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Dedicated Member
May 5, 2019
the Eastside of America
Clubes: clubs in CubeCraft!

Some additional information

This thread is based off of this thread, which is also based on other threads. However I'll only be taking care of the Clube part (Their Guilds part). I'd like to bring this idea back to life, due to the new suggestions system and it being inactive for over a year. I've been a huge fan of this idea and I would LOVE to see this happen!
This suggestion is marked as "All networks". Unfortunately some menus and chats are not possible on Bedrock. Either these will be disabled, or the bedrock menu could be used.

What's a clube?

It's a Club of players in CubeCraft! This would be simillar to any clan, guild, club, ... system out there in a lot of games. It'd be a group of players joining together to get an advantage or to simply play together. It'll make Minecraft clans a lot more fun, too!

Now let's get more into the details on how a Clube would work.

Clube commands

Both /clube and /c should work in the commands!

Creating a Clube​

/c create <name> : this will create a Clube with the given name! Keep in mind, clube names can be seen by anyone, at anytime. Therefore all chat rules still apply to Clube names, and a filter will be put on this command, to avoid rule-breaking names!

Keep in mind that not everyone can create a Clube, and you'll need to pay a little bit to create a Clube. This is a list of the minimum requirements and the prices you'll have to pay to create one. This is to avoid having millions of Clubes.
- Iron Rank
- Level 20

As you can see, level 20 is quite low, but it still takes 200+ Eggwars wins!
- 10,000 points
Winning 213 Eggwars games gives you 21300 points
Winning 426 Skywars games gives you 10650 points
It's not easy, but doable
- 1,000 loot points

Clube settings​

/c settings :This will show all curent settings of the Clube
Leader: Rawrbinnn
Invites : off
/c invites on/off : This option is on by default. Toggling it off: people can join with a command. Toggling it on: people need to be invited before joining first.
/c join name : When a Clube has invites off: you can execute this command to join a Clube. Or, if the Clube has invites on, you can execute this command to join a Clube after the invite.
/c invite player : This will invite a player to your Clube. Only a certain amount of people can do this, more about that later.
/c promote/demote player promotion : this will make players in your Clube a higher/lower rank within the Clube.

Clube ranks
Leader: person who created the Clube
- Literally every single setting
Co-leader: person who can manage some settings
- Change invites setting
- Invite players
- Promote/demote players (can promote members LOWER than their own rank to all ranks LOWER than their own rank)
- Kick members
- Change Clube's description (Once again, a filter will be applied and all chat rules will still apply
Recruiter : person who helps recruiting guild members
- Invite players
Member: this is a member of the Clube, who can enjoy the advantages of being in a Clube
No permissions, but I still made you click :)

/c disband and /c disband confirm : This will remove your clube, you have to confirm before disbanding it, just in case a mistake was made. You will not get your set-up costs back.
/c kick name : This will kick a member from the Clube

Useful commands​

/c lb/leaderboard : This will show the top 10 Clubes and your own Clube in the list. This will be based on Clube EXP. (ALSO AVAILABLE WITHOUT BEING IN A CLUBE!)
/c chat message or #message : This will allow you to either toggle your Clube chat or send 1 message to your Clube chat.
/c online : This will show all online players from your Clube and their rank.
/c members : This will show all members and their rank from your guild.
/c info/information (club name)* : This will show your Clube's information. *When no name is entered, you'll see your own Clube's info, when you add a name of an existing Clube, you'll see their info.
Clube name
Clube Description
Statistics (Click to reveal)
Description: We’re an active Clube and we prefer to focus on Skywars and Eggwars
Statistics (Click to reveal)

After clicking on "Statistics", following message will pop up. This works the same like clicking on "ACCEPT" on a party invite.

Clube's name
Leader's name
Time Created
Clube rank on leaderboard
Amount of members
Clube level
Clube all time EXP
Clube points
Clube's invites: on or off
Times a member of this Clube won a game
Clube boosted personal experience
Clube boosted personal points

Leader: Rawrbinnn
Time created: 04/08/2021
#Leaderboard: 1.
#Members: 2
Clube level: LVL 7 (2,848/3,200)
Clube all time exp : 5948
Clube points: 140
Invites: ON
#Wins: 4051
#Boosted personal experience: 15013
#Boosted personal points: 7620

/c help : Brings up the list of all available Clube commands

Joining a public (invites: off) Clube​

/c public : This will bring up a menu with player heads (Leader). When hovering over this head, you can see the Leader's and Clube's name.
After clicking on a head, a new menu will open.

