Hello today I decided to announce a new suggestion. I play a lot of skywars but I always forget to select my kit. I tought about it and found that a default kit would be useful.
For example:
I have the tank kit and want that to be my default kit, to do that I select in the lobby in the shop menu or in the settings menu default kit and select the tank kit. So if I forget to select my kit it automatically select the tank kit, but what if I want the swordsman kit if my default kit is tank? So I tought when you want the swordsman kit instead of your default kit you just select the kit swordsman in the kit menu.
This should be useful.
What do you think?
For example:
I have the tank kit and want that to be my default kit, to do that I select in the lobby in the shop menu or in the settings menu default kit and select the tank kit. So if I forget to select my kit it automatically select the tank kit, but what if I want the swordsman kit if my default kit is tank? So I tought when you want the swordsman kit instead of your default kit you just select the kit swordsman in the kit menu.
This should be useful.
What do you think?