Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Dec 29, 2020
This is a message aimed directly at all of the people running Cubecraft, with no hateful intention. Some Context for non-discord Forum people.

Dear Cubecraft,

Here's a case I'd like to make in favor of 5v5. I hope the Devs and Admins can see this. As of recent CTF in particular has had an increase in players due to scrims themselves. Let me explain: A few months ago I notice CTF only having 200 or less players, but as of now I see it hitting 400+. With the CVC that was planned for months starting legit today, I have seen a lot of players from outside Cubecraft all together come to play in the CVC, as well as make content on it. As a result of these players coming to play CTF, they end up starting to play on Cube as a whole, thus boosting Cubes total player base. Although it may be a small increase in terms of the entirety of Cubecraft, it is still increasing. Coincidentally, this increase happened alongside the increasing number of scrims taking place on CTF. As someone who was a large contributor in the revival of scrims in the (currently) Main Practice Discord "Dead or Alive", I would not call the increase in scrims and CTF active players "un-correlated."

Why would this correlation happen?

These "Scrimmers" as we call them, like to talk, and like to share. They tend to talk about their scrims, and talk with people they know outside of the Cubecraft circle. Those people from outside of Cube hear them, and sometimes come to see what the Scrims are all about. After they play in a couple, they then stick around and starting playing on Cubecraft alongside the scrims, may it be for practice, to play in other CC communities, or maybe they deicided to climb the leaderboard. Whatever it may be, they stick around. Eventually those who came from other servers will also mention said scrims to people that they know, thus bringing them in as well. I notice this effect quite often. More often than not, I'll ask someone, "who is " (____)"? I havent seen them before. To which I am answered, "Oh, thats "(___), they came from (insert server.)

On top of this, Scrimmers like to share, and and although not as much, they like to make videos. typically montages, clip-dumps, individual clips, and sometimes even livestreams. Scrims are surprisingly popular on YouTube, as viewers like to see good players fight eachother. Viewers also see these scrims, and tend to think, "Can I play with these guys?" Then, they'll start to play Cubecraft. Eventually some of them join the scrims themselves, and might make content as well, and thus, the cycle continues. I know these things to be true, because I am probably one of the best examples of this effect. I myself have brought several of my friends from other servers into CTF scrims, and they have brought theirs. I also stream. Scrimmers found my stream and invited me to join in scrims, and now I play them. Now some of my viewers joined those scrims becuase they saw me play them. I can estimate I have probably brought atleast 20 people alone onto Cubecraft in general, via cause and effect. The CVC that began today also has some direct evidence of this. I went and did a head count, and of the 14 teams that are officially registered, atleast 50 people who did not play cubecraft are now playing it. This may be small in regards to the entire server that is cube, but that it huge for how small the CTF community is, using only the word of mouth.

Where am I going with this?

The Scrim/ Competitive community of any server is very important. The competitive community typically is the most active players of any server, the ones who play it every day, the ones who grind up levels, grind leaderboards, all of the above. We can all agree that this is true. Any one new player on a server will not play for as long as the competitive people play. If they did, they would be apart of the competitive group. In recent years the Competitive Community on Cubecraft has dropped for various reasons. Ask around and anyone will unfortunately say that the makers of CC dont listen to the Community. I wont go into specifics over it, you've all heard enough regarding that. The truth is, the Competitive community as a whole has largely felt ignored. They are the ones who play the server the most, thus its typically good to hear their perspectives on things, and listen to their feedback. CC will listen to these complaints, and one of three things mainly happen.

1, They listen, and within the next update, they'll apply some of the feedback they receive.

2, They ignore. This has been happening as of more recent. The old days of focus grouped were quite loved, but those arent around anymore, and Cube has begun to ignore some of the changes.

3, They hear the backlash and ignore it, but eventually they deicide to revert some of the changes they made that many people complained about. As an example, in the 1.19 update the Eggwars Scrim community died with the changes almost immediately. They expressed their complaints, then silently left. months later, Eggwars has been updated to where they could at least somewhat scrim again, but to my knowledge, this has not happened just yet.