The player head shows the leader's name again
The gold block shows the information from the guild
The golden sword allows you to join the guild

Clube ranks

Leader: person who created the Clube
- Literally every single setting
Co-leader: person who can manage some settings
- Change invites setting
- Invite players
- Promote/demote players (can promote members LOWER than their own rank to all ranks LOWER than their own rank)
- Kick members
- Change Clube's description (Once again, a filter will be applied and all chat rules will still apply
Recruit : person who helps recruiting guild members
- Invite players
Member: this is a member of the Clube, who can enjoy the advantages of being in a Clube
No permissions, but I still made you click :)

Clube Experience and Clube Leveling/Rewards

A Clube can level up. Every level gets harder to obtain. The first level requires you to get 100 Clube EXP to level up. This doubles every level.
LevelExp needed
Level 1 -> Level 2100 EXP
Level 2 -> Level 3200 EXP
Level 3 -> Level 4400 EXP
Level 4 -> Level 5800 EXP
Level 5 -> Level 61,600 EXP
Level 6 -> Level 73,200 EXP
Level 7 -> Level 86,400 EXP
Level 8 -> Level 912,800 EXP
Level 9 -> Level 1025,600 EXP
Level 10 -> Level 1151,200 EXP

You will receive 1 EXP per win from a Clube member. If Rawrbinnn and Zillu are in 1 Clube, they win a game together, both will recieve 1 Clube Experience. In total, the Clube experience will be 2.

The perks of leveling up?​

Becoming level x will give all your Clube members a reward, but also your Clube!
A level 1 Clube allows up to 10 members, every level allows for an additional 5 members to join the Clube!
- x*1000 experience
- x Clube multipliers for 24 hours
-x*3 Cubelets
-x*5 Clube points
- x*1000 experience
- x*500 points
-x*250 loot points
- x Clube multipliers for 24 hours
- x*2 Clube multipliers for 1 hour
-x*2 Super Cubelets
-x*3 Cubelets
-x*5 Clube points
- x personal multipliers for 2 hours
- x*1000 experience
- x*500 points
-x*250 loot points
- x Clube multipliers for 24 hours
- x*2 Clube multipliers for 1 hour
-x Uber Cubelets
-x*2 Super Cubelets
-x*3 Cubelets
-x*5 Clube points

Clube Multipliers and Points

Clube multipliers​

After activating one of these, your Clube Exp per win will DOUBLE! Instead of receiving 1 Clube EXP per game, you'll receive 2.
These stack, just like personal multipliers.
There's 3 types of Clube Multipliers
- Clube multipliers for 24 hours (Level up reward)
- Clube multipliers for 1 hour (Level up reward)
- Clube multipliers for 2 hours (Store)

Clube Points​

When leveling up your Clube's level, there's a small % that you'll also get a Clube point after winning a game! You know what's even cooler? These Clube points will also look at active Clube multipliers, therefore you can get 2 Clube points when 1 Clube multiplier is activated!
LevelPercentage chance of getting Clube points after a win
Level 10.5%
Level 21%
Level 31.5%
Level 42%
Level 52.5%
Level 63%
Level 73.5%
Level 84%
Level 94.5%
Level 105%

Clube Store

This is a way to use your Clube points!
What will be sold in this store?
Do /c store to find a list of vanity items to purchase!
- An emote (Just like the Plus emotes) for your Clube, every emote costs 3 points. All emotes from the Plus rank will be available to buy: 3 points
- 2 hours Clube multiplier: 5 points
- Different colour for your Clube, every colour costs 2 points, default colour gray (&7)
- The first head in /c public (Only 1 person can have this activated at the same time, like multipliers) for 5 hours: 10 points
- Clube name in tab : 20 points
How to set this up?
/c tab NAME: Keep in mind, this can only be 5 characters long. For my Clube (RawrbinsClube), I set it as Rawr. The filter and chat rules will also be applied here.
In this Image, I bought the red name (This both shows in tab and in /c lb) and the tab name.

Clube leaderboard

This leaderboard will be the same as any other leaderboard, a special NPC will be placed in the lobby and you'll be able to see people their player heads (From the leader) and their Clube name, instead of wins, the total amount of EXP will be shown. You can both see your own Clube's exp and the leaderboard in the NPC. This could be limited to 200 Clubes, but also to just the first 27 (Like a first page in a leaderboard).

Thanks to @Zillu and @TheSadPotato_ with coming up with some ideas
Thanks to @Siftenly for helping me come up with a good name (Previous ideas: Guilds, Clans, Clubs, CubeTeams, Teams, ....)
Thanks to @XiiKa cuz she wanted a thanks? idk
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2021
Clubes: clubs in CubeCraft!

Some additional information

This thread is based off of this thread, which is also based on other threads. However I'll only be taking care of the Clube part (Their Guilds part). I'd like to bring this idea back to life, due to the new suggestions system and it being inactive for over a year. I've been a huge fan of this idea and I would LOVE to see this happen!
This suggestion is marked as "All networks". Unfortunately some menus and chats are not possible on Bedrock. Either these will be disabled, or the bedrock menu could be used.

