are inexperienced or bad. If someone is purposely misplacing towers then you can report them
here, they'll get warned or banned. Though, if someone is accidentally doing that because they're new, speaking to them in chat, teaching them is the nicest thing to do. I know how frustrating it can be to play with inexperienced people, but we must remember that at one time everyone was like that. If someone is ignoring you in chat when they're misplacing towers, it's probably because they don't speak the same language. There's always the option of teaming up in a party with experienced friends.
I think there are better ways to resolve this situation besides adding /votekick such as if we were to implement a system to force towers being placed on specific spots or if we made the tutorial mandatory to play Tower Defence, and restructure the tutorial to teach inexperienced people how to play more strategically. I'll discuss this with Management, but I still side against adding that command back again.
~ ChaosConjurer ♡