These are some of the reasons why the Competitive Community on Cube has decreased, with CTF being the last remaining scrims. I say that the reason CubeCraft as a whole has decreased from an average of 25k players to 14k, is the decline of these Competitive communities. I already described the current small scale of CTF and its effect on the CC player base, and how it brings people to cubecraft. But now, imagine this on a larger scale. Back when the Eggwars Community, the Skywars Community, and the Blockwars Community was at its peak. When those Competitive communities was at their highest, so was Cube! But as those communities declined, so did Cube as a whole. It declines to where we are today. CTF, the final large Competitive Community on Cubecraft.

The truth is, is that every server needs a Competitive community as well as a YouTube scene to be truly successful. Cubecraft has the benefit of being a featured server, so a people who find Minecraft, will always find Cube. But Cubecraft deserves bigger. Its an amazing server, truly the best out of all of them. At least it used to be. But it still could become that great once more. CC needs its competitive community, and the people who post things from it on YouTube. For example, Hypixel is the most popular server on Java edition of Minecraft. But how did it get there? How did Hypixel become so popular? You can find many essay style videos on why that is, but they all agree on one thing. YouTube. People, as in, the "Good" "Competitive" players on Hypixel started making YouTube content. The golden age of most Minecraft content. With giants such as Cxlvin, Xnestorio, skeppy, and of course Technoblade. Viewers saw those videos, saw them having fun, and thought, "I want to play that too!" These players also would bring people from other popular servers at the time as well. Hypixel could not be as big as it was if not for the Competitive players and them making content.
CTF is the last Scrim community on Cubecraft as of now. Eggwars might return, and FFA still has some people. but sadly the market on YouTube for other modes are smaller. I understand Cube wanting to boost the amount of player they have, and I respect their attempts at doing so. but removing 5v5 will kill the CTF community. If they keep going down this path, the entire competitive player base will dwindle, and cube wont reach anything near what it could have.

I want Cube to succeed. We all do. Our complaints are not out of malice, but out of love for the server. We want cube to be as big as Hypixel, we want to cube to be the biggest server on bedrock. Most of all, we want it to listen to us.

Let get to the final point.

I have a proposal that I hope Cube will accept.

Give us a chance.

Either give us a chance by not removing 5v5, or just postponing the replacement for a while just to see.

Let us keep 5v5 in virtually any form is all we ask.

Give the CVC enough time to run its course on 5v5, allow it to play out. We will ALL make content on it, on Cubecraft, we will play, and we will bring people to the server. And if you see an increase in players, then it all ends well.

But please give us a chance. Learn to trust us. even if you dont immediately, at least listen to whoever is left after the update. Start to listen to the Competitive community. if they can thrive, then then server will thrive as a result.

I promise you.

This is on behalf on everyone who ever played Competitively on Cubecraft, on any gamemode.

Trust your players. and if anything:

Allow us to do this final CvC.

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
This is a message aimed directly at all of the people running Cubecraft, with no hateful intention. Some Context for non-discord Forum people.

Dear Cubecraft,

Here's a case I'd like to make in favor of 5v5. I hope the Devs and Admins can see this. As of recent CTF in particular has had an increase in players due to scrims themselves. Let me explain: A few months ago I notice CTF only having 200 or less players, but as of now I see it hitting 400+. With the CVC that was planned for months starting legit today, I have seen a lot of players from outside Cubecraft all together come to play in the CVC, as well as make content on it. As a result of these players coming to play CTF, they end up starting to play on Cube as a whole, thus boosting Cubes total player base. Although it may be a small increase in terms of the entirety of Cubecraft, it is still increasing. Coincidentally, this increase happened alongside the increasing number of scrims taking place on CTF. As someone who was a large contributor in the revival of scrims in the (currently) Main Practice Discord "Dead or Alive", I would not call the increase in scrims and CTF active players "un-correlated."

Why would this correlation happen?

