Recently almost every eggwars game I go to there has been someone flying around breaking everyones eggs. IS there anyway to up the cheat detection on the server to prevent this?
There is an anticheat on the server but i would advise you to have youre recording program open so as soon as you see a hacker press record en report them on the forums :DRecently almost every eggwars game I go to there has been someone flying around breaking everyones eggs. IS there anyway to up the cheat detection on the server to prevent this?
Screenshots will not ban hackers. you need video evidence. Also report here a hacker cubecraft please i want to ban him im mad dude
The server is working on getting a new anti-cheat, don't worry. In the mean time, just record them then report them.Recently almost every eggwars game I go to there has been someone flying around breaking everyones eggs. IS there anyway to up the cheat detection on the server to prevent this?