- A nice API too make floating text and have holograms around your server for info messages and other cool features that only you can create with your imagination.
- Uses Indestructible armor stands that will not break unless you decide too remove them yourself using the given code.
- Placeable and removable holograms with their own unique hologram id's so you can make as many as you can imagine.
- A method too remove all the holograms in the specified world you desire.
- A method too get the location of a hologram that you decide by getting its ID specified when you make that hologram.
- A method too change the name of any given hologram with the correct ID.
- Able too create temporary holograms for short messages.
- Import the HoloGramAPI jar into your build path and hit save.
- Then you can use any of the given methods below to Create / Teleport / Remove / Remove All / Rename / Or get the location of any of the holograms you have made.
- Then stop your server if it is on and add the HoloGramAPI.jar file to your server.
- Start your server and have fun with holograms :)
Method Key:
loc = location that you want the hologram to teleport or spawn at.
note: they automatically spawn at the center of the block specified.
name = text that you want the hologram too display.
note: color codes are applied so you can do "&c&lHELLO!" and it will appear as = HELLO!
ID = Integer too specify the ID of the hologram used to basically give the hologram an identity so you can remove / rename / relocate it later.
world = name of the world that the hologram is in.
glowing = set whether the armor stand that is holding the hologram is glowing or not.
small = set whether the armor stand that is holding the hologram is small or not.
timeInSecondsBeforeDespawn = set the time that the temporary hologram will despawn at so if you make timeInSecondsBeforeDespawn a value of 1 it will make a hologram and despawn it after 1 second!
- HoloGramAPI.createHoloGram(loc, name, ID, glowing, small);
- HoloGramAPI.removeHoloGram(ID);
- HoloGramAPI.removeAllHoloGramsInWorld(world);
- HoloGramAPI.teleportHoloGram(ID, loc);
- HoloGramAPI.getHoloGramName(ID);
- HoloGramAPI.getHoloGramLoc(ID);
- HoloGramAPI.renameHoloGram(name, ID);
- HoloGramAPI.createTempHoloGram(loc, name, ID, timeInSecondsBeforeDespawn, glowing, small);
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