These "Scrimmers" as we call them, like to talk, and like to share. They tend to talk about their scrims, and talk with people they know outside of the Cubecraft circle. Those people from outside of Cube hear them, and sometimes come to see what the Scrims are all about. After they play in a couple, they then stick around and starting playing on Cubecraft alongside the scrims, may it be for practice, to play in other CC communities, or maybe they deicided to climb the leaderboard. Whatever it may be, they stick around. Eventually those who came from other servers will also mention said scrims to people that they know, thus bringing them in as well. I notice this effect quite often. More often than not, I'll ask someone, "who is " (____)"? I havent seen them before. To which I am answered, "Oh, thats "(___), they came from (insert server.)

On top of this, Scrimmers like to share, and and although not as much, they like to make videos. typically montages, clip-dumps, individual clips, and sometimes even livestreams. Scrims are surprisingly popular on YouTube, as viewers like to see good players fight eachother. Viewers also see these scrims, and tend to think, "Can I play with these guys?" Then, they'll start to play Cubecraft. Eventually some of them join the scrims themselves, and might make content as well, and thus, the cycle continues. I know these things to be true, because I am probably one of the best examples of this effect. I myself have brought several of my friends from other servers into CTF scrims, and they have brought theirs. I also stream. Scrimmers found my stream and invited me to join in scrims, and now I play them. Now some of my viewers joined those scrims becuase they saw me play them. I can estimate I have probably brought atleast 20 people alone onto Cubecraft in general, via cause and effect. The CVC that began today also has some direct evidence of this. I went and did a head count, and of the 14 teams that are officially registered, atleast 50 people who did not play cubecraft are now playing it. This may be small in regards to the entire server that is cube, but that it huge for how small the CTF community is, using only the word of mouth.

Where am I going with this?

The Scrim/ Competitive community of any server is very important. The competitive community typically is the most active players of any server, the ones who play it every day, the ones who grind up levels, grind leaderboards, all of the above. We can all agree that this is true. Any one new player on a server will not play for as long as the competitive people play. If they did, they would be apart of the competitive group. In recent years the Competitive Community on Cubecraft has dropped for various reasons. Ask around and anyone will unfortunately say that the makers of CC dont listen to the Community. I wont go into specifics over it, you've all heard enough regarding that. The truth is, the Competitive community as a whole has largely felt ignored. They are the ones who play the server the most, thus its typically good to hear their perspectives on things, and listen to their feedback. CC will listen to these complaints, and one of three things mainly happen.

1, They listen, and within the next update, they'll apply some of the feedback they receive.

2, They ignore. This has been happening as of more recent. The old days of focus grouped were quite loved, but those arent around anymore, and Cube has begun to ignore some of the changes.

3, They hear the backlash and ignore it, but eventually they deicide to revert some of the changes they made that many people complained about. As an example, in the 1.19 update the Eggwars Scrim community died with the changes almost immediately. They expressed their complaints, then silently left. months later, Eggwars has been updated to where they could at least somewhat scrim again, but to my knowledge, this has not happened just yet.

These are some of the reasons why the Competitive Community on Cube has decreased, with CTF being the last remaining scrims. I say that the reason CubeCraft as a whole has decreased from an average of 25k players to 14k, is the decline of these Competitive communities. I already described the current small scale of CTF and its effect on the CC player base, and how it brings people to cubecraft. But now, imagine this on a larger scale. Back when the Eggwars Community, the Skywars Community, and the Blockwars Community was at its peak. When those Competitive communities was at their highest, so was Cube! But as those communities declined, so did Cube as a whole. It declines to where we are today. CTF, the final large Competitive Community on Cubecraft.

The truth is, is that every server needs a Competitive community as well as a YouTube scene to be truly successful. Cubecraft has the benefit of being a featured server, so a people who find Minecraft, will always find Cube. But Cubecraft deserves bigger. Its an amazing server, truly the best out of all of them. At least it used to be. But it still could become that great once more. CC needs its competitive community, and the people who post things from it on YouTube. For example, Hypixel is the most popular server on Java edition of Minecraft. But how did it get there? How did Hypixel become so popular? You can find many essay style videos on why that is, but they all agree on one thing. YouTube. People, as in, the "Good" "Competitive" players on Hypixel started making YouTube content. The golden age of most Minecraft content. With giants such as Cxlvin, Xnestorio, skeppy, and of course Technoblade. Viewers saw those videos, saw them having fun, and thought, "I want to play that too!" These players also would bring people from other popular servers at the time as well. Hypixel could not be as big as it was if not for the Competitive players and them making content.
CTF is the last Scrim community on Cubecraft as of now. Eggwars might return, and FFA still has some people. but sadly the market on YouTube for other modes are smaller. I understand Cube wanting to boost the amount of player they have, and I respect their attempts at doing so. but removing 5v5 will kill the CTF community. If they keep going down this path, the entire competitive player base will dwindle, and cube wont reach anything near what it could have.

