If cubecraft cracked it may be from the top server on the list because there will be so many voters and if you think you need to put /login pass no if your premium they should put the plugin for premium /p login then you can join cubecraft without/login and for hackers you can put the plugin that display VPN so no body can use VPN in cubecraft and /ipban know there will be liss hackers and better play and fast play because when I see there is 17k players play on cracked accounts every day so cubecraft may get in the day 7k players and discord will reach 120K member and may it get 13k players with cracked players and premium players and a person want more prizes he can do another cracked account and vote again so because that cubecraft will ne 1th in minecraft list
I hope you liked this and make cracked players join thanks please agree if you see a problem please reply
I hope you liked this and make cracked players join thanks please agree if you see a problem please reply