I am happy to see this gamemode back after being gone for two years! I like to play it and already ahve some hours in the game. It fits nice in the 'Spooky Month'. The adjustments made after 2 years are great (allowing players to be Ender and to chase the humans.) But this bring the following problem to this gamemode.

The humans are now so easy to kill as a Ender. The Ender can track players down with speed and then stay stalking them untill they die. Looking downwards is not enough as a human. For the Ender it is easy to stand inside a human and kill that player within a couple of seconds. This makes the Ender too OP opposite the other players. This takes the fun and creepy aspect away from the game. Also most of the people that were killed will leave the game. Maybe the Ender isn't too OP, but the humans are too weak!

I would suggest changing some aspects of the game, such as the people who die too easily and leave after. I Listed 2 possible changes/ideas that I would like, below here.

Because people are dying fast in this gamemode and it is hard to collect all the pages. I came up with something: I thought it was a good iedea to bury the players who die, in the graves outside in the cemetery. The players who are still alive can take on a task to bring a dead human back to life. That player will spawn again and can help the other players to collect the remaining pages. A possible quest could be searching for pumpkins in the mansion or collect coal for the torch of the player. Each player can be revived ones a game. This might make the game a bit more complicated but i think this will allow more players to actually play the game. This because the humans have more tasks to do.

Maybe is it a good a idea to reduce the number of pages to collect to '15' so the humans have a change to collect all the pages. In all the games that I played only one game was won by the humans and that's because that player - who had to play the ender - was new to the server and the game.
Please don't hesitate to leave your opinion below and vote for what you think about this suggestion.