I want Cube to succeed. We all do. Our complaints are not out of malice, but out of love for the server. We want cube to be as big as Hypixel, we want to cube to be the biggest server on bedrock. Most of all, we want it to listen to us.

Let get to the final point.

I have a proposal that I hope Cube will accept.

Give us a chance.

Either give us a chance by not removing 5v5, or just postponing the replacement for a while just to see.

Let us keep 5v5 in virtually any form is all we ask.

Give the CVC enough time to run its course on 5v5, allow it to play out. We will ALL make content on it, on Cubecraft, we will play, and we will bring people to the server. And if you see an increase in players, then it all ends well.

But please give us a chance. Learn to trust us. even if you dont immediately, at least listen to whoever is left after the update. Start to listen to the Competitive community. if they can thrive, then then server will thrive as a result.

I promise you.

This is on behalf on everyone who ever played Competitively on Cubecraft, on any gamemode.

Trust your players. and if anything:

Allow us to do this final CvC.
The first link dont work if you can resand it please


This is a message aimed directly at all of the people running Cubecraft, with no hateful intention. Some Context for non-discord Forum people.

Dear Cubecraft,

Here's a case I'd like to make in favor of 5v5. I hope the Devs and Admins can see this. As of recent CTF in particular has had an increase in players due to scrims themselves. Let me explain: A few months ago I notice CTF only having 200 or less players, but as of now I see it hitting 400+. With the CVC that was planned for months starting legit today, I have seen a lot of players from outside Cubecraft all together come to play in the CVC, as well as make content on it. As a result of these players coming to play CTF, they end up starting to play on Cube as a whole, thus boosting Cubes total player base. Although it may be a small increase in terms of the entirety of Cubecraft, it is still increasing. Coincidentally, this increase happened alongside the increasing number of scrims taking place on CTF. As someone who was a large contributor in the revival of scrims in the (currently) Main Practice Discord "Dead or Alive", I would not call the increase in scrims and CTF active players "un-correlated."

Why would this correlation happen?

These "Scrimmers" as we call them, like to talk, and like to share. They tend to talk about their scrims, and talk with people they know outside of the Cubecraft circle. Those people from outside of Cube hear them, and sometimes come to see what the Scrims are all about. After they play in a couple, they then stick around and starting playing on Cubecraft alongside the scrims, may it be for practice, to play in other CC communities, or maybe they deicided to climb the leaderboard. Whatever it may be, they stick around. Eventually those who came from other servers will also mention said scrims to people that they know, thus bringing them in as well. I notice this effect quite often. More often than not, I'll ask someone, "who is " (____)"? I havent seen them before. To which I am answered, "Oh, thats "(___), they came from (insert server.)

On top of this, Scrimmers like to share, and and although not as much, they like to make videos. typically montages, clip-dumps, individual clips, and sometimes even livestreams. Scrims are surprisingly popular on YouTube, as viewers like to see good players fight eachother. Viewers also see these scrims, and tend to think, "Can I play with these guys?" Then, they'll start to play Cubecraft. Eventually some of them join the scrims themselves, and might make content as well, and thus, the cycle continues. I know these things to be true, because I am probably one of the best examples of this effect. I myself have brought several of my friends from other servers into CTF scrims, and they have brought theirs. I also stream. Scrimmers found my stream and invited me to join in scrims, and now I play them. Now some of my viewers joined those scrims becuase they saw me play them. I can estimate I have probably brought atleast 20 people alone onto Cubecraft in general, via cause and effect. The CVC that began today also has some direct evidence of this. I went and did a head count, and of the 14 teams that are officially registered, atleast 50 people who did not play cubecraft are now playing it. This may be small in regards to the entire server that is cube, but that it huge for how small the CTF community is, using only the word of mouth.

