So, the other day I was playing egg wars in the map underasea and then one of my teammaties placed 10 pressure plates on the bridge to the middle so we could hear the enemy coming, I thought this was a really good strategy so I wanted to try it in another round but then I came to the conclusion I couldn´t find them, anywhere, not in the shop neither in one of the kits, so does anyone know how you can get them?
Byaa, mockingjay! :D
So, the other day I was playing egg wars in the map underasea and then one of my teammaties placed 10 pressure plates on the bridge to the middle so we could hear the enemy coming, I thought this was a really good strategy so I wanted to try it in another round but then I came to the conclusion I couldn´t find them, anywhere, not in the shop neither in one of the kits, so does anyone know how you can get them?
Byaa, mockingjay! :D