Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Cube wont bring any old games back, theyre too busy with a long list of updates and with a small dev team now they wont be able to release any old games as they need updating to the new game framework
I don't think this is necessarily true. However, it is not very likely. The old games from 2018 (including Battle Zone) are made on the old framework. This means the entire game has to be redone on the current framework, which does indeed take a lot of time. The framework is now almost the same if not exactly the same as the one used on bedrock, meaning that games will likely first have a try-out there before even being considered on Java. This means that the only games applicable for this right now would be MinerWare and Line Dash, as they are already done on bedrock.

Battle Zone on Java was one of the most dead games together with Archer Assault in the Featured Game cycle, meaning that this game would be last on the list to be added back. I do think Cube will eventually look at adding back games, but I don't think they will ever get to the capacity that allows Battle Zone to return.


Forum Expert
Jul 12, 2021
This game was boring and very dead on this time, imagine now, it would be much more dead :/
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Reesle wrote on Mimoki8's profile.
Thank you for the follow! And congrats on level 30! :D
coolzombiee wrote on LemonyBreak459's profile.
Bro actually thinks he can get free ranks by asking people lol
Unlocked Iron in Skyblock for the 5th time haha. Feeling good.
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