Where am I going with this?

The Scrim/ Competitive community of any server is very important. The competitive community typically is the most active players of any server, the ones who play it every day, the ones who grind up levels, grind leaderboards, all of the above. We can all agree that this is true. Any one new player on a server will not play for as long as the competitive people play. If they did, they would be apart of the competitive group. In recent years the Competitive Community on Cubecraft has dropped for various reasons. Ask around and anyone will unfortunately say that the makers of CC dont listen to the Community. I wont go into specifics over it, you've all heard enough regarding that. The truth is, the Competitive community as a whole has largely felt ignored. They are the ones who play the server the most, thus its typically good to hear their perspectives on things, and listen to their feedback. CC will listen to these complaints, and one of three things mainly happen.

1, They listen, and within the next update, they'll apply some of the feedback they receive.

2, They ignore. This has been happening as of more recent. The old days of focus grouped were quite loved, but those arent around anymore, and Cube has begun to ignore some of the changes.

3, They hear the backlash and ignore it, but eventually they deicide to revert some of the changes they made that many people complained about. As an example, in the 1.19 update the Eggwars Scrim community died with the changes almost immediately. They expressed their complaints, then silently left. months later, Eggwars has been updated to where they could at least somewhat scrim again, but to my knowledge, this has not happened just yet.

These are some of the reasons why the Competitive Community on Cube has decreased, with CTF being the last remaining scrims. I say that the reason CubeCraft as a whole has decreased from an average of 25k players to 14k, is the decline of these Competitive communities. I already described the current small scale of CTF and its effect on the CC player base, and how it brings people to cubecraft. But now, imagine this on a larger scale. Back when the Eggwars Community, the Skywars Community, and the Blockwars Community was at its peak. When those Competitive communities was at their highest, so was Cube! But as those communities declined, so did Cube as a whole. It declines to where we are today. CTF, the final large Competitive Community on Cubecraft.

The truth is, is that every server needs a Competitive community as well as a YouTube scene to be truly successful. Cubecraft has the benefit of being a featured server, so a people who find Minecraft, will always find Cube. But Cubecraft deserves bigger. Its an amazing server, truly the best out of all of them. At least it used to be. But it still could become that great once more. CC needs its competitive community, and the people who post things from it on YouTube. For example, Hypixel is the most popular server on Java edition of Minecraft. But how did it get there? How did Hypixel become so popular? You can find many essay style videos on why that is, but they all agree on one thing. YouTube. People, as in, the "Good" "Competitive" players on Hypixel started making YouTube content. The golden age of most Minecraft content. With giants such as Cxlvin, Xnestorio, skeppy, and of course Technoblade. Viewers saw those videos, saw them having fun, and thought, "I want to play that too!" These players also would bring people from other popular servers at the time as well. Hypixel could not be as big as it was if not for the Competitive players and them making content.
CTF is the last Scrim community on Cubecraft as of now. Eggwars might return, and FFA still has some people. but sadly the market on YouTube for other modes are smaller. I understand Cube wanting to boost the amount of player they have, and I respect their attempts at doing so. but removing 5v5 will kill the CTF community. If they keep going down this path, the entire competitive player base will dwindle, and cube wont reach anything near what it could have.

I want Cube to succeed. We all do. Our complaints are not out of malice, but out of love for the server. We want cube to be as big as Hypixel, we want to cube to be the biggest server on bedrock. Most of all, we want it to listen to us.

Let get to the final point.

I have a proposal that I hope Cube will accept.

Give us a chance.

Either give us a chance by not removing 5v5, or just postponing the replacement for a while just to see.

Let us keep 5v5 in virtually any form is all we ask.

Give the CVC enough time to run its course on 5v5, allow it to play out. We will ALL make content on it, on Cubecraft, we will play, and we will bring people to the server. And if you see an increase in players, then it all ends well.

