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What do you think about this suggestion?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2018
Planet Earth
Hey everyone!
I was thinking to make a suggestion for new Helpers and decided to suggest something unique, which is the acceptance party.

What is "Helper Acceptance Party"?
A party which is hosted in Discord by the Helper Recruitment team to announce every new Helper and congratulate them with the community. Basically, they'll create a voice channel for it and then make it locked, so nobody joins it by accident or to chat at anytime. Secondly, they will have to disable everyone's voice microphone, as it helps them to talk easier and helps the community to understand better. The party will be scheduled by the team and will happen every x day. Before it starts, the staff team will be announcing in #announcements telling everyone to join the Helper-Acceptance-Party voice channel and the channel will be unlocked, everyone should be able to join the voice channel but nobody is able to talk except the Helper Recruitment Team members. Once everyone joins, a new Text Channel will appear to whoever joined which can give everyone a chance to congratulate new Helpers and/or talk to each other during the party. Nobody is allowed to communicate verbally except the Helper Recruitment Team. The team will not start the party until the next 10 minutes after announcing the party in #announcements. One of the Recruitment Team members will welcome everyone and thank them for joining the party, then they'll explain what are they gonna do in the party and the community in this case just has to listen and welcome all new Helpers in the text channel made for them. It's okay if Helpers cannot be in the party but they will get their Helper role anyways so no worries.
Note that this party will only happen once every month or 2 months.

Who is gonna announce new Helpers?
The Helper Recruitment Team members.

How do they announce new Helpers?
Of course the team will not instantly announce the new Helpers. Instead, they'll be talking to the community for few minutes and then start the party. They can add more interesting events during the party. After announcing every new Helper, as an example, they can ask questions or do many things just to make the party feel longer and give the community a chance to enjoy their time. They'll give us information about every Helper (Where are they from, what do they like to do in their free time, their hobbies... Etc) and the main idea from that is to get to know them better. Before all that, one of the Recruitment Team members will private message the new Helper in forums telling them that there is a party hosted in x day & x time and ask them some questions so they can share the answers in the acceptance party.

What is gonna happen if not so many players succeed?
The Helper Recruitment Team will not host any parties without getting up to 3 Helpers accepted during their whole process. The more time it takes for players to succeed in their process, the more time it takes for the party to happen. Community members love to be in long parties and not short ones because nobody wants a party that takes 2 minutes long maximum just because the server got only 1 new Helper during the month. It will be organized instead, and all Helpers will be announced one time together and will get their Helper role once the party ends. If only 1 player passed all the process and nobody else passed the Helper process for the next few weeks, then no worries. The team will announce that person anyways because it's not their fault to wait all the time just because nobody was accepted to Helper still.

Why only staff are able to communicate verbally during the party?
Due to the amount of members in the server, and the amount of people will be able to join the party. To keep the equality between staff and community, I decided to suggest a new text channel for the community to chat there and welcome all the new Helpers there. The text channel will appear once they join the party and will disappear when they leave the voice channel.

Honestly, I felt like this idea will not go well but I decided to give it a try and see if it really goes well or not.

What do you think about my suggestion? Was it good enough? Give me your opinion about it so we can improve the server together! :)

Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2018
Planet Earth
Will this bring players closer to staff members?
Yes, this will strengthen the connection between staff and the community, as well as new Helpers will feel more welcomed and loved by the community. Also, this will be an addition to the Helper process. After being accepted in the interview as well they'll be announced in the party in front of everyone and community members will be more encouraged to apply for staff in the future.

Deleted member 373055

Yes, this will strengthen the connection between staff and the community, as well as new Helpers will feel more welcomed and loved by the community. Also, this will be an addition to the Helper process. After being accepted in the interview as well they'll be announced in the party in front of everyone and community members will be more encouraged to apply for staff in the future.
I am afraid I have to agree with @Bruni, as it is a lot of work unfortunately, and the result would not be very big.

I would still like it though as it will bring players closer to staff, so I think that is a great idea that should be spread. I see Keanu liked the reply of Bruni, but especially Keanu is a helper I do not find often in a call playing together with players, although he is a very good helper. So I think we should bring staff members closer to players, but in another ways.

And it is a very good thread after all.
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