What's a clube?

It's a Club of players in CubeCraft! This would be simillar to any clan, guild, club, ... system out there in a lot of games. It'd be a group of players joining together to get an advantage or to simply play together. It'll make Minecraft clans a lot more fun, too!

Now let's get more into the details on how a Clube would work.

Clube commands

Both /clube and /c should work in the commands!

Creating a Clube​

/c create <name> : this will create a Clube with the given name! Keep in mind, clube names can be seen by anyone, at anytime. Therefore all chat rules still apply to Clube names, and a filter will be put on this command, to avoid rule-breaking names!

Keep in mind that not everyone can create a Clube, and you'll need to pay a little bit to create a Clube. This is a list of the minimum requirements and the prices you'll have to pay to create one. This is to avoid having millions of Clubes.
- Iron Rank
- Level 20

As you can see, level 20 is quite low, but it still takes 200+ Eggwars wins!
- 10,000 points
Winning 213 Eggwars games gives you 21300 points
Winning 426 Skywars games gives you 10650 points
It's not easy, but doable
- 1,000 loot points

Clube settings​

/c settings :This will show all curent settings of the Clube
Leader: Rawrbinnn
Invites : off
/c invites on/off : This option is on by default. Toggling it off: people can join with a command. Toggling it on: people need to be invited before joining first.
/c join name : When a Clube has invites off: you can execute this command to join a Clube. Or, if the Clube has invites on, you can execute this command to join a Clube after the invite.
/c invite player : This will invite a player to your Clube. Only a certain amount of people can do this, more about that later.
/c promote/demote player promotion : this will make players in your Clube a higher/lower rank within the Clube.

Clube ranks
Leader: person who created the Clube
- Literally every single setting
Co-leader: person who can manage some settings
- Change invites setting
- Invite players
- Promote/demote players (can promote members LOWER than their own rank to all ranks LOWER than their own rank)
- Kick members
- Change Clube's description (Once again, a filter will be applied and all chat rules will still apply
Recruiter : person who helps recruiting guild members
- Invite players
Member: this is a member of the Clube, who can enjoy the advantages of being in a Clube
No permissions, but I still made you click :)

/c disband and /c disband confirm : This will remove your clube, you have to confirm before disbanding it, just in case a mistake was made. You will not get your set-up costs back.
/c kick name : This will kick a member from the Clube

Useful commands​

/c lb/leaderboard : This will show the top 10 Clubes and your own Clube in the list. This will be based on Clube EXP. (ALSO AVAILABLE WITHOUT BEING IN A CLUBE!)
/c chat message or #message : This will allow you to either toggle your Clube chat or send 1 message to your Clube chat.
/c online : This will show all online players from your Clube and their rank.
/c members : This will show all members and their rank from your guild.
/c info/information (club name)* : This will show your Clube's information. *When no name is entered, you'll see your own Clube's info, when you add a name of an existing Clube, you'll see their info.
Clube name
Clube Description
Statistics (Click to reveal)
Description: We’re an active Clube and we prefer to focus on Skywars and Eggwars
Statistics (Click to reveal)

After clicking on "Statistics", following message will pop up. This works the same like clicking on "ACCEPT" on a party invite.

Clube's name
Leader's name
Time Created
Clube rank on leaderboard
Amount of members
Clube level
Clube all time EXP
Clube points
Clube's invites: on or off
Times a member of this Clube won a game
Clube boosted personal experience
Clube boosted personal points

Leader: Rawrbinnn
Time created: 04/08/2021
#Leaderboard: 1.
#Members: 2
Clube level: LVL 7 (2,848/3,200)
Clube all time exp : 5948
Clube points: 140
Invites: ON
#Wins: 4051
#Boosted personal experience: 15013
#Boosted personal points: 7620

/c help : Brings up the list of all available Clube commands

Joining a public (invites: off) Clube​

/c public : This will bring up a menu with player heads (Leader). When hovering over this head, you can see the Leader's and Clube's name.
After clicking on a head, a new menu will open.

