Hey CubeCraft Games
Clan plugins
Are you Diamond rank or higer you have permission to do /Clan create [Tag] [name]
You can /Clan invite [name] /clan settag [old tag] [new tag] /clan view [clan name]
/clan promote [name] /clan demote [name] /clan remove [player name] /clan disband (you remover your won clan) /Clan chat /Clan invite accept
Clan Leader: perms to all
Clan officer: perms to /clan invite /clan view /clan remove player /clan chat /clan invite accept
Clan member: perms to /clan view /clan chat / Clan invite accept
A suffix Max 4 &6[tag] only perms for a Leader to create/change this tag
Clan create:
Cubecraftgames ||Diamond|| or higer /Clan Create [Tag] [name]
Clan join:
Cubecraftgames enable for all ranks /Clan invite accept
Clan plugins
Are you Diamond rank or higer you have permission to do /Clan create [Tag] [name]
You can /Clan invite [name] /clan settag [old tag] [new tag] /clan view [clan name]
/clan promote [name] /clan demote [name] /clan remove [player name] /clan disband (you remover your won clan) /Clan chat /Clan invite accept
Clan Leader: perms to all
Clan officer: perms to /clan invite /clan view /clan remove player /clan chat /clan invite accept
Clan member: perms to /clan view /clan chat / Clan invite accept
A suffix Max 4 &6[tag] only perms for a Leader to create/change this tag
Clan create:
Cubecraftgames ||Diamond|| or higer /Clan Create [Tag] [name]
Clan join:
Cubecraftgames enable for all ranks /Clan invite accept