Allowing users to upload videos from their camera roll
Hi there! xysm with another suggestion. Today I would like to explain why I think you should let people upload videos from their camera roll. Why? Well let me tell you why:
Why?? Is this a useless suggestion or what?
No, it is not useless. Now shut up and let me explain. Anyway, why should you be able to upload your camera roll videos? Well, in the situation that somebody is unable to create a video link for reporting rule breakers(whether for online moderation reasons, family restrictions eg overprotective parent or safety concerns)they would only have recorded it in their built in screen recorder for Apple devices. However, the forums do not show any videos once you open up your camera roll, only images. This means, assuming that that person does not have a platform in which they can create a link for the video, they cannot create a successful report. Now, assuming most people do have a form of recording and creating a link(does not include me lol)this wouldn’t be particularly useful, right? However, the part of the community that cannot do this should be enabled to send videos from their camera roll so that they can also carry out successful reports. This way, more people can successfully qualify for helper(if that isn’t too much of a hassle for the admins and sr.mods). Thank you for reading my suggestion! Remember to leave your input below in the replies, either:

Thank you!! And as usual I will put a progress bar here, but WAIT. Something’s off..
Agree - 1
Unsure - 8
Disagree - 5
Until forwarded -

Amount of agrees - 11.7647%
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