Hello people of cube craft! My name is Luzario_, and I just want to talk about teamers today.
So I just started back playing sky wars and I was shocked at how many teamers they were. Every game AT LEAST at 1 team (I always play on solo because I always get let down by team mates LOL). I see a lot of people trying to come up with ideas on how to stop teamers, and lets be honest here, I don't think any system can stop teamers. You see people talking about if you're in a party, you'll be spawned away from each other? What about people teaming mid-game?
I don't mind teamers, I can 2v1 any day. But its just frustrating 2v1ing every game. The best you can do is report them teaming, but I don't have a recording software at the time :confused1:. As I said, I don't mind 2v1ing, and today I rekted 2 pairs of teams xD, here is what happened.
Team 1: The two people were on a island, I was on the island beside. When I was coming in I hit the guy bridging to me, he survived and ran to his team mate, but when he got to the end of the bridge he walked off (lmao), then the next guy was bow spamming at me, all I had to do is keep walking towards him and he would walk back, then we walked off the edge...
Team 2: I was bridging to the other island and there was a team there. They ran inside the island and started camping. Then I came up with a idea. I dug a hole and placed lava, and you should know what happened next :cool: