Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.
Hello CubeCrafters,

Today we've released a new friends system.

This friend system will allow you to add/remove friends and keep a friends list with users of our server network.

Its current functionality is to show you if they are online, as well as showing server messages when they join/leave if you have them as a friend.

Since we have been working on this for a short time, we are still at the beginning, thats the only thing it features at the moment, further updates will allow you to see what servers they are in when logged in (say they are in creative for example), allow you to have parties with people in your friends list, which will allow you to join a match (e.g. skywars) with all your friends at once, and will eventually in the future feature more fancy functionality, like a cross-server chat for your friends group and more.

We look forward to making this much more in-depth and fun of a system then it is now, but even with just its current functionality it is quite cool to have.

We also realized we are late to jump on the bandwagon with these systems, this is due to development of new mini games and servers has always been higher on our priority list then something like a friend system. :)

The friends system works perfectly fine even when offline. You can send a friend request to players that are not online, and they will be able to accept it the next time they log in.

The friend system is available via the /friend command.

As a last note, I would like to mention the friends system does have a friend limit to prevent abuse or spam, donator classes cause this limit to be raised, as the chances of actual abuse of any part of the server by a donator is much less likely then with a casual player, below is the list.

- Stone: 10 friends
- Iron: 20 friends.
- Lapiz: 30 friends.
- Gold: 40 friends.
- Diamond: 50 friends.
- Emerald: 60 friends.
- Obsidian: 70 friends.

If you have further suggestions feel free to post them in the replies to this thread, and I will try to read trough them all.

Otherwise have fun playing! :)

- halothe23 & rubik_cube_man

UPDATE: Now you can view what servers your friends are on (e.g. creative) by doing /friend find <username>
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Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2014
It doesnt work properly :(
I sent a friend request to someone and he accepted it
But it says there's an error
Now we're not friends, but I cant send another request O_o


Forum Expert
Feb 24, 2014
on an adventure
Along with being able to view what server your friends are on whilst online, I think we should have a feature that tells us the last server our friend was logged on, and/or the date once they have logged off and are offline.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2014
If it is possible, I would like to see a /msg to anyone on your friends list even if they are not in the same lobby as you. This would make it easier to communicate with each other. :)

-No Hate just a suggestion :)


Forum Expert
Dec 28, 2013
Hello CubeCrafters,

Since we have been working on this for a short time, we are still at the beginning, thats the only thing it features at the moment, further updates will allow you to see what servers they are in when logged in (say they are in creative for example), allow you to have parties with people in your friends list, which will allow you to join a match (e.g. skywars) with all your friends at once, and will eventually in the future feature more fancy functionality, like a cross-server chat for your friends group and more.
If it is possible, I would like to see a /msg to anyone on your friends list even if they are not in the same lobby as you. This would make it easier to communicate with each other. :)

-No Hate just a suggestion :)
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Good job!
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Thx for the follow 😊😅
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