Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Gameplay Engineer
Jul 12, 2020
The Netherlands
Hello people,

I started making this datapack in december 2020, and I was really excited to make and introduce it, since it was the first time a datapack like this was made. However, when i was in the last stage of bugfixing, a datapack YouTuber called CommandGeek published a video about a chess datapack he made himself. It was really disappointing for me, since I hoped to be the first, so I lost basically immediately motivation for the project. It was almost finis hed though; there were only a couple of bugs that had to be fixed, so today I am sharing it anyways, since it is still really cool imo.


As said before, it is a datapack that lets you play chess against your friend in Minecraft. You can just load it in your world and it will work fine. You can't play illegal moves, like putting your king in check or moving a piece while you're in check that doesn't block the check. It supports every single rule in chess, including en passant, castling and pawn promotion. If you hoover over a piece, it shows with particles every possible move. Every piece has its own custom created 3D model. You can play it with max 2 players, and can only move your own color's pieces. If you play in singleplayer, you will automatically get permissions to move both colors. The datapack has automatic win detection: resignment, checkmate, stalemate and out of time.

- Made by: Egg (EggsAxis)
- Made with: 68 Functions (files with commands) - ~533,000 characters
- Number of scoreboards: 9

How to use it
After downloading the datapack and apply it to your wordfolder, type /reload in chat and it will load the datapack.

There are 3 commands you can use:

  1. /trigger chess_setup : This command will create a chessboard on your standing location. You can only have 1 chessboard in your world!
  2. /trigger chess_start : This will start a game. It will clear your inventory, but before you start, it warns you for it, so there's no danger of losing your stuff.
  3. /trigger chess_settings : This will bring up every setting in the chat. The settings are: length of the game, the gamerule sendCommandFeedback, whether you want to see the moves you play in the chat, and if you want to see the possible moves for each piece.
You need to place a chessboard first before you can start a game. Shift for a couple of seconds near the middle of the board to remove it. You have to take a little bit of distance (like 5 blocks) to be able to move the pieces successfully.

The datapack is not totally bugfree. Since it is more than half a year ago since I made it, due to the complexity, it is really hard for me to efficiently spot the bugs and fix them. Especially promoting more than one piece per color per game may cause issues.
This datapack is made for 1.17+

Thanks for reading!

Download (if you'd like to play it):
Resourcepack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jvdye12em96qdoh/Chess_Resourcepack.zip/file
Datapack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/391sdujvy74k30c/Chess_Datapack.zip/file
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