But please give us a chance. Learn to trust us. even if you dont immediately, at least listen to whoever is left after the update. Start to listen to the Competitive community. if they can thrive, then then server will thrive as a result.

I promise you.

This is on behalf on everyone who ever played Competitively on Cubecraft, on any gamemode.

Trust your players. and if anything:

Allow us to do this final CvC.
I mean keeping it as an option in private games would be the easiest way to fix it. I don't play the mode much, but I see no reason in removing it entirely.

Nash The Basher

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
5v5 is being removed for a good reason. CubeCraft has worked tirelessly on this update and the implementation of 10v10 will benefit every type of player on the server. Sometimes, you have to let things go to enjoy better content. I'm very excited to see the update and the amazing changes CubeCraft has made!

jocky jazz

Novice Member
Feb 14, 2021
I was suggesting, if they could just keep the 5v5 in beta, or just leak the 5v5 world files. As a memoir of the 5v5 ctf...


Jan 20, 2023
This is a message aimed directly at all of the people running Cubecraft, with no hateful intention. Some Context for non-discord Forum people.

Dear Cubecraft,

Here's a case I'd like to make in favor of 5v5. I hope the Devs and Admins can see this. As of recent CTF in particular has had an increase in players due to scrims themselves. Let me explain: A few months ago I notice CTF only having 200 or less players, but as of now I see it hitting 400+. With the CVC that was planned for months starting legit today, I have seen a lot of players from outside Cubecraft all together come to play in the CVC, as well as make content on it. As a result of these players coming to play CTF, they end up starting to play on Cube as a whole, thus boosting Cubes total player base. Although it may be a small increase in terms of the entirety of Cubecraft, it is still increasing. Coincidentally, this increase happened alongside the increasing number of scrims taking place on CTF. As someone who was a large contributor in the revival of scrims in the (currently) Main Practice Discord "Dead or Alive", I would not call the increase in scrims and CTF active players "un-correlated."

Why would this correlation happen?

These "Scrimmers" as we call them, like to talk, and like to share. They tend to talk about their scrims, and talk with people they know outside of the Cubecraft circle. Those people from outside of Cube hear them, and sometimes come to see what the Scrims are all about. After they play in a couple, they then stick around and starting playing on Cubecraft alongside the scrims, may it be for practice, to play in other CC communities, or maybe they deicided to climb the leaderboard. Whatever it may be, they stick around. Eventually those who came from other servers will also mention said scrims to people that they know, thus bringing them in as well. I notice this effect quite often. More often than not, I'll ask someone, "who is " (____)"? I havent seen them before. To which I am answered, "Oh, thats "(___), they came from (insert server.)

On top of this, Scrimmers like to share, and and although not as much, they like to make videos. typically montages, clip-dumps, individual clips, and sometimes even livestreams. Scrims are surprisingly popular on YouTube, as viewers like to see good players fight eachother. Viewers also see these scrims, and tend to think, "Can I play with these guys?" Then, they'll start to play Cubecraft. Eventually some of them join the scrims themselves, and might make content as well, and thus, the cycle continues. I know these things to be true, because I am probably one of the best examples of this effect. I myself have brought several of my friends from other servers into CTF scrims, and they have brought theirs. I also stream. Scrimmers found my stream and invited me to join in scrims, and now I play them. Now some of my viewers joined those scrims becuase they saw me play them. I can estimate I have probably brought atleast 20 people alone onto Cubecraft in general, via cause and effect. The CVC that began today also has some direct evidence of this. I went and did a head count, and of the 14 teams that are officially registered, atleast 50 people who did not play cubecraft are now playing it. This may be small in regards to the entire server that is cube, but that it huge for how small the CTF community is, using only the word of mouth.

Where am I going with this?

