(idk how this is for bedrock, if the issue is the same please LMK)
Hi! Quick suggestion: If you join an FFA lobby and select your kit, the inventory is sorted automatically. Most of the time, this is not how you personally want your inventory sorted, which causes you to spend the first 10 seconds of your FFA time to resort your inventory. Not a problem, but if you are as bad as me, it counts up pretty badly
Therefore, I would like to suggest Inventory Memory. When you join with a kit, it will give you the inventory set-up you had the last time you played with that kit. If I go archer kit, I would like my sword to be in slot 2, my arrows in slot 9, my crossbow in slot 3 and my bow in my off-hand slot. It would be nice to have something like this that it keeps it as you had it last time.
Alternatively, you could also have a setting button to make a set-up. This menu could be added when choosing a spawn for example, or even further back, in the main lobby. Whatever is easiest to develop I suppose. Let me know what you think!

Hi! Quick suggestion: If you join an FFA lobby and select your kit, the inventory is sorted automatically. Most of the time, this is not how you personally want your inventory sorted, which causes you to spend the first 10 seconds of your FFA time to resort your inventory. Not a problem, but if you are as bad as me, it counts up pretty badly

Therefore, I would like to suggest Inventory Memory. When you join with a kit, it will give you the inventory set-up you had the last time you played with that kit. If I go archer kit, I would like my sword to be in slot 2, my arrows in slot 9, my crossbow in slot 3 and my bow in my off-hand slot. It would be nice to have something like this that it keeps it as you had it last time.
Alternatively, you could also have a setting button to make a set-up. This menu could be added when choosing a spawn for example, or even further back, in the main lobby. Whatever is easiest to develop I suppose. Let me know what you think!