Everyone knows there are some little but inconvenient mistakes that we all stumble in everyday life?
Well, that is also true for the cubecraft forum!
Currently, we are only able to change the prefix (thus type) of a post.
But what are we going to do when we have, e.g. Eegwars posting in the introduction category?!?
Well, there is nothing we can do about it, and that needs to change!
This is what it currently looks like:
And this is what is my suggestion here:
Give an option to change Prefix AND Category
(third time I said Category, it’s my word for the day now:D)
(And yes, that kind of happened to myself, that’s why I suggest it:P)
Agree, if you think it would make a great addition

Unsure or Disagree, if you have mixed feelings or dislike it, and let me know why!
Everyone knows there are some little but inconvenient mistakes that we all stumble in everyday life?
Well, that is also true for the cubecraft forum!
Currently, we are only able to change the prefix (thus type) of a post.
But what are we going to do when we have, e.g. Eegwars posting in the introduction category?!?
Well, there is nothing we can do about it, and that needs to change!
This is what it currently looks like:
And this is what is my suggestion here:
Give an option to change Prefix AND Category
(third time I said Category, it’s my word for the day now:D)
(And yes, that kind of happened to myself, that’s why I suggest it:P)