So I was playing layer spleef with a friend of mine, and a player died.
He was mad and he said ''gay'' to my friend. (He wrote it a bit diffrent then the actually word) I wanted to say ''There's nothing wrong with being gay''
But I couldn't? What is wrong with saying gay?
Yes people use it as an insult, but it's something people are.. And they're isnt a reason to filter it.
''Your mother'' can be hurtfull for people because they're mother died, or she's really sick. Still people make your mother jokes. ''Fat'' is also allowed, yet people strugle with it..
He was mad and he said ''gay'' to my friend. (He wrote it a bit diffrent then the actually word) I wanted to say ''There's nothing wrong with being gay''
But I couldn't? What is wrong with saying gay?
Yes people use it as an insult, but it's something people are.. And they're isnt a reason to filter it.
''Your mother'' can be hurtfull for people because they're mother died, or she's really sick. Still people make your mother jokes. ''Fat'' is also allowed, yet people strugle with it..