Not true, as Animal is the staff manager and has nothing to do with connections. I suggest you to not answer questions if you do not know the answer. Also there is no bedwars o_OI do not know if you will be Spanish, if I am, if you have problems regarding connections and other things (especially in BedWars) you should contact a administrator like @AnimalTamer1. I would like to help you but I do not play Bedrock. :p
Greetings and bye :)
- Locked as issue has been answered.Not true, as Animal is the staff manager and has nothing to do with connections. I suggest you to not answer questions if you do not know the answer. Also there is no bedwars o_O
If you’re a 100% sure your connection etc is okay best thing to do is email and state your problem. They will ask you to run some tests and then they identify and possibly fix the problem.