There's all ready helpers, witch are sorta like the police in CC. But the CCP is a easier type of helper and focus's on finding and banning hackers, and muting mean players. What its suppose to be not like from helpers, is that its vary easy to sign up and you'll need to have an interview with the alpha leader ( witch is the leader of the CCP). There will squads of 5, and each squad will have a leader, witch in order to be a leader you'll need to be promoted. and the leader of all the squads is the alpha (witch you all ready know that), and the squad that has the alpha in it will be called "alpha squad" then there will be the names of the squads below it: alpha bravo, alpha two and alpha one, and all these squads are the highest ranked. The rest of the squads are name by the alpha. Now, if you have any questions on this just make commit, i may have not added all the info on this page but if you have anything to ask, just ask. :)