The Scrim/ Competitive community of any server is very important. The competitive community typically is the most active players of any server, the ones who play it every day, the ones who grind up levels, grind leaderboards, all of the above. We can all agree that this is true. Any one new player on a server will not play for as long as the competitive people play. If they did, they would be apart of the competitive group. In recent years the Competitive Community on Cubecraft has dropped for various reasons. Ask around and anyone will unfortunately say that the makers of CC dont listen to the Community. I wont go into specifics over it, you've all heard enough regarding that. The truth is, the Competitive community as a whole has largely felt ignored. They are the ones who play the server the most, thus its typically good to hear their perspectives on things, and listen to their feedback. CC will listen to these complaints, and one of three things mainly happen.

1, They listen, and within the next update, they'll apply some of the feedback they receive.

2, They ignore. This has been happening as of more recent. The old days of focus grouped were quite loved, but those arent around anymore, and Cube has begun to ignore some of the changes.

3, They hear the backlash and ignore it, but eventually they deicide to revert some of the changes they made that many people complained about. As an example, in the 1.19 update the Eggwars Scrim community died with the changes almost immediately. They expressed their complaints, then silently left. months later, Eggwars has been updated to where they could at least somewhat scrim again, but to my knowledge, this has not happened just yet.

These are some of the reasons why the Competitive Community on Cube has decreased, with CTF being the last remaining scrims. I say that the reason CubeCraft as a whole has decreased from an average of 25k players to 14k, is the decline of these Competitive communities. I already described the current small scale of CTF and its effect on the CC player base, and how it brings people to cubecraft. But now, imagine this on a larger scale. Back when the Eggwars Community, the Skywars Community, and the Blockwars Community was at its peak. When those Competitive communities was at their highest, so was Cube! But as those communities declined, so did Cube as a whole. It declines to where we are today. CTF, the final large Competitive Community on Cubecraft.

The truth is, is that every server needs a Competitive community as well as a YouTube scene to be truly successful. Cubecraft has the benefit of being a featured server, so a people who find Minecraft, will always find Cube. But Cubecraft deserves bigger. Its an amazing server, truly the best out of all of them. At least it used to be. But it still could become that great once more. CC needs its competitive community, and the people who post things from it on YouTube. For example, Hypixel is the most popular server on Java edition of Minecraft. But how did it get there? How did Hypixel become so popular? You can find many essay style videos on why that is, but they all agree on one thing. YouTube. People, as in, the "Good" "Competitive" players on Hypixel started making YouTube content. The golden age of most Minecraft content. With giants such as Cxlvin, Xnestorio, skeppy, and of course Technoblade. Viewers saw those videos, saw them having fun, and thought, "I want to play that too!" These players also would bring people from other popular servers at the time as well. Hypixel could not be as big as it was if not for the Competitive players and them making content.
CTF is the last Scrim community on Cubecraft as of now. Eggwars might return, and FFA still has some people. but sadly the market on YouTube for other modes are smaller. I understand Cube wanting to boost the amount of player they have, and I respect their attempts at doing so. but removing 5v5 will kill the CTF community. If they keep going down this path, the entire competitive player base will dwindle, and cube wont reach anything near what it could have.

I want Cube to succeed. We all do. Our complaints are not out of malice, but out of love for the server. We want cube to be as big as Hypixel, we want to cube to be the biggest server on bedrock. Most of all, we want it to listen to us.

Let get to the final point.

I have a proposal that I hope Cube will accept.

Give us a chance.

Either give us a chance by not removing 5v5, or just postponing the replacement for a while just to see.

Let us keep 5v5 in virtually any form is all we ask.

Give the CVC enough time to run its course on 5v5, allow it to play out. We will ALL make content on it, on Cubecraft, we will play, and we will bring people to the server. And if you see an increase in players, then it all ends well.

But please give us a chance. Learn to trust us. even if you dont immediately, at least listen to whoever is left after the update. Start to listen to the Competitive community. if they can thrive, then then server will thrive as a result.

I promise you.

This is on behalf on everyone who ever played Competitively on Cubecraft, on any gamemode.

Trust your players. and if anything:

Allow us to do this final CvC.
I AGREE 100%
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Kazwa wrote on Lyriie's profile.
autumn themed profile in march :o
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Happy Birthday! 🍌 🎉
Reesle wrote on Swxrz's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳

… and nice pfp! 🌕
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You’re new pfp is so pretty!
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Cool new banner and pfp!
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