I took a screenshot of a guy flying so I hope u guy can ban him his name is pbagby. He is wering iron armour so its hard ot see him. if u look closely u see him
Locked :)Hello @DankWalrus.
Report rule breakers (hackers, teamers, team killers/trollers and bug exploiters with video evidence) at > https://reports.cubecraft.net/login as this isn't the right place to report rule breakers. If you require an account on the report site, please read this thread > https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/how-to-use-the-new-report-system.175577/.
Please read this thread too, because it might be very helpful > https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/player-reporting-guidelines-and-formating.136047/.
PM me if you have any more questions, https://www.cubecraft.net/conversations/add?to=iCheeetah.
@zDutchie, @CyanYellow. Lock?