rub your body seductively with soap, etc..)
DeecentI sing in the shower consistently, sometimes I don't realise I'm even doing it. However I sing all sorts of songs in the shower mostly The Vamps, Ariana Grande, Ella Henderson and Ed Sheeran.
Cubecraft theme song l0l, maybe one day ;) And linking park Numb is a good juanCubeCraft theme s.... Wait, there isnt a team song for CubeCraft :( But nah I usally dont sing in the shower, and when I do (well its not sining) I (try to) sing the songs from Linking Park, yes I like their music ^^
Of course rubbing with soap ;) sometimes I'll do that to a real slow song, as for captains all not feelin'it bruh
Lol pretty much, how could I forgot that one
You are my homie.