The player head shows the leader's name again
The gold block shows the information from the guild
The golden sword allows you to join the guild

Clube ranks

Leader: person who created the Clube
- Literally every single setting
Co-leader: person who can manage some settings
- Change invites setting
- Invite players
- Promote/demote players (can promote members LOWER than their own rank to all ranks LOWER than their own rank)
- Kick members
- Change Clube's description (Once again, a filter will be applied and all chat rules will still apply
Recruit : person who helps recruiting guild members
- Invite players
Member: this is a member of the Clube, who can enjoy the advantages of being in a Clube
No permissions, but I still made you click :)

Clube Experience and Clube Leveling/Rewards

A Clube can level up. Every level gets harder to obtain. The first level requires you to get 100 Clube EXP to level up. This doubles every level.
LevelExp needed
Level 1 -> Level 2100 EXP
Level 2 -> Level 3200 EXP
Level 3 -> Level 4400 EXP
Level 4 -> Level 5800 EXP
Level 5 -> Level 61,600 EXP
Level 6 -> Level 73,200 EXP
Level 7 -> Level 86,400 EXP
Level 8 -> Level 912,800 EXP
Level 9 -> Level 1025,600 EXP
Level 10 -> Level 1151,200 EXP

You will receive 1 EXP per win from a Clube member. If Rawrbinnn and Zillu are in 1 Clube, they win a game together, both will recieve 1 Clube Experience. In total, the Clube experience will be 2.

The perks of leveling up?​

Becoming level x will give all your Clube members a reward, but also your Clube!
A level 1 Clube allows up to 10 members, every level allows for an additional 5 members to join the Clube!
- x*1000 experience
- x Clube multipliers for 24 hours
-x*3 Cubelets
-x*5 Clube points
- x*1000 experience
- x*500 points
-x*250 loot points
- x Clube multipliers for 24 hours
- x*2 Clube multipliers for 1 hour
-x*2 Super Cubelets
-x*3 Cubelets
-x*5 Clube points
- x personal multipliers for 2 hours
- x*1000 experience
- x*500 points
-x*250 loot points
- x Clube multipliers for 24 hours
- x*2 Clube multipliers for 1 hour
-x Uber Cubelets
-x*2 Super Cubelets
-x*3 Cubelets
-x*5 Clube points

Clube Multipliers and Points

Clube multipliers​

After activating one of these, your Clube Exp per win will DOUBLE! Instead of receiving 1 Clube EXP per game, you'll receive 2.
These stack, just like personal multipliers.
There's 3 types of Clube Multipliers
- Clube multipliers for 24 hours (Level up reward)
- Clube multipliers for 1 hour (Level up reward)
- Clube multipliers for 2 hours (Store)

Clube Points​

When leveling up your Clube's level, there's a small % that you'll also get a Clube point after winning a game! You know what's even cooler? These Clube points will also look at active Clube multipliers, therefore you can get 2 Clube points when 1 Clube multiplier is activated!
LevelPercentage chance of getting Clube points after a win
Level 10.5%
Level 21%
Level 31.5%
Level 42%
Level 52.5%
Level 63%
Level 73.5%
Level 84%
Level 94.5%
Level 105%

Clube Store

This is a way to use your Clube points!
What will be sold in this store?
Do /c store to find a list of vanity items to purchase!
- An emote (Just like the Plus emotes) for your Clube, every emote costs 3 points. All emotes from the Plus rank will be available to buy: 3 points
- 2 hours Clube multiplier: 5 points
- Different colour for your Clube, every colour costs 2 points, default colour gray (&7)
- The first head in /c public (Only 1 person can have this activated at the same time, like multipliers) for 5 hours: 10 points
- Clube name in tab : 20 points
How to set this up?
/c tab NAME: Keep in mind, this can only be 5 characters long. For my Clube (RawrbinsClube), I set it as Rawr. The filter and chat rules will also be applied here.
In this Image, I bought the red name (This both shows in tab and in /c lb) and the tab name.

Clube leaderboard

This leaderboard will be the same as any other leaderboard, a special NPC will be placed in the lobby and you'll be able to see people their player heads (From the leader) and their Clube name, instead of wins, the total amount of EXP will be shown. You can both see your own Clube's exp and the leaderboard in the NPC. This could be limited to 200 Clubes, but also to just the first 27 (Like a first page in a leaderboard).

Thanks to @Zillu and @TheSadPotato_ with coming up with some ideas
Thanks to @Siftenly for helping me come up with a good name (Previous ideas: Guilds, Clans, Clubs, CubeTeams, Teams, ....)
Thanks to @XiiKa cuz she wanted a thanks? idk
Amazing idea , dawn of a new era #Tree guardio
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Nov 10, 2019
This would be a great thing to have. It would stimulate playing on cubecraft and is a fun thing over all so i would love this to be added and hope to see it soon
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
The Depths
In my opinion the guilds are oriented towards a more competitive environment like the one in hypixel, I don't know to what extent it pays to have that on a server that has no competitiveness or any competitive mode
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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Hey Rawrbin, thanks for the suggestion.

Fortunately we've already been planning our own interpretation of this suggestion for a long time as it's something we've wanted forever, it's still too early to go into detail but this is something we are already looking at.

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