Hi! If you don't know already this is a series on the forums, called Dissecting Commands! Here I will take super long commands and format them so they become understandable.
First, the obligatory full command:
This command simply gives this item to the nearest player:
Here is the dissected code.
First, the obligatory full command:
/give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:God Sword,Lore:["The best of everything.","\"Mr. Random Crits\" is still better though..."]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:5},{id:19,lvl:2},{id:20,lvl:2},{id:21,lvl:3},{id:34,lvl:3},{id:70,lvl:1}]}
This command simply gives this item to the nearest player:
Here is the dissected code.
@p // give to closest player
diamond_sword // item is Diamond Sword
1 // one item
0 // item has full durablity
{ // start of NBT tags
Name:God Sword, // coustom item name
Lore: // item description
"The best of everything.",
"\"Mr. Random Crits\" is still better though..."
] // end of "Lore:"
}, // end of "display:"
ench: // enchantments
id:16, // Sharpness
lvl:5 // V
id:19, // Knockback
lvl:2 // II
id:20, // Fire Aspect
lvl:2 // II
id:21, // Looting
lvl:3 // III
id:34, // Unbreaking
lvl:3 // III
id:70, // Mending
lvl:1 // I
] // end of "ench:"
} // end of NBT tags
// end of command
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