Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on EggWars, try to stay on topic!


Novice Member
Jul 25, 2020
As the title reads, eggwars fell off. In september 2022, the devs decided to update (remove) a lot of things in the server. So they deleted the original (but unpopular) solo eggwars. (which I used to grind points). They deleted a TON of OG maps which I'm sure a lot of you all miss. All 10v10, 8v8, 6v6 maps were gone. Eggwars started to look like a cheap copy from the popular bedwars game from hypixel.
Eggwars started out as something different. Hypixel was the bigger server, of course, and they had a gamemode named bedwars, in which teams destroy their opponents bed to eventually win. Eggwars was the same concept, but not with beds but instead with eggs. I loved everything about that gamemode. The strategy, original maps, playing with your friends, risking your life in mid for some diamonds, games that took over an hour to complete, ... I adored it now that I look back on it.
Today I played cubecraft for a long time again. I thought, is the skyblock fixed? Answer is no. Generators are still broken. But hey, I can at least try my other favourite gamemode, eggwars! I tried to select a map, but, they haven't brought back the 10v10's or 6v6's or anything like that, just 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4.
Don't get me started on when I was in a game. Not enjoyable at all. Level 3 iron generators without gold? A completely new, chaotic, shop overlay? 3 things to vote for in the lobby? Getting rushed in 20 seconds when the game starts? Where has the magic of slow, enjoyable eggwars games gone? I don't want iron armour as basic armour, I want my protection 4 leather armour with my ol' trusty 32 iron stone sword. I wanna play half hearts with OP items once again. Not play with netherite armour after 20 minutes into a game and a netherite sword and fireballs!
My point is, cubecraft is trying to save its platform. I see that. But they are doing everything not to do that. I'm a cubecraft OG, playing since 2016. With tears in my eyes I saw it rise and fall. Eggwars was its biggest gamemode and now it's a cheap copy from bedwars and more and more people are going to switch to other servers like hypixel, because hypixel is winning the server race and if you know other servers, like the hive and mineplex, also big competitors of hypixel, they lost. No longer on Java. I don't want cubecraft to say one day: "We're shutting down our java servers due to lack of players".
To be fair, that might be their own mistake for one part. Deleting tower defence (original game), minerware, solo egg, team lucky and team skywars, no more daily events... Cube is digging it's own grave by making their original games, not so original anymore.
I hope this reaches the right audience. I would really like to see the 2nd cubecraft hype again, make the gamemodes come back and fix skyblock.


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2023
United States
Good news! (link)




Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2017
your basement
I used to play Eggwars so much back in the day, but I probably played less than 5 total games in the last 4/5 years give or take.

Also I think the whole rushing part is also partly due to people just having gotten better at the game and not wanting to make every game 30-60 minutes, but I understand where you're coming from.

Finally, I don't understand why they added Bedwars. They already have Eggwars, which is practically the same, but just a bit more unique (which I should tell you came way before Bedwars on Hypixel!!!). It just seems like a desperate attempt to pull in more players.
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