Hello! I don't even know why I'm doing this but I'd like to recommend a few video games that are my favourite to people who are new to the games other than Minecraft. I'll do a Top 3 list of the few games that I like a lot, most of them are going to fit your needs just fine, if you need a good story, maybe some high action packed stuff, or you want to get frightened and if you're a Stealth Bastard (Deluxe).
Number 3 -
Borderlands 1-2
I know, this game doesn't have that stealth feeling, but if you're simply a Rambo type or just want to have fun with the psychos around you, then this game fits you perfectly! With over bazillions of guns, unique characters, amazing art style, this game got the 5th place in my Top 5 list. I mean seriously, which other game has over bazillion guns?! From pistols to snipers... With different stats and elements. Also, did I mention guns too? (Multi-player features: Co-op)
Number 2 -
Splinter Cell Franchise
For the ones who are Stealth Bastard (Deluxe)'s, and the book worms who love a good story. With the amazing but different voicing of Sam Fisher (The guy with the 5 eyes.), new ways to defeat your enemies, have some good time with the co-op and famous Spies VS. Mercenaries, this game fits my needs pretty damn well. I specially liked Sam's dialogs with Kobin.
With all these features it got into the 4th place on my Top 5 list.
Number 1 -
Guns Of Icarus
Most of you probably haven't even heard the name Icarus before, well let me tell you as a little fact, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned. -Wikipedia. Now, if we're done with the history lesson lets get to the game, warning: This game doesn't contain a single player mode other than tutorial. First of all, buy this game, then come back and read this. Ok, if you've bought it now I can tell a few things about it, this game has done something that no games has ever done before. I don't know where to start from, how good the controls are, how good the game play is like, how well designed the ships are (Maybe zeppelin/airship.), how good the atmosphere is. Well I have started in a way, those are some facts that you should know, now I'll talk about the actual game.
This ship is an example of what you'll see in the game play, you'll be flying airships, exploding airships, boarding airships (Well not boarding but it would be a nice feature.), engineering airships, customizing airships, airshipping airships if that made any sense, using badass weapons. (I want to go harpoon sometimes. -SGTkuzey 2013 @jinjo90 )
I'll add 2 more games to this post soon.
Number 3 -
Borderlands 1-2

I know, this game doesn't have that stealth feeling, but if you're simply a Rambo type or just want to have fun with the psychos around you, then this game fits you perfectly! With over bazillions of guns, unique characters, amazing art style, this game got the 5th place in my Top 5 list. I mean seriously, which other game has over bazillion guns?! From pistols to snipers... With different stats and elements. Also, did I mention guns too? (Multi-player features: Co-op)
Number 2 -
Splinter Cell Franchise

For the ones who are Stealth Bastard (Deluxe)'s, and the book worms who love a good story. With the amazing but different voicing of Sam Fisher (The guy with the 5 eyes.), new ways to defeat your enemies, have some good time with the co-op and famous Spies VS. Mercenaries, this game fits my needs pretty damn well. I specially liked Sam's dialogs with Kobin.

With all these features it got into the 4th place on my Top 5 list.
Number 1 -
Guns Of Icarus

Most of you probably haven't even heard the name Icarus before, well let me tell you as a little fact, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned. -Wikipedia. Now, if we're done with the history lesson lets get to the game, warning: This game doesn't contain a single player mode other than tutorial. First of all, buy this game, then come back and read this. Ok, if you've bought it now I can tell a few things about it, this game has done something that no games has ever done before. I don't know where to start from, how good the controls are, how good the game play is like, how well designed the ships are (Maybe zeppelin/airship.), how good the atmosphere is. Well I have started in a way, those are some facts that you should know, now I'll talk about the actual game.
This ship is an example of what you'll see in the game play, you'll be flying airships, exploding airships, boarding airships (Well not boarding but it would be a nice feature.), engineering airships, customizing airships, airshipping airships if that made any sense, using badass weapons. (I want to go harpoon sometimes. -SGTkuzey 2013 @jinjo90 )
I'll add 2 more games to this post soon.